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Showing posts with label Hachette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hachette. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2015

Soulbound by Kristen Callihan

Finally free! Or so Eliza May thought. She'd been chained to Adam for months when she'd been finally freed. She didn't know she was getting herself into another form of enslavement when she moved in with her aunt Mab, though. She must now escape once more and ironically, she'll need the help of Adam to get away.

I really love Kristen's books and Soulbound is no exception! Fool that I am, I almost missed the release day of this book altogether! It would've been a grave offense! Anyhow, this pretty is now sitting on my shelf, along with the previous books, and I am eagerly awaiting the next one!

Adam had always been some kind of enigma to me, and even though he is still mysterious by the end of this title, I feel I know him a lot more. Actually, the man itself laid it all out for all to see and judge, it really is his job and how he controls the GIMs that still remains mysterious. BUT, I got enough answers to keep me satisfied. I really like him and despite not approving all of his decisions, I can understand where he is coming from, and I loved that Callihan shed light on his past, allowing us to really understand his motives. He is a true knight in not-so-shiny armor at his core, but had to become a scheming bastard to survive this long. It's a complicated mix, and I truly enjoyed it.

Eliza May is a force to be reckon-with under her lady attire. She had a very troubled past, has those really weird- and deadly - powers and has to deal with her last slaver to  escape her most recent nightmare. It took a lot of strength to face all that came her way and I command her for it. She is smart and wary, has a strong attitude and the language to back it up, and I loved her verbal sparing with Adam. I rooted for her the whole time and I really hoped it would work out for Adam and her, in the end.

The plot was highly addictive and I have to tip my hat and give a round of applaud to Adam. He is a master manipulator and I can only admire how he managed to make it all work the way he wanted to. With all his smarts, Eliza still managed to get one on him in the end, and I am SOOOO glad she did! What a sad ending it would've been otherwise.

The end isn't your typical happily ever after, and Adam and Eliza aren't your typical couple either. I guess all things considered things didn't turn out not so bad and I'm glad Sin gave his 30cents to Eliza!

Now, I'm under the impression Sin will be the star of the next novel (or maybe Lucien?? who knows) and I can't wait to read it! This series is awesome, and I urge you to read it if you haven't started yet!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Touch by Claire North


This has to be one of the more unusual books I’ve read recently (and I read John Dies at the End). I pretty much had to dispense with my usual way of consuming a story. There would be no easily dissected plot or character development. Much as the Inkheart series is series of books about books, Touch is a book about characters or more to the point people.

Don’t misunderstand me, there are definitely characters and character development within the story. The unusual part is, Kepler, the main character. The way Claire North handled Kepler’s atypical existence gave the character much more depth than many main characters show in a story. Many others weave in and out of the story in a way that highlights Kepler’s uniqueness.

The majority of this story takes place in Europe, both eastern and western. Its settings and situations are often stark and gritty. It reminded me of many stories about those areas during the cold war. The author does an excellent job of presenting these scenes even if they aren’t beautiful inspiring vistas seen in some books. It seems obvious that author chose these places to invoke a feeling of struggle or hopelessness as a symbol of the human condition.  If so, it works well especially those times it is contrasted with scenes from the West.

The story itself does require some close following. There is a significant amount of the story told in flashback. It’s handled well by enticing the reader to want to know about these events and then showing rather than telling their stories.

I’ve done my best to extoll the virtues of this story and still be spoiler free. I hope I’ve succeeded in intriguing many of you enough to give it a try yourself. I love a good story with a good twist. In that, this story met and exceeded my expectations. It’s not an action/adventure but, some of the violence is graphic enough to earn this one an R rating from me.

Roberts Signature

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0QcEJr3TKk&w=294&h=176]

Friday, February 20, 2015

Take Two: Hot Blooded by Amanda Carlson

taketwoJenn reviewed this book when it released in 2013 and you can read her thoughts here, now it's my turn to give it a go!

Jessica has had a lot on her plate since this journey started (was it really just a week ago??) and this time won't be a vacation either. It's in fact her toughest challenge yet, but she must rise and shine if she hopes to save her mate from an angry, sadistic Goddess.

If I had one word to choose to describe Hot Blooded it would definitely be action-packed. From beginning to end there isn't a single down moment, so don't even think of taking a breath! Jessica sets on her mission with her twin brother, their friend Danny and a duo of unreliable vampire siblings. On their journey, they face challenge after challenge and the things they have to face are simply unpredictable. Carlson dug up some really old mythology to throw in the mix and surprise us, and she did it well.

If I had one complaint about this novel it would be how Jessica's blood always seemed to be the answer to every challenge they faced and how her 'instincts' were always right. She has no idea why she does this or that, but when confronted by Tyler, she just says she has no idea but it feels right. It just felt like an easy way out. I wish she'd made at least one or two mistakes, the whole thing would've felt more plausible. I mean, she's a newbie werewolf, with no idea what she's doing, facing a Goddess backed up by the Underworld and she makes no mistakes? Please...

The whole story revolves around a limited number of characters and it felt right in such a retrieval mission. Everyone contributed and felt equally important, even human Ray, whom I came to appreciate along the journey. Naomi (one of the vampires) also turned out to be a pleasant surprise and I hope we see more of her in the future.

