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Friday, January 02, 2009

Running while Pregnant

First of all, thank you for all your "congrats" and good wishes: It's all very much appreciated!

So, yesterday, I promised that I had more to say about this whole running-while-pregnant-business, and I wasn't kidding. I have a LOT to say on the subject, and I can pretty much promise I'll have a lot to say on it for...oh...the next 7 months. But let me begin today from the beginning:

Before I got pregnant, there had never been a doubt in my mind that when I one day got knocked up that I would continue to run. I had read some about it, and everything seemed to confirm that it was a perfectly healthy activity to continue. Of course, there are some basic criteria that most experts asks women to follow: For one, a woman should already be a runner. It's not advisable to start new, strenuous activities when pregnant. Secondly, a woman should only continue her running if she has no indicators of a high-risk pregnancy (ex: previously existing medical conditions, high blood pressure, previous miscarriages, etc), and lastly, should any pain, extreme discomfort or risk to the pregnancy occur, women should immediately halt their running routine.

All of that makes excellent sense.

I have been running consistently for 3 and 1/2 years, but even in the years preceding this commitment to running, I was always active. I have no pre-existing medical conditions (I've never even had blood drawn, never stayed overnight in the hospital, nothing), I take no prescription medication, my blood pressure is perfect, my resting HR is low, my weight is within a very healthy range, my genetic history is like a straight-A report card, and I have never been pregnant before. So, I'm the ideal candidate for a preggo-runner, and like I said, I never questioned whether or not I would continue to run.

Until I saw the doctor.

Like I mentioned yesterday, 2 days after I found out I was pregnant I went ahead and ran the Palm Beach Half Marathon. My time was slower than average, but I finished and felt good after finishing. 3 days after that, I went in for my first doctor appointment. Everything checked out excellent, and as I describe above, I'm in excellent health and I have no indicators of a high-risk pregnancy. So as the doctor is telling me how superior my health is (okay, maybe I added the "superior" part), I ask: "So, it's fine for me to keep running, right?"

Her response: "Oh, no! I don't like pregnant women to run."

I was shocked and asked her, "Why not?"

"Well," she said, "It's just that there's such a risk that you'll fall down. That, and the pounding. I mean, that's hard on your knees anyway, but all that jarring will be hard on you as you get bigger, so I just don't like running."

Now, if you're like me, you heard (or read, in your case) two things there that should set off red alerts: 1.) "That's hard on your knees" and 2.) "I just don't like running." We've all heard the "you're gonna ruin your knees!" bologna, and we've all read that decades of studies have not shown any evidence that running wears down your joints. If anything, running improves joint and bone health (and the thing that really hurts your knees? obesity! anyway, sorry, that's my brief rant). Secondly, it was clear to me that this doctor -- who is in her late 60s, maybe a bit "old school" -- simply regards the sport of running with suspicion.

So, I said: "I've been running for years, and I can't imagine giving it up."

She sighed, "Well, I just advise against it, but if you ask any one of the other doctors here in the practice, they may contradict my advice and tell you it's perfectly fine to continue running. I just don't advise it."

Despite the fact that her last statement made it clear that her stance on running while pregnant was merely opinion and that others within the practice had differing opinions, I left her office that day very upset. I am a well-educated, reasonable woman, capable of thinking for herself and forming her own opinions on a subject, yet the authority figure in a white coat's contradictory opinion had sent all my preconceived notions about running while I was pregnant out the window.

I went home that day and cried.

Then I went and got a Chipotle burrito and felt a little better.

Then I cried a little more.

Then I decided to go for a run.

While I ran, I began to feel better. My head cleared, I felt less stressed, I no longer felt anxious about what she had said and implied, and I came to a simple, yet illuminating conclusion: In the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing, I am going to get a LOT of advice and opinion. And everyone is convinced that their method is the right one. What I have to do is consider all the options, the evidence, and my own lifestyle, and then I have to choose what's right for ME, MY baby, and MY family. So for me, choosing to not run just wasn't an option.

So, I finished that run and felt a million times better, and that demonstrated for me why I need to continue to run while pregnant. Sure, running helps me maintain physical fitness, and without it, I may not have some of those great health stats I previously listed. But more than that, running helps me maintain my mental health: It helps clear my head, de-stress me, and it just plain makes me happy. When I finish a run, I feel GOOD.

