Thursday, October 14, 2010

I've been waiting for this!

I love this little girl and her smiles! She has some good ones!
Without fail, they make me smile

Last Camping Trip

On Sept 24-26 we went on a little family camping trip. The weather was perfect, we could have stayed for a week! I love being in the outdoors, as does TJ, Toby, and I'm pretty sure Scout. She was 3 1/2 weeks old for her first camping trip, and she was so good! She slept AWESOME and was content to just hang out with us. We went for a some small hikes, Toby played in the dirt, chased some sheep, danced around, we played chutes and ladders, colored....TJ got up early in the mornings and left early in the evenings to bugle some elk. He got some cool video of some elk.
Toby wanted to go with him, it was a long hard hike. So being the Best Daddy he is, he strapped Toby into his pack and took her for a 4 mile long hike with him. She was so quiet and TJ called a "Daddy" elk into them so she could see one. She came back and said "Mom, let me tell you all about it! I saw a river fall, some rocks, I held on so tight and was so quiet. I didn't move my head, I only moved my eyes so when the big daddy elk came, I didn't scare him away!" She was very excited and exhausted! She slept very well that night. I had a lot of fun camping with my little family, this was out first trip out just us. I really could have stayed longer, except sleeping in my own bed and a shower won out!

Harvest Moon Hoorah

Tahsha and I took the girls to a little festival in S.F. The girls LOVED it. They had a blast running everywhere, making foam bracelets, eating mini caramel apples, painting with sunflowers and getting balloon animals. Actually Toby loved her balloon animal in the end, but it was a ordeal trying to actually get one. She was terrified of the clown making them. She clung to my neck so dang hard and screamed. After we walked away and she was holding her ladybug at a safe distance she turned around and yelled thank you to the clown.