I wish Rourke had been present, but since the whole deal was to save him it makes sense he isn't there lol But I would lie if I said I wasn't impatient to know more about him and to finally see Jessica and him as a couple. Their relationship has been pretty chaste thus far and it would be about time they get down and dirty hahaha

Overall, I liked this installment and I would definitely recommend this series to urban fantasy lovers. You will find sassy and loveable characters, action-packed encounters and thrilling plot-lines. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Waistcoats & Weaponry by Gail Carriger

In the flurry of amazing books and review obligations, I didn't have a chance to chat about the second Finishing School book CURTSIES & CONSPIRACIES but I love Gail Carriger's writing too much not to talk about the penultimate book in the series, WAISTCOATS & WEAPONRY. If you're not familiar with the series, check out my review of the first book, ETIQUETTE & ESPIONAGE, which will give you an idea of the series.

In WAISTCOATS & WEAPONRY, Sophronia is slightly more experienced but still in training at Mlle Geraldine's school, learning how to be an intelligencer of the highest order. I really enjoy the lessons that Sophronia receives, and the school in general, as it is so magnificently twee. This year's lessons include how to fight with a fan, which leads to a truly comical scene. But the heart of the books aren't the lessons - the heart is Sophronia and her friendships and personal growth. She's a delightfully protagonist and she becomes more confident and also more aware of her abilities and shortcomings with each page in the series and it's a pleasure to watch her grow.

Although we see growth and change in some areas, Sophronia is still very much the strong-minded girl that she was from the start of ETIQUETTE & ESPIONAGE, rebelling against the rules and forging her own path. She's maintained her close relationship with Soap, the sootie who works below stairs (insofar as a zeppelin can have a below stairs), despite the scandalous difference in their stations and the fact that he's black, but she's also formed a tight knit group of friends who are staunchly on her side, no matter what the danger. Dimity, Sidheag, and Agatha are such wonderful characters and the four girls form a marvellous band of opposites. Sophronia's ability and willingness to fly in the face of convention imbues all aspects of her life but it's most apparent in the fact that she treasures her friendships with people she "shouldn't" be friends with, and is willing to go to some lengths to keep these friendships, even when they take turns that make things a bit awkward, such as Soap's more overt romantic intentions. (Romance is not the main focus of the series but there are some romantic tensions, which are quite enjoyable since it's about the only thing that flusters Sophronia.)

WAISTCOATS & WEAPONRY also advances a lot of the series plot threads, which is really exciting. We get some ideas about where Sophronia might end up after she graduates, and also see the true colours of some of the men/boys in her life. It was great to see all these developments, and I'm quite excited about where Sophronia will end up when the series draws to a close.

Read an excerpt


Friday, November 28, 2014

Revenant by Larissa Ione

What would you do if it turned out you were not the person you thought you were for the last 5,000 years? Of course none of us will ever know, with our short life-spawn and all, but Revenant now has to deal with a whole new set of memories, a completely new nature, and he doesn't quite know what do it with it all. There's one thing he knows though, he would do almost anything to have the sexy Blaspheme in his bed.

Revenant, 'officially' the last book in the Demonica & the Lords of Deliverance series, proved to be a very satisfying read. Larissa Ione always delivers sexy, addictive and full of action reads and this title is no exception.

I haven't been particularly fond of Revenant in the past books, but I have always been curious. I must say, you can now enroll me on the Revenant-fan-girls wagon. He is dark, sexy, without an once of remorse, but he has principles. Or should I say he has one principle? You can wreck havoc all you want, but don't break the rules and don't lie. It's kind of funny that he won't blink an eye when killing someone, but don't you dare throw garbage on the floor if it's against the rules. I thought it was quite endearing, and makes total sense when you get to know his past. I really enjoyed discovering his personality, and I must confessed a pitied him at times. It must be really hard to deal with his situation, but he did it with his head held high.

Blaspheme was just as great. I really liked her spunk and how she could argument with the best of them even though she was sometimes scared shitless inside. She was resourceful, compassionate and determinate.  I loved that despite her half-demon side she was driven to do the right thing and would sacrifice her own well-being to protect others.

I really liked the story and how all the characters we love made an appearance. Blaspheme and Revenant faced some very difficult situations and I enjoyed witnessing them thread carefully and try to reach the best possible outcome. All the loose ends are wrapped-up nicely and I was very satisfied - and surprised- with how everything ended.

Even though Revenant is officially the end of the series, Larissa hints at something more in this novel, and provides a link to find out more about what's to come. The LINK is suppose to work in December 2014. I can't wait to see what it will reveal!

The Demonica and the Lords of the Underworld series are simply awesome, and I would strongly suggest paranormal romance lovers to read it. I joined late in the game and I have no regrets! Give me more!


Friday, October 03, 2014

Evernight by Kristen Callihan

I am a big fan of Kristen Callihan and once again I enjoyed my ride with her great characters. This time around, we follow brilliant, human, Holly has she tries to regain her composure after being kidnapped and forced to do terrible things. One of her terrible actions resulted in William Thorne having a titanium heart, poisoning his body and mind. He wants nothing more than the death of the tool (Holly) who forced this transformation onto him, but he had no idea how amazingly good she would make him feel.

I've heard other say this novel was their favorite in the series so far and while I cannot claim the same, I definitely enjoyed it. The most amazing thing about this series is that each novel is so great I simply cannot pick a favorite. They are all equally awesome.

One of the aspects I particularly liked about this installment is that Holly, even though she has an affinity to control metal, is human and that she pulls her own weight in a world of supernaturals. She is super smart, and trained physically be as strong as the supernatural next door and I can only command her for it. I don't want to spoil anything but at some point she fought against a particularly nasty demon and I was awed by her quick thinking and tricks. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with even though she flies under the radar because of her quiet and over-analyzing demeanor.

