It has been said many times before that the Vatican is preparing to declare to the world that they are going to start preparing for Alien contact….And the evidence is building up to this being a very true story!
There is a rumour going round at the moment that the Vatican/Pope is about to announce to the world on the 5th June 2015, that they are preparing for Alien contact, but how true this is, is a completely different question!?
The Catholic church has been pondering over whether there indeed is a far more technologically and intellectually advanced sentient species elsewhere in the galaxy?! Pope Francis believes apparently believes so and according to rumour on June 5th he will not only announce his intentions to prepare the human race for ET contact, BUT he will (according to many rumours) denounce the international corporate capitalist system, that is currently contaminating the planet with toxic consciousness and greed and making us all slaves to the dollar!
One of the many images from the past which shows the connection between religion and Aliens
The Vatican’s Astronomer
More evidence building up towards the Vatican’s acceptance of aliens was when the president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation confirmed that it is only a matter of time before alien life forms are discovered, which will pave the way to questions about God’s relationship to intelligent beings outside our planet.
Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno speculated that the general public will not be too surprised when life on other planets is eventually discovered, and will react in much the same way it did when news broke in the ’90s that there are other planets orbiting far off stars.
Consolmagno, who is a leading planetary scientist who has studied meteorites and asteroids as an astronomer with the Vatican Observatory since 1993, told Catholic News Service that discovery of alien life will not prove or disprove the existence of God, but will pave the way to questions on salvation and how it relates to intelligent species.
Consolmagno also argued that there is no conflict between science and religion, and that both fields can complement each other….something which goes against many extreme religious folks views!
The Vaticans Astronomer believes religion and Aliens can work together!
“Eventually you learn that the kinds of questions you ask as a scientist and the kinds of answers you get as a scientist are only the kinds of questions that lead to more questions. They’re all very contingent. Now I understand how this works, but that opens up a new mystery that I hadn’t seen before and now I can explore that mystery,” Consolmagno said.
“The bigger questions, the religious questions, they’re handled by science. The religious questions give you the framework that gives you the motivation to ask the science questions, gives you the confidence the science is going to work and explains to you why I get this excitement at holding a rock from outer space.”
Back in May, Roman Catholic Church leader Pope Francis mentioned alien life forms in one of his sermons, and suggested that even Martian’s, should they visit Earth, would be welcomed to be baptized.
“If, for example, tomorrow an expedition of Martian’s came, and some of them came to us, here … Martians, right? Green, with that long nose and big ears, just like children paint them. … And one says, ‘But I want to be baptized!’ What would happen?” Francis asked.
According to constitutional and public interest lawyer and educator Daniel Sheehan, the Catholic Church is actively preparing for the discovery of and contact with a highly advanced sentient alien species. He spoke today at Contact in the Desert 2015, a landmark UFO conference in Joshua Tree in Southern California, where he described what will be a historic papal encyclical decree calling for nothing less than the disassembly of the power structures that are destroying our civilization and preventing us from joining an enlightened galactic partnership.
Sheehan’s speech started with a summary of his work as a people’s advocate for alien disclosure that has included access to classified sections from Project Bluebook, which supposedly contains photographic evidence of a downed craft with alien symbols.
Sheehan went on to describe how Pope Francis wants to avoid the kind of chaos that engulfed the Catholic Church during the time of Galileo when it was revealed Earth is not the centre of the Universe. For the next major shift in human consciousness, he wants to position the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order to integrate the reality of alien existence as well as the evolution of a 6th faculty of human consciousness.
This 6th faculty will constitute a new form of religion and a new form of contact between humans and advanced telepathic aliens!
Some believed that the previous Pope was going to confirm the Vatican’s knowledge of Aliens.
Daniel Sheehan, constitutional and public interest lawyer, believes that the Catholic Church is now a 100% actively preparing for the discovery and contact with a highly advanced Alien species.
Mr Sheehan recently spoke at
‘Contact in the Desert 2015′, which is a landmark UFO conference in Joshua Tree in Southern California, where Daniel described what will be a historic papal encyclical decree calling for nothing less than the disassembly of the power structures that are destroying our civilization and preventing us from joining an enlightened galactic partnership…..A man who appears to share the opinion of many Truth Seekers around the world!
Daniel Sheehan at the ‘Contact in The Desert’ Event.
Sheehan’s speech started with a summary of his work as a people’s advocate for alien disclosure that has included access to classified sections from Project Bluebook, which supposedly contains photographic evidence of a downed craft with alien symbols.
Most importantly Mr Sheehan went on to explain how Pope Francis wants to avoid the kind of chaos that engulfed the Catholic Church during the time of Galileo when it was revealed Earth is not the centre of the Universe. For the next major shift in human consciousness, he wants to position the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order to integrate the reality of alien existence as well as the evolution of a 6th faculty of human consciousness…..Times are changing for religion and the acceptance of Aliens, and it is the leaders of each religion that have a responsibility to help educate the masses before ‘Disclosure Day’