Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am going to do a quick update an then post some pictures in the next day or so. I know I am horrible at updates, but since Tyson just turned 7 months I figured it was time.

Mayson is officially potty trained, this happened about a month after we brought Tyson home. and it happened when we finally backed off and let him do it on his own. (with a few incentives of course) He is growing so big and is all boy, his favorite things right now are Toy Story 1 and 2, playing outside on his new swing set daddy made for him, and riding on daddy's new motor cycle. Which brings me to my story of Saturday the 24th of March. We were all outside playing, and Justin just got home from work, and parked his motorcycle on the back porch with the intention of taking Mayson on a ride a little bit later. Mayson kept trying to climb on it, and we kept telling him not to. I go in the garage to get some chicken nuggets out of the deep freeze and Justin went in the garage to grab something, then all of a sudden we heard a crash then a scream, we run out back only to find Mayson pinned under Justin's motorcycle, Justin picks up the motorcycle and I pick up Mayson to see blood dripping down his head. Justin takes him in to the bathroom then goes to grab his first aid bag and I look to see what the damages were. I knew as soon as I saw it that it would need stitches. We rush to the ER and wait for about an hour before we finally got to go back where the Doctor said he would need stitches. I will post pictures of this.

Tyson is getting so big and is doing so well with all that he is doing. He is using his hands more and more every day, which makes me so happy since we didn't know how much he would be able to use them. It is so fun to watch him try and figure thing out and do things on his own. He Is starting to roll over mostly just from back to stomach, he is still trying to figure out how to roll from stomach to back. his hand seems to get stuck under him when he tries to roll back. He is also sitting up by himself, he still a little wobbly but he can stay up for a pretty long time. We just got his platelets tested about a week ago and they came back at 46000 which is so good because we want them to be up around 50000.

Justin is working as a nurse on the progressive care unit at Utah Valley. He is also just enjoying his new motorcycle, and loves being outside working on our work in progress of a yard, when it's warm enough. He is also getting ready to run a 5K in a couple of weeks.

I am still trying to get used to being a stay at home mom, it has definitely been an adjustment from working to not working at all. I love that I am home with my boys, I just have to figure out how to keep my 3 year old entertained, because he gets so board sometimes. We have a few activities through out the week that we do enjoy, but I am always up for more ideas. I am so excited to be getting him into Preschool in the fall, and I am way excited for summer so that we can be outside more.

I will go through my pictures and post some soon.


Penny in Pink said...

We're up for story time again! Next week?