Will was a delight and I loved witnessing his contradictory feelings. He is a rebel, yet falls for quiet Holly and find himself craving a simple life. She is, despite her circumstances, the source of his torment but her regrets are palpable and go straight to his heart. I really loved how he slowly falls for her and that it drives him nuts to see her so devoid of emotions. They are complete opposites, but draw each other like magnets.

On a side note, the cover is super pretty, and Holly is well represented, but William has long white hair... so yeah, I wish to cover portrayed him better.

I was completely committed to the plot and was surprised by the different twist and turns. The bad guy isn't necessarily whom we think they are and I always appreciate that in a novel.

I loved the conclusion even though it was a bit predictable. I just love those HEA!

I am under the impression the next novel will feature Adam and Eliza May and I can't wait to know more about these two!


Friday, September 26, 2014

Blog Tour: Review of Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper

Avery Roe's destiny has always been to be the next Prince Island witch. The whale hunters depend on her grandmother's magic to protect them at sea, and Avery is anxious to take over. Unfortunately her mother has other plans for her and is ready to stop her from becoming the next witch at all cost. Salt & Storm is the amazing story of a determined girl chasing her dreams.

Kendall Kulper's debut novel is an extremely original tale. She crafted a very potent and engaging lore and I have to command her for it. I loved how magic was passed down from mother to daughter and that a mystical element turns them into witches. Some perceive it as a blessing, others a curse, but the fact is, they can wield very powerful magic and the entire island depends on them.

The plot follows Avery's quest to reach her grandmother and become the next witch to stop her own murder. You see, she's a dream teller and she foresaw her own death. She is ready to anything to try and stop the prophecy, but her mother, determined to stop her from becoming the witch, won't make it easy. The young Roe goes as far as bounding with a strange tattooed stranger and using his wild magic to try and achieve her goal.

Of course the story needs a little romance and this foreigner will do just fine! Tanned, handsome and wild, Avery didn't want anything to do with him at first, but I loved witnessing their growing love and passion. Their story was full of surprises and I'm sure you'll love them as much as I did.

Surprisingly, the ocean held a very special position in this story, almost like it was an actual character. It is magical, mystical and dangerous and every character, even the sea witch herself, better beware of its power.

The conclusion was nerve-wracking and completely stunning and I would definitely recommend this great novel, especially if you love historical fiction with a flare of magic.


Hachette is offering 2 Hardcovers of SALT & STORM!

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About Kendall:

Kulper_Headshot_Small2Kendall Kulper writes historical fiction with a fantasy twist for teen readers and knows more about nineteenth century whaling than she ever imagined. Her debut YA novel, SALT & STORM will be published by Little, Brown September 23, 2014. She graduated from Harvard University with a degree in history and literature in 2008 and spent several years as a journalist before deciding to write full- time. She grew up in the wilds of New Jersey and now lives in Boston with her husband and chronically-anxious Australian Shepherd mix, Abby.


Week Two:

9/22/2014Supernatural Snark- Interview

9/22/2014About to ReadReview

9/23/2014The Cover ContessaGuest Post

9/23/2014Imaginary Reads- Review

9/24/2014Fire and IceGuest Post

9/24/2014Once Upon a TwilightReview

9/25/2014Tales of the Ravenous ReaderInterview

9/25/2014The Best Books EverReview

9/26/2014Two Chicks on BooksGuest Post

9/26/2014Tynga's ReviewsReview


Visit Rockstar Books Tours to view the enter schedule!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Red Blooded by Amanda Carlson

I was really looking forward to RED BLOODED because every chapter in Jessica's story has been so amazing. Sadly, this instalment, while good, was not quite as stunning as I'd hoped it would be. This isn't to say that it's a bad story -- far from it -- but Carlson has set the bar quite high in her previous books and RED BLOODED fell just a teensy bit short for me.

RED BLOODED takes us to a different part of the Jessica McClain universe: the Underworld. I've been curious about this since the end of the previous novel and, as usual, Carlson throws us almost immediately into the action, with Jessica getting accidentally sent to Hell before she's ready. ('Cause where would the fun be if she was all prepared, right?) Much of the novel is Jessica on her own in Hell because time moves more slowly in the Underworld. As a result, Jessica spends much of the novel trying to find her brother Tyler and avoiding the thousands of demons who live in the Underworld and who would love to get their hands on her. Carlson does a good job of creating an Underworld that's not exactly the same as what we've seen in other series, and she even has time to introduce her take on the chupacabra, which I quite enjoyed.

One of the best things about RED BLOODED is that we see a lot of the series mythology get unpacked. We learn more about the various prophecies that have come into play and what they mean for Jessica and her friends and family. I found this aspect of the novel to be extremely satisfying and I'm sure that you will, too, since it's part of the payout that we've been waiting for. I'm thrilled that Carlson doesn't make us wait longer, though this is typical for her. (One of the major reasons I'm such a fan.)

Despite all of this goodness, and the page time with some fascinating new characters, there was just something about RED BLOODED that didn't live up to its predecessors. I think it's just a matter of this book being a teensy weensy little bit less fabulous than Carlson's other stories; it remains a wonderful piece of urban fantasy. It's hard for me to pinpoint exactly why I didn't super love RED BLOODED because the are no bad parts to the book but I will say that the usual Carlson spark was just a little dimmer than usual. Despite this, I remain a staunch Jessica McClain and Amanda Carlson fan and I strongly urge you to give this series a try if you haven't already!

