Friday, August 31, 2007


RV 38 SJ 0

Greetings from Satchel

I'm teething so I like to chew on anything in the vicinity; on this particular day, I was loving these matchbox cars. Just wanted to say 'hi' and give a shout out to my cousin-who's-a-fetus. Can't wait to meet you! Don't worry, I'll show you the ropes…you know, it wasn't that long ago that I was exactly where you are (well, not exactly, different mom, but you know what I mean). But I will give you one tip—the first thing you need to know is, if you want to keep your cheeks, DON'T let that Grandpa Barry guy get near you.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Help Wanted

Hey everybody, greetings from Oklahoma. I need some help figuring out a riddle that a friend showed me on another blog, and am wondering if any of you can help me out... Here's the link:

If you figure out the answer, please tell me. Also, don't tell anyone else the answer--just tell them to check out the family blog so they can have fun figuring out the answer. Thanks! I'll write more later.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy 30 something Brady!

Hope you had a great day yesterday.

I stole these photos - they are the ones we see on the internet with your work.
Give us an update on your latest when you get a chance .

Hot Time in Tooele

We had a birthday party for Heidi & Lindy at Lindy house Sunday. We had a great time. As an added bonus Mom received a belated Mothers Day gift & Sym received a belated birthday present.

Symonie made a tasty chocolate cake and Lindy & Heidi blew out the candles with the help of Will, Barry & Nina.

P.S. Mom is smelling some lotion that smells just like lemon frosting.

The First Day of School

It was the first day of school here in happy valley -- here are the kids headed out the door.

And WIll & Barry giving each other a kiss to say "hooray, they are gone!".

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Feliz CumpleaƱos to Kate, too!

The birthday marathon continues...Kate, I put your (and Brady's) card in the mail today. Just wanted to let you know we're thinking about you guys. [For some reason, I seem to have only sideview shots of you. . .I really need more photos of the Udall wives. . . we've got slim pickins here.]

Finn and siblings, be extra nice to your parents on their birthdays. We miss you guys! Hope school is going well for you, and everyone else, for that matter.


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Stella! Happy Birthday to you!!!" Happy 12th birthday! We're so happy for you! Have fun in Young Womens tomarrow!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday was Heidi (and Lindy's) birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you so much and appriciate all that you do for me and the fam! I hope you had a good day! And a good cake too! Love ya!

Here's a pic of the very last piece of German Chocolate Cake! Mmm-Mmm good!

Happy Birthday to Heidi!

Thanks, Cam. I was going to do a birthday post for Heidi, but then thought it would be dumb since it's my birthday too. Plus, I really just wanted to see if anyone else would mention it, if you really love us. :)

So, here you go: pictures of Heidi and of me. (In my black-and-white one, I'm yelling at Kate while we were in San Francisco…no idea why I was yelling at her. Sometimes she just does that to me.)

I had a good birthday. Normal, average, regular day, but good, and then last night my friend Stormy came and brought a cake, so we had cake and ice cream, and Aki welcomed me to the world of being 30 by giving me a flower, card, and gift card to an ice cream place (he knows me well!), and Stormy gave me some really nice baking and sewing supplies to further my mothering career. (sorry for the run-on)

From what I hear, Heidi had a normal-but-good day too. She made herself a cake. Love you, Heidi.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ummm, I don't know who is going to do a cool birthday post for Lindy, but I will!! If I had some pictures of you, I would post those like you have to commemorate your other siblings! Just do one for yourself how about, and on the post, say "We love you so much, Lindy!!" on all of our behalf.

Also, I'll let you or Alli find great photos of Heidi and post them for her birthday!!!!! Happy Birthday, Heidi Ho!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Does anyone else remember these?

Last night I was looking for an old lunch box for a project, and found these pictures on ebay. Looking at these was like a trip down memory lane for me. Mom, are the remnants of our "Tupperware Pak-n-Carry" lunchboxes still in your cupboards somewhere? You could get $20 for them on ebay!

P.S. The one thing I never understood about this product was carrying it. Holding the handle was uncomfortable because the straps were pulling it so tight. . .I just remember it hurting my knuckles.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Darlin' Boys

Estella had to finish her pedigree chart for her Faith in God. (She leaves primary this week and has to report to the bishop.) In looking for the information, she came across some really old photos. This is my favorite. (Love the frappe' mustaches.)

Sleepovers and Cupcakes

Lily and I slept over at Lindy's for the weekend! We're having so much fun! Today we're gonna go swimming. Anyways, yesterday was so much fun! Someone gave Lindy a Red Velvet cupcake mix from Sprinkles, the famous bakery in Beverly Hills. So after church when Lindy's friend, Chantelle came over, we made those and then Chantelle taught us how to make homemade bread. It was awesome. The cupcakes had SO much food coloring in them. But they were still yummy! Here's some pics of us making bread and the cupcakes!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

oh, the cute pups

I put the pictures of Satchel on, but here's another photo that you will all enjoy.

shock & AHHH

Here are three boys in graduating levels of shock. My kids laugh so hard when they look at the picture of Brady! :)
-- Heidi

Thursday, August 16, 2007

When can we do San Francisco again?