Therefore, doesn't it make sense that if running makes me feel happy and healthy that this will carry over into having a happy and healthy pregnancy? I think so. So, I'm gonna keep running. Obviously, if there is ever a risk to the baby, or if it becomes too uncomfortable or painful, then I will quit, but for now, everything is fine so I'm gonna continue to "ruin my knees."


Elizabeth said...

Oh honey.

You just learned your first knocked up lesson.

Everyone and their ma will have something to say about what you do/eat/drink/etc and will not friggin hesitate to inform you of said opinion. It's damn annoying.

Granted this was your doc and that's their job but you will soon find yourself knee deep in a plethora of advice - some good, some ridiculous and some so absolutely lame that you wonder how this person walks upright.

My piece of advice? Do EXACTLY what you are doing. Take a stand now and remember that this kid is YOURS and that you need to make these decisions and don't let people push you around.

If you need a hormonal freak to come do interference for you, give me a holler. I just had my kid and I think the hormones are still a-ragin'.

Anonymous said...

I see lots of pregnant women at races here. One of my close friends ran until her due date and then only stopped because she was convinced she was about to have the baby. Her only regret? Not running during the week between her due date and the baby coming. So, go for it as long as you feel good doing it.

As you said, you will get tons of advice and you'll have to weed through it and figure out what works for your family. My choices tend to be outside the "norm" (homebirth, co-sleeping, extended nursing, delayed vaccination to name a few), so I've had to do a ton of research and go with what's comfortable for me. My standard response to advice is "that's great. Glad it worked for you", thereby validating their choice but not making any commitment to trying what they suggested. Listen to what people say and find the useful nuggets, but always remember it's YOUR family and YOUR (and Jerry's obviously) choice.

Congrats again!

Wes said...

Dee Dee and I got rear ended by some kid doing 30 mph when she was five months pregnant with Jimmy. She went one way, the baby went the other... Women are all cushy in the mid section for a reason :-)

Yea, you need to run!

Laurel said...

Amen girl. Perfect post.

While I wasn't pregnant very long, when I was I had the same problem. Everyone had their opinion about how to act while preggo and it was all different ( including Drs).

And while the problems I had with my of had nothing to do with my running, or the fact that I ran a half marathon while 6 weeks of ( when I saw you), I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who think it did.

Bottom line, when it comes to babies/ kids, everyone has an opinion. Unfortunately, it won't end once jr is born. Keep doing what feels right for you guys. In my opinion, getting lazy and obese during pregnancy is way worse.

Oh yeah, congrats to scooter on becoming a big brother!!!

Midwest said...

First of all, congratulations, Mama! You and Jerry are about to embark on your biggest adventure, and I am very happy for you.

Second of all, I think you are making the absolute best decision for yourself and your little one. My doctor told me to listen to my body, and that's just what you're doing (my body told me to eat a ham sandwich the size of my head and then take a nap).

Finally, have you met Lil Runner at http://nannersbread.blogspot.com/ yet? She's a pregnant runner, too.

Lily on the Road said...

Congrat's !!!

Do what feels right, albeit I have no motherly experiences...


Unknown said...

Maybe this is a sign that you should see a different doctor. Seriously. Think about taking her up on her challenge and find one of the other doctors in the practice, they tells you it's perfectly fine to continue running. I think you'd be better off with a doctor who is sympathtic to your cause and can advise you if/when it *really* isn't okay to run than one that feels that way from the beginning.

My two cents. :-)

Marcy said...

Do you like your Dr otherwise? Can you switch to one that might be more understandable to the running? If she seems old school about this I can only imagine how she feels about other things. YIKES! Being pregnant is hard enough. Why should you have to deal with the added stress of someone who isn't supportive to your needs as well, KWIM?

You'll be fine :-) Listen to your body and do what's best for you. ITA with MCM Mama.

nwgdc said...

Very Well Written, Jess. You've got it figured out!

Maybe I should start wearing a white coat at my office. It does look very authoritative!

Teacher Pursuits said...

While in for a "routine" appt, I recently asked my doctor about this and she was SUPER supportive of women continuing to run while pregnant. And, she is about 30-35 years old and is in super shape herself. She even told me a story of a friend of hers that ran through her ENTIRE pregnancy. Now, I can't imagine being 9 months and going out for a jog but... it gave me peace of mind that light to moderate running is perfectly accepatble... and encouraged. Keep running!!!