Read an excerpt


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

Ship Breaker is a book that sat on my to-read list forever and I decided that I had to give this book a shot when I saw it at my library. Ship Breaker is a slow-paced, realistic dystopian novel that focuses more on character development and world-building than action, which is both simultaneously refreshing and problematic. Bacigulpi's novel was an interesting change of pace and it is unlike any other dystopian book on the market--a feat that few authors have accomplished.

Ship Breaker takes place in a world that was ravaged by natural disasters and subsequent oil shortages. Nailer lives in a world where if you don't have a Crew, you're almost guaranteed that you're going to die of starvation; his Crew scavenges wrecked ships for parts and other valuables.  Nailer's world changes forever when he finds "Lucky Girl", a member of the elite who could potentially fetch a large sum but Nailer is unsure what to do with her.

It's truly sad how little diversity there is in young-adult literature and I was so excited to see that Ship Breaker has an extremely racially diverse cast of characters. We have characters with skin colors of all tones and hues, but diversity isn't a major focus in this novel. Many of the characters are possibly bi-racial such as Nailer who is unsure of his heritage and his ethnicity.

The narrator of the Ship Breaker wasn't bad, but feeling his reading didn't fit with the novel's slow-pace. The narrator's voice never really intrigued me and made the novel feel tedious and unengaging; I think I would've enjoyed this book far more in print and I wouldn't recommend the audio version at all.

Ship Breaker is one of the better dystopian books I've read this year and it really managed to stand out in my mind. I'll definitely be reading Bacigalupi's future novels and I'm quite excited to read this duology's conclusion in The Drowned Cities. It'll be interesting to see how The Drowned Cities goes because Ship Breaker's ending felt very final and conclusive, but I'm definitely ready for more.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Married With Zombies by Jesse Petersen

I’ve been binge watching The Walking Dead lately so that made me revisit my favorite zombie novels, MARRIED WITH ZOMBIES. Since it’s nothing like the famous AMC TV show, I would say the only thing they have in common is zombies. However, this is the book that started my fascination with zombies. Before, I was a little disgusted/afraid of them but now, I simply see them as unfortunate beings that can sometimes bring comedy in books like MARRIED WITH ZOMBIES.

I guess you can say the book begins like any contemporary book where a couple is having marital issues. Sarah and David have been seeing a couple’s therapist about their problems and they were actually on their way to therapy when they first discovered the apocalypse was upon them. The whole scenario is actually quite funny and ironic because what was making their marriage fail was their ordinary life, while what eventually makes them a stronger unit is the end of the world. And the most ironic thing is that what really begins their reconciliation is actually killing their marriage counselor turned zombie.

I would say Jesse Petersen’s comedy is really original. I’ve never encountered another book that’s quite like it. The humor and the zombie-ness is balanced perfectly and she is able to pull off the comedy really well, in what could have been a disastrous attempt to make light of a difficult genre to write. I really admire her ability to make you laugh and keep things light, while still making her hero and heroine fight off hordes of zombies. And she’s not afraid of gruesome details. And what’s even better is the fact that the humour is actually the kind of humour that makes you laugh out loud and make you stop reading because you have the absorb the greatness of the hilarity. It’s not just haha filler-type comedy.

Sarah and David’s quest to find safety makes them depend on one another. Their hope, not only to survive this thing, but their hope for their relationship makes this somewhat a romantic story. It does have those chick-lit moments but for those of you who stay clear of those, they are few and far between. It’s still nice to read about their relationship and how it evolves throughout the novel.

If you’re remotely interested in zombies, you definitely have to read this book. If you’re curious about zombies, you definitely have to read this book. If you’re crazy about zombies, you definitely  have to read this book. If you think zombies aren’t your thing, you have to at least try it, please! It will most probably change your opinion about zombies. This is without a doubt, my favorite zombie book and series. You can’t get any better than this!


Friday, April 18, 2014

Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

Karou lives a double life. Her official persona is an art student who lives in Prague with very few friends and an annoying ex-boyfriend. What people don't know is that she is also an errand girl for a paranormal creature living in a parallel world. How badly her best friend would freak out if she ever found out?

Daughter of Smoke and Bone was a truly original and highly engaging read! I've had this book on my shelf almost since its release and I can't believe I had not read it yet. The novel was split in roughly three parts. The first one we get to know Karou and her world, the second part we witness how she deals with the destruction of her world as she's always known it and the last one, she discovers who she really is, at last. I truly enjoyed all three parts, but I have to say, the last part was by far my favorite!

Laini Taylor has an awesome talent when it comes to keeping us in the dark, yet feeding us enough information to keep us railed in. It takes a long time to really know how Karou came to work for Brimstone, why does he need her to gather all kind of teeth, what are the angels up to, what really is going on and what the lore behind it all is. The mystery kept me glued to the pages and when the facts were revealed bit by bit I basked in the information! This is mostly why I enjoyed the third part so much, because everything makes even more sense then I gathered along the treacherous way.

The lore was especially rich and colorful and I will refrain from giving you any details because it would spoil everything but know that everything that's happening is about a distant war between angels and chimeras. It's honestly the first time I came across chimeras in a novel and I really liked it.

