Showing posts with label training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label training. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

Bangkok Bayan Tree Hotel Vertical Run

My friends has just registered us to the 61st Floors Bangkok Bayan Tree Hotel Climb on Oct 6th 2013 yesterday night. So Bangkok here i come again... the vertical run is a team of 4 person. Total steps to achieve is 1093 so each of us have to climb 273 steps. It's equivalent of Batu Cave Steps. So, I found the training ground for my vertical run.

The venue

The Training Ground

Looking forward for the run in Bangkok...

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The 三点三 originated from Hong Kong as the Hong Kong People take their afternoon tea break @  3:15pm.  I have been in the training since Monday and we have our tea break @ 3:15pm everyday too for 10 mins. It's not enough time to get some food from the cafeteria downstair.

One of my colleague said she wanna to get the Jagung (sweet corn) from the cafeteria.

Petronas Twin Tower
Colleague A: i'm going to buy Jagung from cafeteria now.

Me: Oh you are going to buy Petronas Twin Tower and eat it.

Colleague A: i only will get one jagung.

Me: Make it two so that i can officially announce you bought and ate Petronas Twin Tower.
Colleague A: you are bored hor... start talking none sense.

Colleague B: So anyone wants to eat Berjaya Time Square?
Colleague C: What do you mean eat Berjaya Time Square? how to eat Berjaya Time Square?
Colleague B: hahaha... if TZ said Jagung = Petronas Twin Tower. Then brownie = Berjaya Time Square.
Colleague C: hmmm... yummy~ Let's buy and eat Berjaya Time Square.
Me : Wow~ all of you learnt fast eh~ Anyone want KL tower?

Colleague A, B, C: What is KL tower?
Me : Guess...

Anyway, any of you know the answer? what food when you eat i could said "you are eating KL Tower"? ...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

TZ is in Penang

TZ is in Penang now. For what purpose? Nope not for vacation, not for searching food to eat, not for visiting relative and friends... So what is TZ doing in Penang?

Hehehe... this trip to Penang is to attend CSCP pre-examination course. As i mentioned earlier, my CSCP exam is coming on this December 12th 2009. My lecturer has offered me a free course on CSCP pre-exam course. Unfortunately, the course is not in Kuala Lumpur but it's in Penang. Since i have place to stay in Penang... my aunty place. I just accepted the offer immediately on two Sunday ago. I left KL on Sunday evening... missed Anton's cooking on Sunday night gathering ... Sigh~

How's the course? It's a nice preparation course. Very organized, step by step... Hopefully this will help me more on my study for CSCP certification on this coming December 12th 2009. Anyway, gotta hit the bed now. Need to go to class tomorrow. Ciao...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Busy attending SAP ABAP training

I'm in the SAP ABAP training since Monday.... I woke up early in the morning @ about 6 something just to beat the traffic... the journey from my place to Technology Park Malaysia (TPM) is about an hour with the morning traffic. I need to buffer for 15 mins walk from the carpark to the main building. So, it's as good as going to work eh!

BTW, the training starts @ 9am and ends @ 5-5:30pm with only an hour lunch. So, is this working hours or what? Anyway, i'm glad i enroll to this training... It's a good training for my future career. hehehe....  

I would not be able to update my blog as frequent as what i did... this training required me to spend about 4 hours a day for reading and assignment outside the class...  which i only did 1~2 hours ... sigh~ sigh~ sigh~ 

Okie, gotta go now.... have to get ready to go for my 3rd day of training... cheers! :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Last PT Session

Today will be my last Personal Training (PT) session after 6 months+... I don't know whether i should continue to sign up another 30 sessions. I better think of a new goal before i continue. Set a tougher and challenging goal for myself and my future Personal Trainer... :-p

The 30 sessions will take another 4-5 months. I'm still don't know whether i would be working in KL or leave Malaysia for another country. The sessions could not be transfered even i would like to give it to someone... :-( I would be able to use for 1-2 months maybe 3 months before i got my next job. So should i signed up for another 30 sessions? I'm still wanna to beef myself up further so that i could have a nice bi-cep and tricep of course also chest and back :->

Anyway, let me finish my last session this evening @ FF-Summit. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Give and take ... :-> What a busy day...

I enjoyed my training for the last two days. Learnt new concept on the human dynamic. Trying to explore myself but i'm still not sure which group of the dynamic that i belongs to... :-( Anyway, according to the instructor, we still have another 2 days to find out. She also mentioned that some of the past participants only realize few months later after the training. I hope i'm not belong to this group ... hehehe... :->

Anyway, training followed by vacation is a no-no for future plan. This combination has really killed me. I have to work extra hour to accomplish my assignment so that i would not be the gating factor. With the short four days plus whole day training, you could imagine how much extra hours that i need to work. How much? yet to calculate ... hehehe...

I don't mind as it is actually a give and take... My company organized this training which not only benefit me on the workplace but also my life outside the company... why i would say so is that it will help me to understand and appreciate others dynamic. Provided i have mastered some level of understanding on human dynamic.

I started the day with 0730am meeting and will end the day with 12:30am midnite after i completed one meeting and a couples of email that need my attention. BTW, i need to send out the presentation for tomorrow morning meeting... :'(

No matter how busy i am, there is one thing i would not give away unless i have no choice. Guess what is it? Bingo, you are right, my gym session. I need gym to release my whole day stress so that i could proceed with a new day tomorrow. I attended NOR Step class as usual. Today class is moderate maybe she knew i'm tired "Wink ;-p"

Monday, April 9, 2007

Are you a Emotional Physical or Physical Emotional?

I have waited for this training since my last job @ Sony. If you have attended the training before from the title of my blog. You should be able to figure out what training that i attending for this 4 days.

I'm attending the Human Dynamic training from Mon-Thurs (Msia). This training will help you to explore your personality and lies within yourself. From this you would be able to also understand others personality. This will really help you to work with others early and avoiding some unncessary conflict. The 1st day of the training that i attended today is mainly of giving some concept of what is human Dynamic etc.

The time that you need to invest is quite taxing as there are no laptop, no sneaking out for meeting etc. This has made me busier than usual to cope up with my work after the training.
Anyway, three more days to go. I hope to get to know myself in depth after the training. hehehe... :->