Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wings of Change

 I've been thinking lately about changes I'd like to make over this next year -- health-wise (mind, body, and soul) -- before I step into the next decade of life 
Hollyhocks, my favorite flower.

It was rather serendipitous that this morning on my walk, I came across a dragonfly in the middle of the road.  I've always heard that they represent change.
It wasn't moving, so I thought it was dead yet still wanted to relocate it to a green space, but as soon as I picked it up, realized it was still alive.  Maybe it was stunned by the cold and needed to recharge its wings but the middle of the road was definitely not the right place for that.

Dragonflies are reminders that we are light
and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.
(Robyn Nola)
After a little research, it seems that dragonflies also represent transformation and fresh starts.
The dragonfly brings dreams to reality and is the messenger of wisdom and enlightenment from other realms.

So I'm taking it as a sign that I am on the right track.   The holy month of Ramadan starts most likely on Saturday, which is also the start of a new month, so it's the perfect time to implement changes and re-evaluate and focus on what's important.
I will be breaking my blog streak tomorrow and not posting since I will be participating in a global economic blackout and boycott -- no spending (except for essentials), no social media.  I'm happy to say that I've never used Amazon or Facebook.  I have a love-hate relationship with all things tech related (thankful for blogging though and all that I've learned via Instagram).
Big corporations, tech companies and billionaires are all in cahoots to exploit the masses and the only way to speak to them is through their bottom line. Hit them where it hurts.  As they say, money talks.  We all "vote with our dollars" every day.  I've already been boycotting many corporations because of their ties to the genocide in Palestine and have made changes in what I purchase.  It's also a reminder to get back to the basics, use natural products instead of what they try to sell us as more convenient.  Support local and small businesses.  Shop secondhand.  Mend and repair.

 Sending you best wishes on the wings of  a dragonfly.
See you Saturday.


pelinpembesi said...

I congratulate you. Ramadan has arrived, we will start fasting on Saturday. Yours will also be a technology fast. It's a beautiful thing. Happy Ramadan!

Quinn said...

I'm intending to make some improvements this year, too...that shoulder injury was a real wake-up call for me. I expect I'll be inspired by your example!

Wanda said...

A beautiful dragonfly and the ledgens of them. Transparency is so important and we don't see much of it. I so very little social media with the exception of my blog. There are way to many avenues available to take our minds off what is really important. I will do my yearly devotions through The Passion starting in March. Today was a nice change of pace, my dearest and I had lunch with some friends from church.
Have a good week and you have some good goals to look forward too.

Delighted Hands said...

I have enjoyed your walks and daily posts this month!!! Thank you. Embrace your new changes whole-heartedly.

Mini said...

You inspire me with how you always support the right causes. I wish you make the most of the break and the changes you are adopting.

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