Carly said...

It is so funny how doctors can have differing opinions.
My doctor that I LOVED and delived 2 of my 3 babes quite frankly stated that OBs are so afraid of being sued for malpractice that they often take the most conservative route for giving any type of advice. He was pretty old school and he gave me his blessing to run with common sense. (I was not able to see him for #3 because he passed away *sob*)

I agree with the others above....this is the first of many many things that will be "controversial" in your journey as a parent.

My advice would be to do what you are doing. You are smart and if it hurts stop.

congratulations again!

Carly said...

Please excuse the typos....I am typing faster than the dinosaur computer I have.

Marci said...

It does sound like your doctor is old school, suprising since she is a doctor, but I guess everyone has their bias's.
I once had a lady (granted not a doctor) tell me that my uterus will shift if I continue to run marathons. All of these myths have never been proved to my knowledge.

One excellent blog is the running skirts blog. One of the owners there ran throughout her whole pregnancy, and even ran smaller races. I also know a girl who qualified for Boston 5 months pregnant (I don't know if this is advisable). Continue to listen to your body, and if running feels good, then run.

X-Country2 said...

Excellent post! You know your body better than anyone. Keep the pregnancy running posts coming.

Unknown said...

I only have one thing to say...
Enjoy your running!
Peace of mind while pregnant is a MUST!

Anonymous said...

Excellent conclusion! And i too had heard if you are already a runner...continue on. I see A LOT of pregnant women running...maybe not FAST AND SPEEDY but running. you will also probably have an easier time come birth and will bounce back to your normal svelte self more quickly after the baby is born!!!

I see a Bob in your future!!! (thats the best running strollers out there by the way!!!)

Running Jen said...

You are definitely taking the right approach. When I was pregnant, my Dr said it was fine to keep running, but he wanted me to keep my HR below 140. Now, I never keep track of that, so I have no clue, I just figured, as long as I could still talk while running, and felt good, all was well.

Continue running, and enjoy!

Ace said...

Enjoying your blog. Felt the need to weigh in on this one! My wife and I have three kids and she has run during all of the pregnancies. I think the consensus is what you found in your research, that running is perfectly fine for people who have already been doing it. A few years ago they told us that you needed to keep your heart beat below a certain rate, but they've taken back that advice and basically said what you've mentioned which is, keep doing what you have been doing. I have to second some of the advice already mentioned, maybe another doctor is in the works?
The worry about falling down is apt, especially if you are running on ice and such, but some of us fall down while walking so....

/end rant

Congrats on the great news!

Shoe Running said...

You'll be fine! Just listen to your bod, and if it says slow down, do it. :) It's hard when everyone has conflicting opinions, but really none of them are "right"...it is just what's "right" for you.

Doctors used to do blood letting...obviously they are not always right :)

Ultimately, I think you know what's best for you. :) I hope you feel better about it!

Jess said...

First off CONGRATS to you and Jerry!!! That is so exciting! You will both make awesome parents!

I think you're right and you should keep running as long as it's not painful. If it keeps you happy and healthy, I can't see how that is going to negatively affect a pregnancy.

Also...if you need a babysitter I'd be more than happy to fly to Florida (preferably in the dead of winter when it's cold up north hahah!)

Anonymous said...

My sister in-law is pregnant (again) and just a ran a half marathon (November) and is considering doing another this month.

Way back in the days of Yor I consistently ran at the same park and every time I went out there a woman who was very obviously pregnant (I mean it couldn't have been any more obvious) was out running. Then she didn't show up for an entire month. But after that month, she was back, pushing a running stroller. A frickin' month - one month! Good God.

Anonymous said...

Time to get a new doctor?

You go girl!!

Carolina John said...

First of all, "pregnant" and "reasonable" don't often appear in the same sentence. it's one of the benefits of being pregnant, your hormones run wild and you can express every feeling no matter how irrational it may sound. Men have a genetic disposition to bow down and fullfil every unreasonable request or feeling a pregnant woman has. enjoy this freedom while you can. that doctor is obviously nuts.

once you get past the 20 week point, walking will be uncomfortable. Standing won't be much better, and it will get worse the longer the pregnancy goes. So enjoy running the next 11 weeks, then worry about it.

my word verification letters are eargoo, i think that's funny.

