Saturday, March 28, 2009

WARNING: Check your straws people!

I apologize for not posting for awhile. We have been pretty busy this past week. Last Friday, for Mike's spring break, we decided to take a trip to our Home Sweet Home Carolinas. Friday night we came to Charlotte to drop the dog off at the parentals and then we headed on downtown to Charleston to visit with Mike's family for a couple of days. Then Tuesday we came back to Charlotte to spend the rest of the week with my family and tomorrow we are heading back to Tennessee.

But I have a CRAZY story! The other day we decided to go shopping at South Park Mall (which is a really fancy, nice, awesome mall here in Charlotte). But there is a Cheesecake Factory hooked onto this mall, so of course we had to go! So we sat down and ordered our drinks and I just ordered a water. Then the waitress brings us our straws, where she had the straws just sitting inside her one shirt pocket and then she pulled them out and gave them to us, (hence they were not covered). So I take a big sip of my water and I felt something small and hard shoot into my mouth from the straw. I was like "what the crap" so I pulled this little hard thing out of my mouth and it was PILL!!!! My first thought was, someone is trying to drug me! So as I am sitting here with this pill in my hand that I had just about swallowed!! Looking at my husband and my mom like "did this seriously just happen??" So the waitress comes back to our table and I told her "umm, I just took a drink and this little pill came out of the straw and into my mouth and I almost swallowed it!" She went completely white in the face and looked at the pill and she told me that it was her pill and that it was Birth Control!! She was completely embarrassed by it! I told her that I was at least glad that it was HER pill and that it was only Birth Control. I was just lucky that I didnt swallow it. SWOOOSH!! I just hope that she wasnt planning on getting any lovin' that night or she might come out with a 9 month long surprise (hahaha).

But it was kind of a scary peoples, check your straws before you drink through them! You never know what might be poppin' through them!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Toilet Seat for the Tub...

So Addie found another new bath toy to play with....yeah....enough said.


So for those of you who cant tell what that round thing in the tub is...yes, that is a toilet seat. A Sesame Street one to be exact. We bought this other day in hope that we can attempt to start introducing Addie to the Big Girl Toilet. We dont expect her to be fully potty trained in a month or anything, but she has gotten to the point where she is waking up without much of a wet diaper, and not too long after she is awake and running around, she definitely goes! So we are going to attempt to getting her right on the potty when she first wakes up...we shall see how it goes. But today she decided to use her new toilet seat as a Tub Toy....crazy girl. Dont worry folks, the toilet seat was CLEAN...we just bought it, she hasnt used it yet, and I disinefected it. Ohhh dear, just another day in the Turok home.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

18 Months Old

My little girl is 18 MONTHS today. As I have always said, "where does the time go?" It has gone by so fast. I can hardly believe that she is 18 months, she has started Nursery and absolutely loves it. She is in a Big Girl Bed (a twin bed!!). Here are some stats on our little Addison:

Weight: a whoppin' 22 lbs

Height: 31 1/2 inches (I hope thats right)

Words: Dadda, Uh Oh, Dont, Go Go Go, Stop, Owww, No, Look, Please, Cheese and
bidda bidda dabba dabba

Favorite Things: purses, her High Heel shoes, her Cinderella Broom,
playing on her new Play Toy in the backyard, LOVES
reading her story books, chasing Cooper around the
house and pulling on his tail and ears (so funny to
watch), dancing, and watching her TinkerBell movie

What she is able to do, but it drives mom NUTS!!: pulling all drawers and cupboards open and pulling everything
out of them, she is able to open doors now and
messing up w/e room she is in, and playing with
mom's makeup.

18 Months

1 year
1 Year

6 months

Few Days Old

Like 12 Hours old

Here is more RANDOM MOMENTS by Addie...haha she is so weird.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Baby Niece!!

CONGRATS to Emily and Brad on their new Baby Girl, Sunny Miller!!! YAY for another little one in the family. We are so excited and happy for them!! Congrats again you guys! We can wait to meet her when we come to Utah in April!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Play Toy!!