The characters proved to be engaging and I liked every one of them. Karou is colorful (her hair grows blue!) and spontaneous, making for an highly interesting protagonist! Brimstone is shroud in mystery and the desire to pierce the fog kept me awake at night. Akiva turned out to be more than I expected and I really love him to pieces. Despite all this love fest, Madrigal turned out to be my favorite, and I'll let you discover why :)

Needless to say to conclusion was of epic proportion and I am really glad I have the second book already sitting on my shelves. With the third and final book in the series releasing on April 17th, it's the perfect time for you to pick up this amazing YA trilogy! Its originality will surprise you and I'm sure you won't be disappointed :)


Monday, January 27, 2014

Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells

In DIRTY MAGIC, Jaye Wells introduces us to a dangerous new world inhabited by alchemists and potion junkies. It's a fast-paced story that grabs your attention from the first page and will leave you begging for more when you hit the back cover. 

Kate Prospero, alchemist turned beat cop, does her best to maintain order in the Cauldron but it's a losing battle. Dirty magic potions are everywhere and addicts line the streets. Kate used to cook potions and was the heir apparent to one of the big bosses until tragedy struck. Now, she eschews all magics, even though she craves the powerful high that cooking brings, while raising her teenage brother and trying to get ahead in life. She's the kind of protagonist I instantly root for because she's so driven, fighting against some big obstacles. Plus she's a total underdog, especially once she joins up with the task force and its super talented members.

DIRTHY MAGIC is such a great book that it's hard to pinpoint my favourite parts. There's strong characterization, not just for Kate and the team, but for each of the major and minor players who enter the story. I really liked Penelope, Kate's best friend, in particular. She's such a sympathetic ear but she's also a very human element in a story with so many magical beings. The plot is also fantastic. Figuring out who's putting this dangerous new potion on the streets is a complex mystery that takes Kate all over the city, into some of the darkest parts of the town and her past.

While DIRTY MAGIC still has Wells' trademark humour and fast-paced action, it's a bit different from the Sabina Kane novels in that DIRTY MAGIC is more of a paranormal thriller. It's got a real hard-boiled feel to it, which I love. Gritty stories (almost) always have fantastic character arcs and twisty plots, which Wells delivers in spades. If you are already a fan, you'll definitely love DIRTY MAGIC. If you've never tried Jaye Wells before, now's the time because DIRTY MAGIC is near perfect urban fantasy.

Read an excerptJenn

Friday, January 03, 2014

Reaver by Larissa Ione

Reaver and Harvester have a long history together, more than either of them ever imagined. After falling purposefully from heaven to spy on Hell and protect the Horsemen, she was caught and have been tortured by Satan for months. Reaver is determined to save her, despite opposition from Heaven itself and his personal dislike of the fallen angel. She is the key to avoid the war between heaven and hell, but she might also know more about his forgotten past. But will he be able to save her, and live to tell the tale?

What an awesome story! I've been craving to know more about Reaver for a long time and I was not disappointed! I was also happily surprised by Harvester. I always appreciated her feisty spirit, but I was happy to discover more about the angel under the fallen shell and learn about the reasons behind her most dubious actions. Reaver delighted me with his determination and heroism, and even his now being a grand-father doesn't make him any less sexy or hot. The adult scenes between the two angels were intense and spicy, nothing angelic about the encounters at all!

The plot itself was addictive and highly entertaining. I was hooked to my kindle screen from the first chapter, all the way through the very end. Ione provided us with a text full of twist and turns, delivering suspense, actions and emotions, all wrapped in a pretty package. I'm telling you, I went through a crazy roller coaster of emotions, from being pissed to shedding a few tears, I've enjoyed it all.  I really loved learning about the five thousands years before their memory wipe and I appreciated the intricacy of the treachery both angels fell victim to.

The conclusion was surprising and emotional, and I NEVER would've guessed the specifics. Actually, I was so engrossed in the plot that I never actually stopped to try and guess how the book would end. I loved the details and how everything unfolded. I honestly couldn't have hoped for a better ending.

At the very end is the first chapter of the next novel and it will feature Revenant (the seoul watcher) and, I think, Blaspheme (a supposedly false angel). I don't know much about Blaspheme because I haven't read all of the Demonica series yet, but I am very curious about her. I really can't wait to get my hands on a copy, but I haven't found a tentative release date yet.

If you haven't read the Demonica or the Lords of Deliverance series I strongly suggest you do so! You don't have to read the Demonica series first, but the story takes place before the Lords, and share many secondary (who were mains in Demonica) characters, so it wouldn't be a bad move either. Have you read either series? Will you give them a shot?

Read an excerpt


Friday, December 20, 2013

Reaver Giveaway!

Hachette is having a super generous giveaway to celebrate the release of Reaver by Larissa Ione and I'd like to invite you to participate! First though, here's more about the book!

Reaver is an angel with a past, a record, and a less-than-heavenly attitude. Powerful enough to fight alongside the fiercest battle angels-and crazy enough to risk his wings on a one-way mission to hell-he's agreed to go where no angel has ever gone before . . . to steal the most seductive and dangerous prize of Satan himself.

Harvester is one of the Fallen, a once-heroic angel who sacrificed her wings to work as an undercover agent in hell. But now her cover has been blown, and she's doomed to an eternity of agonizing torture. Even if Reaver can snatch her away from Satan's lair, even if they can fight their way out of the underworld's darkest depths, there is one thing Harvester can never escape-her newfound thirst for an angel's blood. . .

Also, here's an excerpt to put you in the mood!