Nikki said...

Oh Jess, CONGRATS!!!! Your post shows exactly why you will be a fabulous mom :D There is a great blog out there on a preggo mom running, I'll see if I can find it and post the link for you.

I'm excited to read your journey.

btw..my word verifications is BUNWATI (bunwaiting?)

Anonymous said...

nah you can run...if I were you, go to every OB in that practice so you know everyone and then stick with the one you like the most...

Nikki said...




Marlene said...

GAH, I hate when people bring up the knees.

Good for you for doing your own research and making the right decision for you.

lifestudent said...

Ha. When I found out I was pregnant I secretly hoped my doctor would tell me not to run so I had an excuse ... but she told me I could do all of the things I previously did. In fact, she started LISTING all of the things I could do, and it was far more than I had been doing in the first place ;)

I personally found myself so drained that I just couldnt run, but I know that you will keep it up and it will make you stronger and happier throughout your pregnancy!

MN Mom said...

Didn't read yesterday's post until today...but I am so glad I can finally say, Yea! Congrats! This is going to be so great.
Oh and you are right, listen to your own good advice, doctors don't know everything, you will know when and if running needs to stop while you are PG. As well as many other things that come up. Listen to your own inner voice. But remember you will not be consuming calories from drinking...so you won't need to run as much to off-set the calorie intake. And to Jerry...relax! All will be well. You two will be great parents.

Anonymous said...

I work with preggars all the time. If you need medical journal articles to give your MD let me know. Keep it up and you'll knees will be fine.

Neese said...

ruin those knees girlfriend!

E said...

By doing what is right for you, you are already doing the right thing. Loved this post.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I totally missed yesterday's post. CONGRATULATIONS Jess!! You guys are going to be awesome parents.

I know many women who have run while pregnant. The biggest thing is to listen to your body and don't push yourself. You'll be fine.

Congrats again. What an exciting 2009!

SavvyFitChica said...

I agree with you, but more importantly, I agree w/ your line of thinking... you weighed all the evidence, information, and opinions and made the decision that's best for you. Even if I didn't agree w/ you (which I do), after that, I would support you 100% no matter what. You're one smart chick!

Aka Alice said...

I was 32 when I had my first kid. I was 43 when I started running. I sooooo wish I had running in my life when I was preggers. I think it would have made lots of things much easier for me.

So you keep on running as long as you feel good about it... You are going to be an awesome mom!

Agate Lake Girl said...

Sorry I'm late to read both these posts. I didn't even turn on my computer yesterday or today until now - who knew I would be missing the big announcement! Congrats again. I'll be sending a few books your way come Monday. Oh and my friend Sue was still competiting in triatholons while she was pregnant (I may be exxagerating, maybe she toned it down to just marathons)! :)

N.D. said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy. I would probably change doctors if he/she didn't support me running. I'm 33 weeks and still running along. I had one dumb doctor tell me walking is good and not getting my heart rate above 140 but my doctor said I was allowed to do a marathon at 27 weeks (I ended up walking half of it at the time) but I am still trucking along. His best advice was LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Jess- you say that now- just wait until yours comes out :) it's a matter of survival and you let out little pieces at a time in order to keep 'order' in the house...eventually of course I will have a proper talk when she's older so that she's not turned off...but for now, scared is good :)

J~Mom said...

Nikki gave you a few links already, I think also TX Runner girl..but her blog is private now. If you want her email let me know. There are several bloggers that have run through pregnancy. Follow your heart...which you are already doing. :>)

TonyP said...

One of my good ultra running friends, Meredith is pregnant, and she has continued to run in moderation. Her doctor has her keeping her heart rate at a certain level. If you ever want to talk to her about running while pregnant, let me know and I can make an intoduction.

chia said...

Sounds like you need a new doc. Seriously, anyone that would encourage a woman to change her friggin lifestyle 2 months into a pregnancy is putting their patient at risk for a lot friggin more than bad knees. You can't change your lifestyle on the drop of a dime it will hurt not only you but the unborn angel in your tum tum.

I hate your doctor. Read: Hate. I want to judo chop her.

Good for you chica. Much love and prayers xx

Lauri said...

