Friday, March 7, 2014

February Happenings

So as we all very well know...this winter has SUCKED BIG TIME!!  It has been cold, snowy, cold, gray, oh and did I mention COLD!  This winter has been NO fun at all, we have cabin fever to the max and our move to South Carolina cannot come SOON enough!  We have been trying to keep busy despite the cold.  The kiddos have gotten to go out mabye a total of two times to go play in the snow b/c it has been so bitterly cold outside, its too miserable to go out even with layers upon layers of snow clothes on.  So here is the past few weeks or so of us getting through this miserable winter.

A lot of these were taken with my cell phone, so the picture quality isnt the greatest

Our view out the front door practically everyday, or so it seems like everyday

More snow

FINALLY a sunny day!!  The kids last about 15 minutes before coming back inside b/c it was so cold

We have done a lot of Netflix watching, even the dogs have gotten into Netflix

"Helping" mommy pack up the house for our upcoming move

Us and some friends decided to take the kids's Addison

Go Zoey, go!

Such a tough lil man, he wanted to do it ALL by himself

Addison, Zoey, and our friend Mallory rolling the ball down together

More outside fun...Addison & Zoey building a snowman

Please Spring, HURRY UP!!!!

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