Reaver held Harvester’s frail body tight against his as he navigated the final steps of a winding ledge that dropped them into a world of weird. “It’s me. It’s okay. We’re safe.”
Relatively safe, anyway. Relative meaning that they weren’t dead. Yet. He just hoped the same could be said for Tavin, Matt, and Calder. When he’d left them to sneak into Satan’s realm, they’d been engaged in a battle they’d initiated as a diversion. It had been a risky move, and Reaver could only pray they’d make it to the rendezvous point.
A hunter’s horn sounded in the distance and was answered by another, closer horn signal. Satan’s minions hadn’t gained ground, but they were spreading out. Damn.
He scanned the landscape of thorny plants, hills of blackened earth and trees, and twisted, abandoned structures. Nothing moved.
He looked down at Harvester, and as before when he first saw her hanging over a pit of acid, he felt sick to his stomach. He didn’t like Harvester even though he was grateful for the things she’d done, but she didn’t deserve this; her naked body too thin and mottled with bruises and ligature marks, her once silken black hair tangled and dull, and worst of all, missing her gorgeous green eyes.
Under ideal circumstances, an angel could heal from even the most heinous injuries within hours. But these were far from ideal circumstances, and Harvester’s source of power, her wings, had been severed. Without wings or medical assistance, it could take weeks, even months, for an angel’s body to fully heal.
“I can’t risk healing you more than I did,” he said. “My power isn’t reliable right now, and I could do more harm than good.”
“Reaver,” she croaked, as if he hadn’t spoken. “Why…how…”
“Shh.” He tucked her face into his chest, quieting her. “We’re going to meet up with some friends, and then I’ll answer all your questions.”
Reaver and the assassins had worked out a plan A and a plan B. Plan A had been shot to hell when iron gates had prevented Reaver from getting out of Satan’s realm to the south, where his companions would have been waiting. Now, with demons in pursuit, they were on their way to plan B. Hopefully Tav, Matt, and Calder had realized quickly that Reaver’s escape route had gone bad.
Inhaling the stench of rotten vegetation that permeated this section of Sheoul, he started away from the skeletons of some burned-out buildings and toward a mountain range as expansive as the Rockies. He moved swiftly, outrunning the sounds of pursuit and pausing once to blast a group of imps with a ball of lightning. The sphere struck the leader, and from there sent electrical strikes at each of the surrounding imps, frying them all in a handy eight-for-one.
Harvester slept in his arms, barely stirring when he stopped to listen for anyone following them. By the time they neared the plan B meeting site, Reaver was sure they’d lost the demons—temporarily. Reaver wasn’t naive enough to think they were off the hook. The demons chasing them were only the first wave, the security detail unlucky enough to be guarding the dungeon Harvester was kept in.
Once Satan got wind of this, if he hadn’t already, Reaver and Harvester were going to have legions of minions on their heels.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Shadowdance by Kristen Callihan

Two years after being tortured for is his blood by demons and being rescued by the lovely Mary Chase, Jack Talent is still trying to recover from the mental damage. His own brand of therapy includes murder, which would be frowned upon considering he is an investigator. All is well though, until the SOS decides that Miss Chase should become his partner and she starts poking around. His strategy to keep the woman his heart desire as far away as possible is utterly destroyed.

Shadowdance had a very different mood than the previous novels in the series and I enjoyed it all the same, if not more, because of it's dark complexity. Talent and Chase have been lashing at each other for four years, since they first met, and things don't get better because they are partnered. See Talent has a terrible secret involving Chase weighting him down and he cannot risk her finding out. So despite his desire to keep her close and cherish her, he does his best to be despicable to her and keep her at bay. Not knowing better, the poor Chase reciprocates teeth and nails and it makes for some quite heated up exchanges. I truly enjoyed their colorful exchange even though I felt bad for them. Callihan did an awesome job keeping their angst and banter believable.

Both main characters are highly lovable individually and they are a diamond in the rough when together. Each of their tormented past is endearing and I can only command Kristen for the complexity of their past. They are entwined in a much deeper way than we are first led to believe and I enjoyed discovering the different layers of their involvement. Their feelings of betrayal and unworthiness felt true and broke my heart on more than one occasion.

I found the main plot line to be jaw-dropping and engrossing. Despite discovering early on who the Bishop of Charing Cross (the killer) is, many plot twists kept us on our toes as a copy cat started mocking the first series of murder. Miss Callihan also introduced new supernaturals we hadn't encounter in the series yet and I enjoyed learning more about this new lore. A new character also made an apparition and I can't wait to know more about him! Lucien also really grew on me and I really hope he gets his own novel in the future.

I really liked how the conclusion played out and I have to say I had all kinds of speculations going on as to how it would end and I got quite a scare at some point! Thankfully, I got my feeling of happy feelings in the end and even got a bit teary-eyed, emotional mess that I am lol

I haven't found information on a fifth novel in the series, but the conclusion leads me to believe their will be an other novel, this one featuring Will Thorne, an old friend of Jack Talent. The Darkest London series is an extremely well written and engaging paranormal romance series and I would definitely recommend it to lovers of historical settings. Steampunk lovers will also find elements they'll like in this amazing series!



Monday, October 14, 2013

Cold Blooded by Amanda Carlson

Once again, Amanda Carlson kicks off her novel with a bang and doesn't let the reader -- or Jessica -- catch her breath, not even for a moment. COLD BLOODED is a fast-paced fight against everyone, just when things seemed like Jess might get a brief respite. In this third outing, Jess has to face off against vampires, demons, and werewolves while also trying to find her friend. In some novels, it would feel like too much but Carlson does a great job of jamming all of this in without having her reader feel like s/he's drowning, most likely because you know that there's a reason for each and every scene. Plus, Carlson does a great job of building tension -- you know things are going to escalate, and they do, and then it gets even crazier!

