Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dry At Last!!

Our house finally has tarpaper on the roof, and windows to prevent the daily rains from getting in. Many of the boards have not been dry for over 3 weeks. We would sweep/scoop the water (30 gallons+) out all morning, just to have the afternoon monsoon rain come down and bring it all back in. I have been sleeping somewhat better now. We never quit praying for rain, although somedays I would pray that it would hold off an hour more so we could finish the chimney, or sheeting. We have had so many problems with the roof (framers) that it is unreal!


Heidi said...

The house looks like it is really coming along! Jefferson -- do you want to come and sweep my house?

Lindy said...

Everyone has such mixed feelings about the rain, don't they? Here's hoping that you're able to make the progress you need to. Thanks for keeping us posted!

aki said...

How is the mansion construction coming folks? Let me know when can I come and install the beautiful granite.