

is hard.

These last two weeks have been stressful in every area and possible category in my life.

To top it all off, my favorite girl in the world moved across the country today.

I am SOOO happy for Brittany and the experiences that she will have.

But saying goodbye last night nearly killed me.

I had to give her a quick hug and couldn't look her in the eyes.

She is coming to visit over Christmas, but I will be in Canada.

I don't know when I will see her again.

All I have to say is thank goodness for skype.

Brittany, you are the best sister anyone could EVER ask for and I'm so lucky that I am the one who was chosen to be your sister :) I will think about you everyday and hope that you have the time of your life! I can't wait to come visit you! Love you more than anything!!


Still kickin..

Oh hey.

Does anyone still read this thing?

I've signed my soul over to exercise physiology until December.

That's no excuse why I didn't blog from July to August though.

I'm going to try to update tomorrow because I have a few fun things to blog about.



Baby Brooklyn

My good friend Jess finally had her baby! This picture was on her last day at work! I am SOO sad to not work with her anymore but SOOO happy she gets to stay at home with her precious baby.

Cutest family ever! Congrats Jess!

Barnes Battle

Below is my beautiful friend Erin. We have been good friends since 10th grade. At the beginning of this year her husband Shawn got diagnosed with Leukemia. They also found out the same month that they were pregnant with their first child. These 2 are the most amazing people that I know. Erin was always such a good friend to everyone and always such an example to me in high school. These two have been so strong throughout this journey and they continue to stay positive. Read more here about their ongoing battle and how you can help.
Back in June they held a 5K as a fundraiser to help these two. Tyler helped me train and I did it! I have never liked running so this was a huge accomplishment for me. Finishing was an awesome feeling.

Even though I'm not fast, I have kept training and hope to do more 5K's in the future.

Oh Allred

I love you :)

Easter in Canada

Back in April we road tripped to Canada with our favorite vacation buddies Jason and Abby. The car ride was long but we enjoyed each other's company. When we pulled over to get a picture of the sign Jason and Tyler were throwing a fit haha. They did not think we needed a picture of the sign and were freaking out for some reason. I will always think of that everytime I see this picture. Don't mind me, we woke up at 3:30 and as you can see I pretty much just rolled out of bed and jumped in the car.

Tyler's family lives in a beautiful area with a little walkway through a park and around this pond.

Tyler's mom prepared an Easter egg hunt and we got lots of yummy candy.

I dyed Easter eggs for my first time ever!

We had a lovely breakfast.

We visited lots of fun places. This is a big Ukranian egg.
This is the Edmonton temple.
All of these pictures were taken in the West Edmonton mall. This place is HUGE.

One of the Campbell's favorite places to eat. So good and so fattening.

It was SO good to see Tyler's parents and sister being apart for 10 months. We are going back up for round 2 in 2 weeks and are so excited!