Case in point: Ray. He was such a tool in the first novel, and an even bigger pain in the butt the second time around, but he has a serious character arc in COLD BLOODED. It completely blindsided me and I loved it! I had no idea that this is what Carlson had up her sleeve but I was very impressed with what she's done and how she did it. I've gone from despising Ray to being completely intrigued by him. I don't want to say too much about his transformation because it would be such a spoiler but I will say that it was one of my favourite storylines in COLD BLOODED.

I also really enjoyed the development of Jessica's character. She's really coming into her own as a leader and as a werewolf and it's nice to watch her evolution. She's still not 100% confident about her abilities, especially since no one really knows what she is, but she's come along way from the first pages of FULL BLOODED. She's not done yet, though, since there are at least two more Jessica McClain books in the pipeline.

Carlson's Jessica McClain series is definitely one that you'll want to check out if you haven't already given it a try. It's high-octane urban fantasy, packed with surprises, romance, and action!

Read an excerpt




Friday, October 11, 2013

Entwined by Kristen Callihan

This story was unexpectedly sweet.  The story is about Eamon and Lu, two young people living in the early 1800s. Lu was promised for marriage to Aidan, Eamon's older brother, to pay for her father's dept. Fate has other plans in mind though!

I loved how filled with romance this novella turned out to be. Eamon writes to Lu, impersonating his brother, and over the years they fall madly in love with each other, despite their initial rebuttal. I loved their wits and sweetness and I couldn't help but root for Eamon when Lu finally came to his manor to marry his brother. Both have very big secrets, and even though it could've been handled better, I command them for their strength of character.

Even though it's pretty obvious that Eamon and Lu will end up together somehow, the road was eventful and some-what surprising. Especially for such a short story.

We don't really know how this story relates to the Darkest London books until the very end, and I was definitely shocked by the revelation.

Not having read Shadowdance yet I can't tell you how necessary it is to read the story before the fourth book of the series, but I feel like it's more extra material than mandatory one. Nonetheless, it's a nice and quick read and I see no reason for you not to read it!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Charming by Elliott James

The quick version: I loved this book. I wanted to read it so badly the instant I saw it online, got crushingly rejected for an eARC on Edelweiss, but then managed to get one through Netgalley, which I promptly devoured because CHARMING is six kinds of awesome. There is outstanding worldbuilding, intricate and well-paced plotting, and a host of characters you will instantly engage with (love 'em or hate 'em).

The long version: There's something extra delicious about a début author. You really don't know what you're going to get. In the case of CHARMING and the Pax Arcana, you get an interesting new urban fantasy world filled with Knights Templar, vampires, Valkyries, bar fights, dresniks, and damsels who may or may not be in distress. There's a love triangle of sorts but it's not the focus of the story. Instead, you spend the pages of CHARMING getting to know one of my favourite new UF protagonists, John, an immortal half-werewolf raised by the Knights Templar to be a monster hunter until they realized he was indeed supernatural. Now, they want him dead because, you know, abomination and all that. And even though John's in hiding, he's still forced to protect the world from dangerous supernaturals thanks to a geas put on him as a Knight as part of the Pax Arcana.

John does tortured hero very well but he's not the brooding type, thank goodness. He definitely has a grudge against the Knights Templar -- and with good reason -- but he doesn't let that stop him from doing what's right, even though getting the Knights' attention is the last thing he needs or wants. Plus, CHARMING wouldn't be much of a story if John took off the moment things got dangerous so it's good that he sticks around and gets sorely abused for his sense of duty.

The rest of the characters are just as interesting as John. Sig, the blonde who walks into the bar in the first chapter, is more than she seems and he knows it. She's a smart, capable woman and I loved her interactions with John. From the first, they are equals and their encounters are very interesting. Sig brings with her a motley crew and I was quite fond of half of them. You're not really supposed to like the other ones so don't feel bad for the instant dislike you'll feel for some of her team. :) Perhaps the best character in the book is the villain. I won't say much but I will say that this character has a big, menacing vision and it felt like the stakes (vampire pun!) were substantial and real. Plus, smart folks make the best villains since you know that things are going to be challenging for the good guys.

James also does a great job of creating a sense of place in CHARMING. I love the series mythology he's developed. The Pax Arcana is a really cool idea and I'm very curious to see how it plays out in future stories. I also love how he's incorporated real world history, like the Knights Templar and the Crusaders, and shaped them to form the magical background for the series. There's a lot of potential for growth and surprises and I can't wait to see what and who else John will encounter.

It's been a while since I've read a book that truly captured my attention from the first page the way CHARMING did. You will be full of the feels as you read this novel and your last feeling is going to be sadness because you won't be ready to let go of these characters when you hit the final page. James is a strong new voice in urban fantasy and I can't wait to read John Charming's next adventure. Definitely my favourite début of the year!

P.S. Love the t-shirt on the cover! I didn't notice the cross until after I finished the book. This is a damn fine cover. :)

Read an excerpt


Friday, May 24, 2013

Winterblaze by Kristen Callihan

Winterblaze (Darkest London, #3)

Winterblaze by Kristen Callihan

Book Stats:
Genre: Paranormal historical romance
Reading level: Adult
Mass Market Paperback: 448 pages
Publisher: Forever
Release date: February 26, 2013

Series: Darkest London #3

Source: Personal shelf

Reviewed by: Tynga

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository

Once blissfully in love . . .
Poppy Lane is keeping secrets. Her powerful gift has earned her membership in the Society for the Suppression of Supernaturals, but she must keep both her ability and her alliance with the Society from her husband, Winston. Yet when Winston is brutally attacked by a werewolf, Poppy's secrets are revealed, leaving Winston's trust in her as broken as his body. Now Poppy will do anything to win back his affections . . .

