Wednesday, 26 February 2025


 Here we are again, happy as can be.

All good friends and jolly good company!

A little song that sums our WOYWW group up nicely. I don't know where it's from- do you?

So to another week of crafty activity.

I had quite a laugh with Max as she handed me another pile of bookmarks to edge. She said "No rush, but there are quite a few more to do😀"

It's a good job that I love doing them.

Once I had finished those then I was free to tackle a little request....

Do you remember this half done twiddle mitts?

My sister-in-law asked if I could make one for a friend. She loves flowers, ribbons and has a tortoise.

I added a few bits and bobs to suit.


I hope it brings a bit of comfort to its new owner.
So that's me for this week.
Enjoy the sunshine and spring flowers.
x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


Good morning all!

I hope you are all well and looking forward to the warmer weather supposedly on its way 

We had a lovely morning in Shrewsbury yesterday. We call it our staff meeting but really it's just an excuse for a nice lunch and a glass of Prosecco 😀 It's a lovely town for doing just that. I took Ben for half term treats - a mooch round the bookshop for some new books and a few other bits and bobs. Then lunch in our favourite Italian restaurant.

My crafty activity has been limited to a bit of knitting......

I made a few more little creme egg covers. These little chickens knit up quickly and look cute.

I added a few more little dolls to my collection ...

Today I will be tackling a new set of bookmarks for Tilly. I may be gone for some time.🤣

Have a good week all 
x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


 Happy What's On Your Work desk Wednesday!

Thanks to Sarah for keeping us all together. It was lovely to catch up with her on Saturday at Tilly's workshop. The finished toadstools pictures were wonderful....

So now you can see the point of me spending hours doing this...

These are the fluff rainbows that I have put together for her Greek Islands workshop.
My own crafty activity has been limited a few little knitties...
A little comfort Ted.

And a McFelty aka Highland cow.

Looking forward to some warmer brighter weather. It's been so cold, grey and gloomy.

Have a good week all.
x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 5 February 2025



Good morning all.

It's a flower fest for you today.

The stunning roses were given to me by my little sis.  I've never had such beautiful roses. They have opened slowly and are jewel-like in colours.  So far they have lasted nearly a week and look just as fresh and lovely.

On Sunday we went for a long walk around Attingham Park so that we could see the snowdrops. They were wonderful, stretching over acres of wooded ground. The blue sky and warm sunshine made it a perfect trip out 
And then, look! I have daffs in full bloom in my garden as well as some primroses. It seems early but I suppose we haven't had a a very cold winter.

Lastly, this is the last little, fluffy sheep creme egg cover that I made last night..

I now have about 60 covers in two baskets ready for the charity..

So that's it for this week 
I hope you are all well and looking forward to Springtime just around the corner.
 x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Good morning all and welcome to our Wednesday desk share.

Well, I'm sorry to say, not much has been happening apart from a big boost to Tilly Tea Dance's stock of Inspiration packs. They are simply tiny bags with a colour coordinated selection of fluff and yarn. I made about 30 this week in pinks, lilacs, yellows and a red/ green poppy pack.

I hope they provide inspiration for Tilly's students on her workshops. Each pack has a piece of prefelt and just enough bits and bobs to create a tiny work of art or to add to a bigger project 

I was given this polyester cushion filling this week.
Three big bags full! I only use tiny amounts for my little knitties so this lot may last a lifetime 🤣
The packs are those bags that you can suck the air out with a vacuum hose. I did just that but as I put them on top of my wardrobe I could hear a light hissing sound. The following morning they were back to the size you see now. Mmm. Id better get stuffing!
So that's me for this week 
Have a good week 
x x Jo 🌈