Saturday, March 28, 2009

WARNING: Check your straws people!

I apologize for not posting for awhile. We have been pretty busy this past week. Last Friday, for Mike's spring break, we decided to take a trip to our Home Sweet Home Carolinas. Friday night we came to Charlotte to drop the dog off at the parentals and then we headed on downtown to Charleston to visit with Mike's family for a couple of days. Then Tuesday we came back to Charlotte to spend the rest of the week with my family and tomorrow we are heading back to Tennessee.

But I have a CRAZY story! The other day we decided to go shopping at South Park Mall (which is a really fancy, nice, awesome mall here in Charlotte). But there is a Cheesecake Factory hooked onto this mall, so of course we had to go! So we sat down and ordered our drinks and I just ordered a water. Then the waitress brings us our straws, where she had the straws just sitting inside her one shirt pocket and then she pulled them out and gave them to us, (hence they were not covered). So I take a big sip of my water and I felt something small and hard shoot into my mouth from the straw. I was like "what the crap" so I pulled this little hard thing out of my mouth and it was PILL!!!! My first thought was, someone is trying to drug me! So as I am sitting here with this pill in my hand that I had just about swallowed!! Looking at my husband and my mom like "did this seriously just happen??" So the waitress comes back to our table and I told her "umm, I just took a drink and this little pill came out of the straw and into my mouth and I almost swallowed it!" She went completely white in the face and looked at the pill and she told me that it was her pill and that it was Birth Control!! She was completely embarrassed by it! I told her that I was at least glad that it was HER pill and that it was only Birth Control. I was just lucky that I didnt swallow it. SWOOOSH!! I just hope that she wasnt planning on getting any lovin' that night or she might come out with a 9 month long surprise (hahaha).

But it was kind of a scary peoples, check your straws before you drink through them! You never know what might be poppin' through them!!


Emily said...

Are you sure it was just birth control? That could have been a total cover up. Ughh!! Now every time I eat at that Cheesecake Factory I'll think of this.

Kristi said...

Oh dear!! I never use a straw that is not rapped, and see good thing. That is soooo nuts! WOW good thing you did not get that down, Emily is right it totally could have been something else! Oh Jeez. Im glad you are safe.

Alyssa said...

That is the craziest story!

THE UDYS said...

Wow thats one way to prevent unwanted pregnancies!

Josh & Michelle said...

Wow, that is scary! I am already a germaphob so now I am really paranoid! I have not eaten at the Cheesecake Factory yet but you can imagine when I do, I will be on the look out for straws. I agree with every, it was probably something other than birth control, why would you be carrying that around in your pocket- hmmm sketchy!

South Shore Salutations said...

That's a new one. I don't think I'll ever drink from an uncovered straw again. Yuck!