On the way there, as we were driving through the mountains, I glanced up at one of the hillsides and saw three deer grazing with some cattle! I quickly pointed them out to Theresa and she was able to see them before we passed them by. This was the first time she had ever seen deer in the wild, so it was really cool for her! As we were coming out of the mountains, we also saw a field of bright orange California Poppies mixed in with some lighter orange-yellow flowers and purple lupine flowers. It was SO beautiful!
We ended up getting to the surgeon's office almost an hour before our appointment time, but thankfully we didn't have to wait very long to see him. In fact, after we were done and we were driving out of the parking lot, I noticed that it was just barely our appointment time! The surgeon said everything looked good on the pathology report and that they got the stone out along with the appendix, so she shouldn't have any further troubles from it. He said her incisions were just about completely healed and even commented that her belly button was one of the best belly buttons he'd seen in a long time LOL. For those of you unfamiliar with laparoscopic appendectomies, they make an incision inside the belly button, which they insert a camera through. Then they make a much smaller incision almost directly over top of the appendix, which they insert the surgical instruments through. Everything is done through these two tiny holes and the patient is left with just one tiny visible scar, because the second scar is hidden inside the belly button.
Since we got done early, Theresa asked if we could stop off at a Farmer's Market type place that's on the way home. They have a petting zoo with about 20 of these beautiful creatures:
Isn't he handsome!!!
They also have a kids' fun zone area where kids can play. In this area is a kiddie pool filled with kernels of dried corn...kind of like a sandbox, but MUCH easier to clean out of shoes, hair, and clothing! As you can see, Theresa had a blast in the corn-box:

She was actually trying to bury herself completely, except for her face, but she couldn't get enough corn on top of her. I still think she did a pretty good job, don't you?
After Theresa finished wearing herself out in the play area, we looked around in the store for a little while, sampling all the yummy fruits, nuts, and jams they had available for sale. Since I only had a few dollars, we were only able to treat ourselves to a giant chocolate chip cookie, which we shared on the way home. Overall, it was a good day!
Thanks again to everyone who prayed for Theresa's safe surgery and quick recovery! She's back to her normal ornery self, driving me and her sister nuts and running and playing just like she did before her surgery.
God bless!