Their relationship is now put to the ultimate test.
Winston Lane soon regains his physical strength but his face and heart still bear the scars of the vicious attack. Drawn into the darkest depths of London, Winston must fight an evil demon that wants to take away the last hope of reconciliation with his wife. As a former police inspector, Winston has intelligence and logic on his side. But it will take the strength of Poppy's love for him to defeat the forces that threaten to tear them apart.

Poppy has been weighted down by responsibilities since a very early age, forced to lie to her family time and again. Winston always prided himself in his job as an inspector and ran off on Poppy when he realized she’s been lying to him the whole 14 years they’ve been married. Talk about a talented inspector… A demon is now after him and they must put their differences aside if they want to survive.

Have you ever read a paranormal romance where the two heroes have been married for over a decade? I thought so… neither did I! I thoroughly enjoyed that uniqueness and I hope more authors will dare featuring couples that haven’t just met and are taken over by an inexplicable passion.

The main plotline surrounds a quest to destroy a demon, but the romance aspect was my favourite part. I love how we follow both heroes as they try to deal with their recent break-up, both of them still in love with the other, but not sure they can overcome the lies and hurt feelings. Their strong desire is obvious to us, yet they are completely oblivious to each other, miss-interpreting every signal. Time and again I was torn between laughter, desire to comfort them and utter frustration at their foolishness. Their story was a real rollercoaster and I want a second ride!

We met Poppy and Winston in the previous two books, and Poppy had always been my least favourite of the three sisters, but I came to appreciate her strength in this novel. She’s not a typical beauty but her curvy figure and her mane of red hair is Win’s undoing. I loved how he had eyes only for her from the very start. Winston didn’t really catch my attention in the first two books either, and now I feel like re-reading them again now that I have a new appreciation for the man. He is strong and determined but what I loved best was his outmost trust in Poppy in every aspect of their lives.

Kristen Callihan alternated past present to whole novel, switching between Win and Poppy’s current issues and their early beginnings. We get to witness their meeting, first dates, his proposal, their wedding and all kind of amazing tidbits that built their relationship overtime. And let me tell you, I LOVED it. I particularly liked that she inserted those past moments at just the right time in the plot to have the biggest impact. It was sheer genius.

The conclusion utterly surprised me. I never saw the blow coming and I never imagined the heroes to wrap things up that way. I was really pleased with it all and I hope we’ll see more in the next novel, featuring Mr. Talent and Mary Chase, two secondary characters featured this time around. I came to like them and I have great hopes for them!

Winterblaze was powerful and different from other paranormal romance out there and I strongly suggest you give this series a try. You don’t have to read the previous books, but I would suggest you do if you want to grasp the depth of the main characters break-up.

Read an Excerpt


Thursday, May 09, 2013

Daring You to Read… Full Blooded by Amanda Carlson

This week I am daring you to read a great Urban Fantasy, Full Blooded by Amanda Carlson. Actually, I should dare you to read Blooded, a short story that introduce us to Jessica’s world, because I think you should read it before you take on the first book. It allows you to understand a lot about Jessica, and where she’s coming from.

Now back to Full Blooded, the basic concept isn’t all the original, with Jessica being the first and only female werewolf. The whole ‘being the only X’ concept has been explored more than once, but what it implies for Jessica is really interesting. It was foretold that a female werewolf would bring about the end of the race, and surprisingly, Carlson’s werewolves are a superstitious bunch and from her birth, Jessica was feared and hated.

She doesn’t let any prophecies stop her though and decide to build her life away from the pack. She’s never been able to shift and so blending with humans was fairly easy,… until she finally shifted that is. I loved that we were privy to her first shift and her crazy emotions. I also truly loved her as a character. She’s witty, entertaining and strong.

Amanda Carlson also blessed us with an awesome brochette of male secondary characters. I loved Tyler, her big brother and his best friend Danny. Nick, her best friend, also rocked my world. My crush goes for James though, smolderingly hot second in command, and Rourke, secretive cat extraordinaire.

The pace is fast and furious and this action packed story is bound to please shifters fans. If you’re like me, a bit of humour is also always welcome, and you won’t be disappointed. Here’s a funny quote:

Rourke, what kind of werecat are you?" He seemed genuinely surprised by the question. Then he narrowed his eyes, flashing me a toothy grin. "I never kiss and tell on the first date.

Full Blooded was an amazing read, and with Hot Blooded freshly released, it’s a great moment to pick up this title!

Amanda Carlson Full BloodedAfter living in hiding for the last twenty-six years, Jessica wakes up to find she's become a full-blooded werewolf — claws, fangs, fur, everything. It was never supposed to happen: female werewolves don't exist.

When a mercenary killer comes looking for her, her Pack finds themselves caught in the middle of a war. They must rise up to protect her, but no one knows if she's means the end of their race-or just a new beginning.

Purchase: Amazon | Book Depository

Jenn’s Review

More in the series:

Blooded (Jessica McClain, #...Hot Blooded (Jessica McClai...Cold Blooded (Jessica McCla...

Daring You To Read is a weekly feature here on Tynga’s Reviews where we dare you to read some of our favorite older releases (at least 6 months old). All the books/series we choose to feature are titles we adored and think you should give them a shot! We think it’s a super awesome way to discover that special book who might have slipped off your radar!

You’ve already read the book? Let’s us know what you thought!
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