"But more than that, running helps me maintain my mental health: It helps clear my head, de-stress me, and it just plain makes me happy. When I finish a run, I feel GOOD."

Thank you! I just read this and something clicked in my head! While I am not pregnant (so that part is not applicable) I am perpetually stressed (I just went back to school, and My husband is a touring musician frequently on the road!) . I had started running in the fall and then did'nt "have time" with the semester (but had lots of time to sit on the couch cranky, stressed and eating crap!) Again in the cranky phase I know I should start running but come up with excuses, So tomorrow I will be out there, running! (Even though it's @#$% freezing here in NY!)

So thank you for giving me your pre-motherly advice! :D
Good luck with pregnant running!

Mendy said...

Jess, you're such a smart girl and obviously have thought of everything regarding running/being healthy/pregnant stuff. When I was pregnant with Grace (about 3 months along), I was running. I was in the Dr's office for an apt, and was sitting beside another runner. I was reading runners' world (I think) and it struck a conversation. She was a runner(way better than I was at it - you could tell), and she was about 7 months along and still running.

I, personally, think that as you mentioned - if you are already running and healthy, you can continue it. If it makes you happy do it, until someone (a Dr.) tells you it's not healthy.

So happy for you!

sRod said...


Congratulations!!!!! Sweet Jesus, I've been so bad at catching up that this totally slipped by! So many warm wishes to you and Jerry and Scooter for the new addition to the family. I'm so happy for you!

Coincidentally, my sister is also two months preggers and due in July as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm a pregnant runner too -- about 3 months along now. My doc said running was fine because I was running before I got pregnant. Same with pilates. I cannot imagine giving up running altogether - although I've definitely cut back, mainly from not feeling good and being super busy with work lately. When I do get out there, though, I feel so much better.

One thing my friends told me when I got pregnant was beware of boomers (those in their 50s and 60s). When they were our age and pregnant, they were basically put on bed rest. Times have changed, though, so they often have really misguided advice. If you ask me, stress is the worst thing for a developing baby. If running helps alleviate that, then go for it! Just listen to your body.

Anonymous said...

I'm do glad I found your blog! I just found out I am pregnant over the weekend an only began running back in October of last year.

I have a blog too but I'm here as anonymous b/c I don't want the blog world to know about my pregnancy yet.

Anyway, I'm going to follow along with your journey and I think that of course you should keep runnin! : )

Emily said...

I know this post of yours is old, but I just came across it. I just found out that I'm pregnant, and I'm a runner. And, this is exactly how I am feeling- thanks for letting me know there's someone out there who wants to keep running. You've encouraged me not to stop- THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am also a runner and just found out I was pregnant a week ago. I have been running since, but have been looking for confirmation that I am not doing any harm. I have a half marathon relay coming up that I want to do and reading your blog made me feel more comfortable about running. It also helps counterbalance the first trimester exhaustion! I say keep running, and I'm going to do the same! Thanks for the post - and I agree with the other comments that stress is way worse on the body than anything running may cause. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Commenting more than a year later...thanks for this. I'm just barely pregnant (5 weeks) and my doctor told me to stop running. Any other athletics, she's okay with, it's the bouncing she claims she doesn't like. But I think she just doesn't understand running. She told me the cautionary tale of a woman who was 19 weeks pregnant and went for a "two hour or two mile run" and had a miscarriage. Now clearly, someone who doesn't distinguish between a two MILE run and a two HOUR run, is not a runner. But I'm afraid to disobey - I don't want to be a cautionary tale!

On the other hand, the weather's just getting good and I've really been bumming about it. I wonder if I sneak in a couple of runs a week if that will ruin my trust relationship with my doctor.

scout said...

I've been reading through your blog a bit and eveyone's posts ..it's been so refreshing for me. I have a 14 month old (her name is Norah too!) and ran through a good part of my pregnancy with her(until about 28 weeks) but really didn't like having to give it up. I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant again and have been maintaining about 25 miles a week (slow a a snail but it's so essential for me just to get out). I'd like to run farther into this pregnancy but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I do have a question, I'm not sure where you live, but will you not go out if it's a certain temp or colder (while your pregnant).

Anonymous said...

