Showing posts with label Twiddle mitt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twiddle mitt. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


 Here we are again, happy as can be.

All good friends and jolly good company!

A little song that sums our WOYWW group up nicely. I don't know where it's from- do you?

So to another week of crafty activity.

I had quite a laugh with Max as she handed me another pile of bookmarks to edge. She said "No rush, but there are quite a few more to do😀"

It's a good job that I love doing them.

Once I had finished those then I was free to tackle a little request....

Do you remember this half done twiddle mitts?

My sister-in-law asked if I could make one for a friend. She loves flowers, ribbons and has a tortoise.

I added a few bits and bobs to suit.


I hope it brings a bit of comfort to its new owner.
So that's me for this week.
Enjoy the sunshine and spring flowers.
x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 27 November 2024



Good morning all.

Pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed and link up if you want to join in with our desk share. We are a friendly bunch!

I've had quite a busy week.

Above you can see some of the fluff and yarns that I dyed for Max. She always needs lots of textural bits and bobs for the undergrowth and hedgerows etc in her Tilly Tea Dance artwork.

Next, I used some of my denim to make a book cover. The little sheep landscape was on one of Maxine's Christmas cards for us. So, I am recycling it on the little pen pocket and will give it to her Dad for Christma. It is made with bits of his old jeans after all.😀

And then, I knitted this little sprout chocolate orange cover. It took ages and I won't be making another! I think Ben will like it as he also loves sprouts.
And lastly, I fancied knitting another twiddle mitt. I haven't made one for ages . The colours don't show up well here. The stripes beside the bobbles are grey with a lurex thread so it looks like snow. I will add a few winter theme twiddly bits later 

So that's me for this week

Have a good week all!

X x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 1 May 2024


 It's been a busy week with a few trips out and a little bit of crafty activity.

On Saturday I went on our works outing with Tilly Tea Dance.😃

We went to Builth Wells in Mid Wales to the Wonderwool Wales Show. 

Three halls full of gorgeous yarns and all sorts of woolly goodness and equipment kept us busy for about four hours. It was a perfect chance for Max to replenish her stocks for her artwork and workshops.

Just look at this lovely stuff 

We also saw where the wool comes from..

Angora goats and Jacob's Sheep.

My own crafty activity has been the making of this Springtime twiddler.. 


This week I must get my head around some ATCs and maybe a little gift for a raffle prize.

I hope you are all well and trying to make the best of a long,  cold April. We did have a pleasant day with sunshine yesterday so hopefully things will improve.

Enjoy the May Day Bank holiday 

x x Jo 

Wednesday, 20 March 2024


 Another week, another Wednesday.

I seem to have been busy over the last week and thankfully have my bounce back so have been out and about a bit more. 

My crafty activity has involved knitting another Twiddler.  

I just need to add a few bits and bobs to twiddle 

Then I finished off two tiny cardigans....

Baked this yummy veggy puff for family tea on Monday 

Now I need to use these pretty fabrics to make a wedding card.

Happy days!

Have a good week all.

x x Jo 

Wednesday, 24 January 2024


Well, my week of COVID enforced hibernation has been fine. I missed having Ben for his usual weekly school pick up and tea here, but have filled my time with a few admin jobs for Tilly Tea Dance and some crafty activities.

This week we are in the pink...

I have created two pink twiddlers.

They have twiddly bits inside and out 

This one has a leftover fairy that I knitted before Christmas.

My friend sent me some lovely flowers as a little treat. It seems ages since I have been able to meet up with friends and family so these lovely blooms cheered me up.

I am counting my blessings really as I haven't felt poorly, just fed up with my cough and  COVID.

Others have had far more to trouble them over the last few weeks so I am sending my love and thoughts to them. 

x x Jo 

Wednesday, 17 January 2024


Good morning all. 

Welcome to our WOYWW desk hop.

The idea is to show our work desks so everyone can see what we have been up to this week.

Well this pair certainly indicate what's going on here!.....

Yes, we both have COVID so will be home for the next week, I guess. I know there are no isolation rules but it makes common sense not to pass it to vulnerable friends and family or folks that need good health for work. So, we will just enjoy each other's company for this week at least🤣

Last week I promised I would share my little seaside Twiddler. I resisted Jan's idea for adding bathers as there didn't seem to be enough room on the beach. But you certainly fired my imagination Jan! 

So that's me for this week.

Have a good week all. I hope it's not been to cold, icy, snowy etc.

x x Jo 

Wednesday, 3 January 2024


 Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely festive season and can now look forward to a happy and healthy 2024.

I must admit that my sewing room hasn't really seen any crafty action.

I thought I would share one of my Christmas gifts with you. I love the soft patchwork colours of this gorgeous scarf given to me by one of my Yorkshire friends. They know how to keep cosy up there.😀

Annie was here at the weekend and we were thinking what we can do by way of crafty activity in the New Year.  I had so enjoyed my fabric wreath making that I thought I might make a Spring version.  I also thought I should use up some of my wool stash and make some Spring Twiddle mitts. I've made a start on a rainbow one🌈

What ideas do you have for your next crafty project?

I hope you call back and see what I get up to in the coming weeks 

Happy crafting!

x x Jo 

Wednesday, 15 November 2023


 Good morning everyone.

