Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Friday, January 02, 2009

Atheism to be Taught to Victorian Youth

I was rather disturbed to read this article (link), provided to me by a very dear reader. The article suggests that primary schools in Victoria (the second most populous state of Australia) are expected to begin indoctrinating children with the idea that there is no evidence of God. Apparently, the universe (which he made) and the Bible (which he spake) do not count as evidence of their maker's and author's existence. What utter foolishness. I hope that Christians in Melbourne (and the rest of Victoria) will be able to oppose this proposal, but the proposal demonstrates the fact that Christians should not rely on the state to educate their children well.

Psalm 118:9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Free Apologetics Course

The Parchment and Pen blog has made available for free an apologetics course taught by Rob Bowman (link). That would appear to be Rob Bowman, president of the Center for Biblical Apologetics, not Rob Bowman the noted filmmaker. While I would certainly not be able to endorse absolutely every aspect of Bowman's viewpoints, and while I am particularly concerned by the apparent lack of historical awareness of the course (as evidenced by the dearth of recommended readings from notable Reformers or early churchmen and the fact that the KJV is not even an acceptable version for Scripture memorization for his course), nevertheless given the price, it may be worth checking out.
