Showing posts with label joke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joke. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Coffee Luwak - The Poo Coffee

Anyone has Coffee Luwak (Poo Coffee) before? This coffee claimed to be the most expensive coffee in the world.

One evening i saw my FB friend (Mr.D) check in at Starbie @ Jakarta. So i dropped him a comment...

Mr. D was at Starbucks Indonesia


So i clicked on LIKE and place my comment, 1/2 hr later i gotten the response from my friend. 

My comment: Do they serve coffee luwak?
Mr.D's comment: Toilet under repair

I was laughing and told my other friend about this joke... Imagine the coffee fresh brew from the toilet in Starbie. oops~

My another friend went to Jakarta for a weekend getaway and he bought me a pack of coffee luwak from Jakarta. But I haven't opened and tasted it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kangkung a.k.a Water Spinach

you may call this joke of the week, Joke for easing Monday Blues, or Joke of the day... When every single creative way of expression on KANGKUNG made me ROTFL. 

This is what happen?
Our lovely Malaysian Prime Minister use Kangkung to express his view and comment on the price hike    on all the price like Petrol, Toll and staple food in Malaysia. This has cause the nation not happy with what his decision. 

In one of the event, he told the public as Malaysian we only complain the price of goods raise and no one actually say thanks to the government when a price of Kangkung dropped recently. It's not fair... Something like that. 

So few hours after his statement... The Facebook flooded with all kind of jokes about Kangkung...  here is one of the example regarding the joke about McKangkung... 

Adapted from Malaysia insider

and many more creative Kangkung related material. Visit all the Facebook Page~

Anyway, we know the year 2014 might be a tough year for Malaysia but one word i would like to share with every Malaysian Reader... Enjoy~ 

Adapted from googleusercontent

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oh my English

There was this short clip regarding how to speak proper English in TVIQ. Let's learn proper English...

Please do not CHOP the letter eh~

Can i borrow you to wash my car?

When people ask you follow the car... don't follow eh~

hahaha... i think better use Switch On your laptop if not the person turn on instead...:p

We need to be very careful when talking to the people from other countries especially we are working in the globalization environment now... so if you say please chop the letter for me... later people though you are going to have pork chop, chicken chop or lamb chop... LoL.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday --> First day of work week | Color = blues

Since it's a first day of work for the final week of March 2010. I would like to enlighten all of you with some Dilbert Comics ...

Hmm... this is how they plan to kill the project. So next time if your boss asking you to spend twice as much. You should be able to get the hint :p

Oh! I learnt another statement which describe the management... "Evil is the cure for incompetence" doesn't this indicate that the management usually is incompetence?

Hahaha... finally the management decided to kill the project with lame excuses. But why the new boss needs a list of children that the previous person fathered. Is he performing a stock check just to ensure that he know how many will fathered by him in the future :p

Anyway, i hope all of you have great week ahead and got a good laugh with Dilbert. Now back to work... otherwise your boss will terminate you and you can leave your workplace in 24 hours :p

Monday, June 15, 2009

Are you idiot?

It's Monday again ... I know lots of people out there are having Monday Blues... Are you one of them? :p Cheer up! Cheer Up!... Let me share with you a comic that i read on yesterday... i.e. Sunday Times comic session... Dilbert by Scott Adam.

Hehehe... most of the people now is looking for a job... i bet there are lots of them undergoing some kind of job interview around the world. Are you one of them? I hope you are not like the happy person that just got the job ... :p

Anyway, hope you have a great Monday and the rest of the days in the week... Enjoy! :p

Friday, March 14, 2008

Metal detector @ Airport...

I happened to search for some banned commercial and encountered this clip from Youtube regarding the metal detector @ airport. Whenever you travel from country to country especially you need to go through the airport security... this is what you should be aware :-p if there is a beep... what is the 1st thing you should do? take off your clothes or ...

By now, you should have some idea what you will be going to do next time you encountered a beep... LoL.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mr. Chung & family visit

This is nineth day of Chinese New Year... I belief every Chinese would like to get some extra pocket money and the hokkien called HUAT Arrrr.... :->

By the way, I asked my friends, Mr.Chung & family to visit you later today! They are Chung Ma Piu, Chung Tai Choi, Chung ToTo and Chung 4D will be there to wish you Best of Luck for the Chinese New Year 2008. Don't worry. Chung SaMan is out of town this whole year... :->


For those who don't get the joke ... let me elaborate then...
"Chung" in cantonese means "strike"
"MaPiu, ToTo, 4D and TaiChoi" is different kinds of lottery
"SaMan" is the ticket given by traffic police on traffic voilation including Speeding ticket, illegal parking ticket etc.

So, have Mr.Chung & family paid you a visit so far... if not, let's wish for Mr.Chung & family visit but hopefully Chung SaMan is still out of town .... :-p

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Are you the 3rd Monkey?

Man entered a pet shop, wanting to buy a monkey.

The shop owner pointed out three identical monkeys and said, "The monkey to the left costs 500 dollars."Why does that monkey cost so much?" the man wondered.
The owner replied, "Well, it knows how to use a computer."

The man asked about the next monkey on the perch.
"That one costs 1,000 dollars because it can do everything the other monkeycan do, plus it knows how to use the LINUX operating system."
Naturally, the startled customer asked about the third monkey."That one costs 2,000 dollars.""And what does that one do?" the man asked.

The owner replied, "To be honest, I've never seen him doing anything, butthe other two call him boss!"

Let me know if you could not catch this joke... i would explain to you :-p