Bob Lazar and the truth about a secret UFO base at Papoose Lake Saturday, September 24, 2022 alien-ufo base area 51 area 51-S4 secret underground bases +
Giant Frozen Alien Discovered Near The Top Of Mount Adams Thursday, July 20, 2017 2017 alien-ufo base aliens extraterrestrials human giants humanoids mount adams supernatural beings UFO +
Google Earth blacked out secret UFO base at mountain peak of the Himalayas? Friday, January 29, 2016 2016 Aksai Chin alien-ufo base aliens extraterrestrials kongka la pass Ladakh Lazai secret underground bases UFO +
There is a Giant Square Structure Hidden on the Moon Friday, October 03, 2014 2014 alien base moon alien-ufo base aliens Ancient ancient civilization hollow moon moon anomalies +
Two Alien Bases On Saturn Moon Titan - May 12, 2014 Monday, May 12, 2014 2014 alien-ufo base aliens cassini spacecraft extraterrestrial life extraterrestrials life in space Moon Titan planets space anomalies +
NASA Conspiracy - UFO Encounters in Space and Alien Structures on the Moon Wednesday, March 05, 2014 2014 alien-ufo base aliens extraterrestrial life extraterrestrials moon anomalies NASA nasa ufo videos UFO ufo and alien disclosure ufo videos 2014 +
UFOs fly out of a black hole in Lake Aksayqin Hu near Kongka La Pass? Friday, February 28, 2014 2014 alien-ufo base aliens extraterrestrial life extraterrestrials kongka la pass Konka La Ladakh UFO ufo videos 2014 +
ET Shot At Fort Dix says former Air Force Intelligence Officer George Filer Sunday, November 03, 2013 2013 alien alien encounter alien-ufo base aliens extraterrestrial life extraterrestrials UFO ufo and alien disclosure +
New Released NASA Photo Shows Tower On The Moon - July 22, 2013 Monday, July 22, 2013 2013 alien technology alien-ufo base aliens Ancient ancient history Moon moon anomalies Space +
The U.S. Army's Top Secret Arctic City Under the Ice! "Camp Century" Restored Declassified Film Friday, June 28, 2013 2013 alien disclosure alien-ufo base antarctica Camp Century film documentaries mystery nuclear weapons UFO weather manipulation +