Playing Craps
Hey all! We've been very busy minkees since yesterday morning. A big storm came through and knocked out our power (hopefully it will be back by tomorrow) and we had nothing to do but play all day.
Here we are playing craps. We really don't know how to play, but we made up our own version. We each rolled a die and bet on which monkey would get the higher score. Then he would win those chips. Well, Bernardo rolls like a fiend and he kicked my little minkee butt. Then I got mad and threw some chips.... Well, we won't discuss the particulars.Later on in the day we played Candyland, Bernardo won. Then we played Boggle, Bernardo won that too. He kept beating me at all the games except one. We had a fart off. I am the master of all things gassy, so of course I won. Unfortunately, B-man passed out and hasn't come too yet. Oh, no! Maybe I caused the power outage! I'm going to go hide!