I thought firstly I would share my Remembrance Day poppy twiddle mitt.

This week I have pottered in my sewing room and made a  few Christmas cards.

Then, I had a text from Annie to ask which machine embroidery stitch I used to edge my cards. (We both have the same machine)

I replied with the row and the pattern number but she was still struggling as the numbers had faded on her chart. 

In the past I made myself a set of little fabric books with each pattern numbered so I can see how well they work.

As Annie didn't have this handy resource, I took a photo of my little chart and sent it to her. Now it's printed and stuck onto her machine so at least she can quickly access her pattern! Sisterly love.🥰

Just a quick post this week. I am still only working on half power as I still have a silly cough and it saps my energy. It is a bit better, so fingers crossed it goes soon.

Have a good week.

xx Jo

Wednesday, 3 May 2023


 Good morning all.

Welcome to our WOYWW desk hop - if you need to know more, pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground.

We have been desk hopping for nearly 14 years and I have been busy sorting my anniversary ATCs.

Annie and I have made 14 each and will be posting them together, as usual, this year.

I think we have all the names for those of you who have asked to swap. 

I will reveal all nearer the time!

This week I had a little sort out - some of my boxes hadn't seen the light of day for years.

For example, I found this little gem hidden away in a box labelled WIP.

I remember buying a kit and making this picture using free machining and melting fabric with a soldering iron. I think I really should do something with it. Maybe frame it?

And finally, my latest little twiddler with a Shrewsbury Town Football Club theme. 

The names are all footballers playing in the 60s. ( I actually remember going to matches with my Dad and seeing them play!)

So that's it for this week.

I hope you have a lovely Coronation weekend.

Tilly has a workshop on Saturday so I will be helping out, but may have time to see a bit of the pomp and ceremony on tv.

xx Jo

Wednesday, 29 March 2023


 Good morning all.

We have had yet another busy week and the time is whizzing by.

I helped Maxine set up a lovely display of her work up at The Bog Centre on the Stiperstones. If you are passing by, do call in. Lots of local artists display their work for sale and there are all sorts of interesting items of local historical and geographical information on show. The homemade cakes and drinks make it well worthwhile visiting.

I finished a twiddler for Neet's friend and then set to on another one 

I thought I would show you a naked one.  LL J prepare yourself for this ..

Then I embellished it with a garden scene and things to twiddle. I went a bit over the top but I was enjoying myself.😄

So that's it for this week.

I hope you are all well and enjoying all the lovely signs of Spring.

x x Jo 

Wednesday, 1 June 2022


Good morning all.
Just a little bit of twiddle mitt fun to share with you today.
Shrewsbury hosts a wonderful Flower Show in August so I thought an appropriate twiddler would be in order. (Front and back here)

The other twiddler is an" Under the sea" one.

I hope the jelly fish isn't too scary - I just thought its wispy texture might be fun.

Last but not least..

My lovely ATCs from Sylvia,

Our Queen of Snoop, Julia. Robyn and Tracy.
Thanks lots to everyone. They are a fab depiction of our "Connection".

I think I will buy a little cork board like Jan, to display them all. They deserve pride of place in my sewing room.

That's it for this WOYWW.

Have a happy Platinum Jubilee.

xx Jo

Wednesday, 2 March 2022



Good morning all.

I thought you would like to see the finished Saucepan Man outfit.

All the pans etc are made from shiny, silver fabric. Ben helped me to make the two little pans on the front by gluing fabric to Bisto tins.

The rest are all soft sculpture pan lids/utensils etc. the outfit is topped off with a saucepan hat!

My photo of him from the front wasn't very good so I have left you with a very swish rear view. 

He loved the outfit and said "It's much better than I expected!!"

The photo below is the pack of ten twiddlers all ready to be dropped off at the hospital.

They are cheery aren't they.

So that's me for this week.

I am back on Tilly Tea Dance admin this week so I may be a bit slow with my WOYWW comments.

(nothing new there then).

Have a good week.

xx Jo

Wednesday, 23 June 2021


 Good morning to all my WOYWW friends and anyone else who pops in to see what I am up to.

Well this week I have been in my sewing room and my sewing machine has seen a bit of action - Yes!!

Max found a holiday shirt that she wanted me to upcycle for Ben.

Not quite as easy as I thought but it didn't take too long. 

I cut it out using the existing hems and button bands so that helped. It was just the collar that needed careful thought but the end result looks fine and will make a nice, cool summer shirt.

I mentioned paper bag shorts last week and caused confusion 😀

Basically they are just shorts with a bit above the waist band. (Imagine a paper bag held together at the top with a bit of the bag gathered above your hand). 

Here they are ...

I just made them with a bit of left over fabric to make sure they fit etc before we go looking for something suitable to make them up in. I feel a trip to Watson and Thornton's coming on!

I also managed a bit of knitting whilst watching the footie this week.

This is my summer themed twiddler...

And then, in the post came this lovely card and ATC from Felicia.

So good to see little snapshots from around the world in a postcard and a beautiful ATC to go with it. Thanks lots Felicia.

Well that's me for this week.

I hope you have a great week.

xx Jo