Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 Already?!

We had such a fun birthday for Toby. She turned 3 on Sunday, July 18th. Saturday the 17th was my little sister Jamie's wedding. That explains Toby's crazy hair... It was cute for the wedding-Promise. It was a crazy, special, busy, yet very fun weekend! Toby asked for waffles for her special birthday breakfast. She soon discovered that the Birthday Fairy made a visit and left her some birthday money, which she was able to put in her new piggy bank!She loved opening all her presents, she has the best facial expressions. I didn't add many due to the already abundant overload of pictures... Here she is waiting for her grand finale.For months when asked what she wanted for her birthday, she would always say a bike. Lucky girl she got just what she wanted!The next day, Monday we went to the park by our house and had a Slip 'n Slide party! It turned out to be so much fun! We got a 100 ft long tarp and some dish soap, TJ rigged up a pipe at the top to screw the hose into so there was even water running down.Toby has a blast, I don't know how many time she went down the slide.I do think however that the big boys had more fun than the little ones! They of course had to take running jumps, dives, and even surf down. The 100 ft long slide was to short for them. They would have to tuck and roll when they got to the bottom because they would go flying off the slide and eat grass for a 6 more feet! haha it was pretty funny!I baked Toby's cupcakes inside ice cream cone, I frosted half of them at home and then realized I needed to transport them still to the park.... not a good Idea. Every single frosted one flipped upside down in the pan or ended up on the ground. Good thing I saved a group to frost at the park. It was SO WINDY! The balloons kept pulling over the candy filled sparkler vases, which made Toby very unhappy! She did not like her candy spilling on the ground. My table looked cute for all of about 3o seconds, then the vases came down, balloons came off, and more cupcakes tipped over... Haha It's the thought that counts right??Here are some 34 week belly pictures courtesy of my Father in law.
Happy Birthday Toby, I am so glad you're a part of our family and we have the opportunity to watch and help you grow. I'm glad you decided to spend your life with us. You couldn't make us happier!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What you get

With a recently turned 3 year old and her new sticker book:
I sure love her

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Busy weekend

TJ's birthday, Family Reunion, and 4th of July all in one weekend!

We left for TJ's cabin for the Knight family reunion late Wednesday night, We got there a little after midnight. Parked the trailer as level as we could, crawled into out sleeping bags and crashed! The following morning, Thursday was his birthday. We ate yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast and moved the trailer down to our spot. I tried to make it feel like his birthday, that's a little tricky up in the mountains, although he is such a mountain man and prefers to be up here than anywhere else. Still he got to open his presents, eat some delicious food, and even get a visit from the birthday fairy (the birthday fairy has been around for every birthday I can remember... Lucky boy, she found him way up in the mountains!)

TJ is the master dutch oven peach cobbler maker. Yes, he did in fact make his own birthday cake.... and it was delicious!

Happy Birthday sweetheart, Thanks for making me the happiest girl!

We thought it would be fun to take the girls on a little 4-wheeler ride to a stream and fish with them. It was pretty swampy and muddy in some areas. TJ hoisted Toby up and trudged to the edge. Sheesh, it is a good thing she is so strong!
Brad let Toby reel in her very own fish! She was SO excited.

Here she is holding onto her catch which she even put back in the water by herself. My little girl is growing up to fast!

TJ was across the stream standing on top of the dam fishing. Toby kept yelling to him "You catchin' any fish Dada?" He was trying, on the wheeler ride over he somehow lost a bolt to his reel so it kept coming apart in his hands as he was trying to reel his line back in. Still, he was determined and caught some!

At one point TJ's line got stuck on something. So he did what any real fisherman would do that only had one spinner... He got in the water and went in after it! He was getting pulled down by some mud and almost ended up in the water! Haha that would have made for one chilly ride back to the cabin!
We had fun fishing with the girls! I'm glad that Tahsha remembered to grab the mosquito spray. We would have been eaten alive! Somehow one still was able to bite me through my shirt and get to my stomach! I was itching like crazy on my nice round tummy!
On our way home from the cabin Sunday. One of our trailer tires blew... It took off a Nice chunk out of the fender and put a small hole up in the inside of the trailer. We already had a leak in our roof that made the floor soggy in some areas, what is one more thing added to the list of things needing to be fixed?? I'm so glad i married such a handy man. We got home and TJ tore apart the whole trailer floor, replaced the wood, sealed all the seams on the roof so hopefully no more leaks and now we just need to purchase some new linoleum for the floor.... Fun stuff!

Monday we had a family BBQ at my parent's house with my family, grandparent's, Aunt Susan, Uncle Pat, Ben, Kate, and Archie. Later that evening we headed to our friend's BBQ and had fun with some fireworks. What a busy, yet still relaxing, fun weekend!

Great little helper

TJ has had problems with a flat tire on his wheeler. One tire alone has had 4 plugs in it, and still kept leaking air and needed more. So we decided to just buy some new ones. He upgraded to some 27" monsters! While the tires were off and dismantled from the rims, he decided to paint them black. Toby decided he needed a helper.
I don't think help gets much cuter than this!

Willow Creek

A few years ago, my family decided to start our own little family reunion. We had decided to go to Moab and play for the weekend, but things didn't quite play out. So instead we went to out family cabin. I love it here, it is so relaxing and special.The boys shot some guns for a while, which Toby is NOT a fan of! So Grandma and Toby went for a little walk to the beaver ponds.
I don't think either of the two 4-wheelers ever sat for to long at the cabin. Multiple rides were taken. We all sat around reading, lounging, and eating!
The racquet's were pulled out and we played a little bad mitten. Even Toby joined the fun.

And of course multiple rides down the zip line! I love spending time with my family. It was a great weekend!