So spring is here in the South...thank goodness!!! I am loving every minute of this warm weather. Addie LOVES being outside, we literally have to drag her back into the house every single time. But we have this big ole backyard with nothing in it. I always take Addison back there but she has nothing to play with except for the dog poop (gross, I know). So I told Mike that we are going to buy her a backyard toy with no questions asked. So we went down to ToysRUs and this is what we came back with...

As you can see SHE LOVES IT!!!!!


So I know these pictures are kind of bad and blurry of her, but I just couldnt get that little girl to hold still for me. But last Thursday we went to the Park for Playgroup. Addie was having the time of her life until she decided to dive off of the bridgeway she was standing on and she landing on a metal bar right on her mouth. OUCHIE!! She started crying and I ran over waiting to find my little girl with a busted arm or a big bump on the head, but then I saw her and I said "Oh good its just a busted lip!!". She was a tough little one though...she cried for a couple of minutes and then was ready to play some more, despite the blood all over her. I took her home and Mike and I debated whether she needed stitches or not...we decided that she should be fine. Her lip is already showing signs of healing and you can hardly tell that she split it open. YAY memories!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!! Oh What a Beautiful Day!!

I've got plenty of SUNSHINE!!!!!! Everything is going my way!!!!!!!

The bed!!! With the most ADORABLE Fairy Bedsheets that we found in Charlotte.

The pretty design on the bed.

Addison's First night in her new bed! YAY!!

I hope you enjoyed that little song b/c I have EVERYDAY now that Addison has her new BIG GIRL BED!! Oh life is just peachy! 2 weeks ago we bought Addison a new bed. 1 week ago the bed was delivered...and oh what a splendid week it has been.

When we moved to Tennessee, we made Addison's crib into kind of like a Day Bed. We left the front part of the crib off b/c she had climbed out of her crib and fell on her head TWICE. But since we moved to Tennessee...and especially in the last month, that girl has not slept well in that bed. She kept climbing out and coming into bed with Mike and I. Not Cool! Mike had his side, Addie climbed on my side, and poor old Lynz was stuck in the middle with Addie kicking me and Mike elbowing me...b/c in our bed, you do not cross over onto the other person's side. Oh nO!!

So at 17 months, Addison now has a Big Girl Bed. And she goes to bed with no is almost too easy...and she sleeps the whole night through. HALLELUJA!!!! HALLELUJA!!!! HALLEUJA HHHAAALLLEEEEEUUUUJJJJJAAA!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

So as you can see...we got SNOW!! (yet again). But this time it really snowed!! Last time we didnt even get an inch, this time there is like 6 inches!!! (or around that) As all y'all may know, we get really excited about the snow, growing up in South Carolina, we never saw snow. But last night a big winter storm came through and this is what we saw!! (Warning-lots of pictures). Church was canceled and so we took advantage of the morning and went and played in it. Cooper the dog and Addison absolutely LOVED it! Addison was bawling when we made her come back in the house. It was a crazy mess...we went to Wal-Mart last night and on our way home we, first, helped this guy push his car out of a ditch b/c he got stuck and then we were sliding EVERY WHERE. The little mazda barely made it home. We had to shovel our way into the garage b/c we couldnt even make up onto the driveway into the garage b/c we were sliding everywhere...I told Mike that if we had an SUV we wouldnt have this problem sliding all over the snow as badly (haha I am working on him to get a bigger a car). I was shocked to see that this part of Tennessee doesnt really handle the snow very well. I dont think we saw one snowplow, the roads were awful! All in all, as much as I was ready for Spring to be here, it was a lot of fun to get to see the snow and play in it and eat it of course!!! We made rootbeer slushes with the snow this morning...mmmmmm

Mike in the snow...he loves it! He acts like a big kid. Its so funny to see.

Our house last night while it was snowing.

The roads last night....awful!!

I took a picture of me standing in the snow to show you how deep it was...and it was still coming down!!

Me and Addie in the snow Sunday morning.



She was having a blast!

The view from the back of our house..this is what we woke up too!!

**Here is a little video that we took of us in the snow**