Funny because the same day I saw you had posted the San Francisco picture, Lindy, I had earlier that day thought "I wish we could do a trip to San Francisco again since I'm in the U.S.!" I've never been there and spent time. I don't know why I thought of your trip there. Probably because Southwest flies there now from San Diego. I like the cute photo with Will & Pearl, too!

Happy we could put Mom and Dad's wedding photo (that we finally got off the dusty top of a shelf!) to good use, even if they don't ever see it on the blog. (Okay, what are we going to call this instead of blog?)

Something weird--every time I scroll down past the "Funaki 4th activities" entry, my computer completely shuts down. And then it says it has to recover from a serious error. Could it be because I shouldn't see what they're eating in the video? :) :) (During the 3-week detox when I was really hungry, I sometimes thought about getting to go to a Funaki family activity and eating really good food!)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Where in the world are Mom/Gma and Dad/Gpa?

I'll give $5 (big money, I know) to whoever can get Mom and Dad to register and actually get on the site and at least leave a comment. Allison, are you up for the challenge? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm missing their input here (along with Keegan's and Brady's fam--but they'll come along shortly, I believe). Alli, while you're at it, show Grandma how to get photos off the blog so she can save them and print them later—I know she was wondering how to do that.

P.S. Mom, I realize you're busy and don't get much time for personal computer use while in your office. Perhaps when you get a minute to check your e-mail, you can check the blog too—at least to see pictures of your cute posterity!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Where in the World is Camie Sandiego?

When we got back to San Diego we were happy to finally find an apartment that lets us rent month to month instead of signing a lease. But it was unfurnished, of course. We got all the apartment paperwork done late that night and then that same night made a big run for a mattress and couches that we found on craigslist. We got them moved into our apt. around midnight, and then, since we had no sheets, covered our mattress in clothes to sleep on! The next day I did more shopping than I had in the previous 10 years of my life to get things we need, and Tommy cleaned the really dirty apartment. I found great sheets for 3 dollars at the local thrift shop. The San Diego adventure just keeps getting better and better. :)

The picture of Tommy and his private parking space was taken just a couple blocks from the hospital where he was born near L.A.!

Hike cont...

Here are two more pictures I wanted to add that's why I hadn't finished the earlier post

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dry At Last!!

Our house finally has tarpaper on the roof, and windows to prevent the daily rains from getting in. Many of the boards have not been dry for over 3 weeks. We would sweep/scoop the water (30 gallons+) out all morning, just to have the afternoon monsoon rain come down and bring it all back in. I have been sleeping somewhat better now. We never quit praying for rain, although somedays I would pray that it would hold off an hour more so we could finish the chimney, or sheeting. We have had so many problems with the roof (framers) that it is unreal!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Mom/Gma & Dad/Gpa made a trip to Teasdale to see Brady, Kate and kids -- Cord decided to hitch a ride. While there the boys went on a hike -- isn't it beautiful!

(This was actually posted by Heidi, but something happened to it, so I'm reposting it).

Happy Birthday to Boomer

Everyone remember to send birthday greetings to Boomer today! I think he's what, 34 or something like that? And according to Alli, he's losing weight, so that's good, I guess. What are the b-day plans, Boomer?

We LOVE you, Boomer!! Have a wonderful day. We're thinking of you.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Grandma at a pool party

R.K.'s family had their monthly birthday party and invited Grandma Udall over. It's good to see her face again, isn't it (well, for those people who haven't seen her in awhile)? This picture is from Mindy's blog (look in the right-hand margin on this page for a link to Mindy's site).

Hmmm . . .

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Home Run Record Broken!

During last nights baseball game in San Fransisco, Barry Bonds broke the record for most home runs!!! 756 of them. Our whole family was so, so happy and excited! GO BARRY!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Have You Ever Seen Such Cute Boys???

Aren't they adorable??? My mom and dad were messing around with the camera, and took some pretty cute pics!!! The first picture is of Will and Barry watching they're beloved Power Rangers show. (Which they watch about 10 times a day.) The next two pictures are of Barry on our back porch. Cute huh?

July 28th was a special day!

Not only was it 2 uncles' birthday, it was the day JACKSON was BAPTIZED! He looked so excited! Uncle Boomer held him under the water extra long to make sure "every c_____ and crevice" got clean. (It was quite funny and stressful at the same time :) - Boomer you are one in a million) Jackson we are so proud of you!!!!!

Afterwards we went out to Rosa's for dinner - celebrating Uncle Keegan's birthday too! Nothing like great mexican food to top off a great day!!!
PS I'm sorry for posting this, Boomer, but when I downloaded pictures, I just couldn't resist. Have you ever seen such a handsome father and son?
PSS This dang blog sure does filter. Fill in the blank