This is my third pregnancy and I have continued running through them. I take it a easy compared to normal, but it still makes me feel good and I am convinced it helps me with the issues I have with my back. Seems ironic, but it just keeps me together. I do run with a maternity belt which I just find more comfortable then without. Sometimes the ligaments in my belly will be sore from running otherwise. But I would say go for it. I have had 2 extremely healthy babies and I expect my 3rd to be just fine too!

Anonymous said...

I am 35 weeks pregnant and still running. My doctor told me a similar thing and that coupled with other bad advice she was giving my husband and I fired her at 28 weeks and found a nurse midwife who is supportive. You know your body, that is the bottom line.

Florence Messenger Martell Glennon said...

I'm also a pregnant runner- 38 weeks with twins and a barefoot running convert for the past 1 1/2 years. I ran through my first pregnancy up until the day I went into labor. I too was surprised by all the misinformation and push back I got from both the medical community and the midwifery community about running while pregnant. I whole heartedly agree that it is excellent for your mental and physical health during pregnancy, and life in general. Both of my pregnancies were/are incredibly healthy and even though I had a very hard 60 hr labor with my (first) daughter, her heart rate never faltered. Even my doc attributed this to my running and overall good health- despite having told me she advised against it during pregnancy!

Bottom line is that you have to push through all sorts of uncomfortable/painful things as a runner (and in life) and as long as you know your body, and can feel when the pain is running related vs baby related, then you will be fine. Obviously, running can be very uncomfortable at various stages of pregnancy, and there are good days and bad, but overall you will get through it and be glad you did.

Happy running and I hope you have a fabulous pregnancy and birth!

Florence Messenger Martell Glennon said...

I'm also a pregnant runner- 38 weeks with twins and a barefoot running convert for the past 1 1/2 years. I ran through my first pregnancy up until the day I went into labor. I too was surprised by all the misinformation and push back I got from both the medical community and the midwifery community about running while pregnant. I whole heartedly agree that it is excellent for your mental and physical health during pregnancy, and life in general. Both of my pregnancies were/are incredibly healthy and even though I had a very hard 60 hr labor with my (first) daughter, her heart rate never faltered. Even my doc attributed this to my running and overall good health- despite having told me she advised against it during pregnancy!

Bottom line is that you have to push through all sorts of uncomfortable/painful things as a runner (and in life) and as long as you know your body, and can feel when the pain is running related vs baby related, then you will be fine. Obviously, running can be very uncomfortable at various stages of pregnancy, and there are good days and bad, but overall you will get through it and be glad you did.

Happy running and I hope you have a fabulous pregnancy and birth!

Owner- Leanna Greene & Summer Clark said...

I ahve been looking for some average runner/ pregnant woman to follow!Let me explain. Ive seen some pregnant runners that run endless marathons, and 16 minute 5k's. Im so glad to see were on the same level. Cant wait to read more!!
Im due in August with my second (didnt run the first go around due to dr's like your...) needless to say I got a new dr! hooray. 2nd time around Im 18 weeks in and 2 HM down. 1 more scheduled in mid April so I'll be 21 weeks for that.

Wellsobrt said...

It is so funny how doctors can have differing opinions. My doctor that I LOVED and delived 2 of my 3 babes quite frankly stated that OBs are so afraid of being sued for malpractice that they often take the most conservative route for giving any type of advice. He was pretty old school and he gave me his blessing to run with common sense. (I was not able to see him for #3 because he passed away *sob*) I agree with the others above....this is the first of many many things that will be "controversial" in your journey as a parent. My advice would be to do what you are doing. You are smart and if it hurts stop. congratulations again!

Gail said...

This is a very encouraging blog specially in my case. I am 2-3 weeks pregnant and like you, I've always been an avid runner before getting knocked up and I've vowed to continue running even when I got pregnant and now I am but everyone around me including my doctor and partner is against the thought of me continuing my run. I feel really bad that I started turning online for a lot of helpful advice re this. And when I read the first paragraph of your blog, I can totally relate and got more inspired to keep running. I've been running clandestinely, since everyone around me i.e. partner, mother, friends, and colleagues are all saying the same thing which was to stop running. But like what you mentioned, it's my body and my baby. I love the bun in my oven more than anything and I choose to take care of it by doing the same for myself by being HEALTHY & HAPPY. That's all that matters. More power to you and your running. Keep up the good work and run :)


ruzzel01 said...

You encourage me as well. I will let my wife read this.

female obgyn