Tuesday, October 16, 2012


looongggg silence. why? because of this. ngehngeh

i have a new diary. 

tgk satu show last week and the mother bagi birthday present to her only daughter; My daughter's birth diary. and tetibe mendapat sumber inspirasi. 

i love to read and mengimbas kembali kenangan lama. rasa macam, owh aku pernah ke buat ni? a'a! pernah pegi sini. laaa dari dulu smpai sekarang, perangai sama jeee -.-''

tapi xbest sebab xboleh letak gmbar. best gile kalau boleh print gambar freeeee. boleh buat diary bergambar. yeahhh...

Makan makan at Queen of Tarts

5/10/2012 - last time tunggu 5 hours buat garda card. insyaAllah..... semoga...

13/10/12 - a day after obs&gynae exam. Marley Park, dublin.

Nabil's Raya open house

29/9/12 - After saturday study group

we left kenangan in one of the books in Murphy's ice cream!

Makan2 after obs&gynae exam. and paeds exam for padhi.

seee... kalau hardcopy pics senang je nak susun. kalau dlm laptop xde mase nk gerak-gerakkan mereka. adios!  :)

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