Friday, September 6, 2013

Work in Progress Mermaid Painting + 29 Faces 6...

Here is a mermaid I am working on.  I usually don't have the title until after I'm done, but in this case, I do.  She is titled "Looking In."  I found three of these porthole frames at the Goodwill and I snatched them up, they had some paper sailboat prints on them, but I removed those and put down a coat of gesso before I began.

Face 6

While I did do a more final sketch from yesterday's face, I didn't manage to get started on her on canvas, so I'll try to post the revised sketch and the start of that painting another day.  I'm out of a paint color that I want to use...  So, here is the sketch for this mermaid.  She is my 6th face for the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge is to create 29 faces in the month of September.

I'm joining in this week with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

29 Faces Challenge, Face 5...

This is my 5th face for the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge is to create 29 faces in the month of September.  This is a rough sketch/idea for a project I might do at some point; however, due to time constraints, I won't be including the birds right now.  I would like to at another point though.  I've redrawn her face for another project, I will share that version tomorrow.  I'm also hoping to get her transferred to canvas and start in on the background, but we'll see how that goes ...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Descanso Garden Water Lily Pond Photograph & 29 Faces 4...

I took this photo at Descanso Gardens.  This is one of my favorite spots there.  The small circular pond is surrounded by beautiful benches.  In this photograph, all I captured was the pond itself, there were so many beautiful water lilies when I went that day...

Although I'm somewhat Wordy, I am participating in Wordless Wednesday.  To see more Wordless Wednesday links, please visit:

Face 4

This is my 4th face for the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of September.  This sketch has a bit of this mermaid's body and tail as well as her face...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

An Original Painting of Snow White, a Lucky Art Print, and More Prints! + 29 Faces 3

My featured print auction for the week is on ebay here.  It is titled "An Auspicious Collecting" and is a still life of a lucky cat, a heart shaped nut shell, a pear, a cherry, and a green ribbon.  I also have additional giclee art prints here.

They're all based on my original paintings and are starting today and ending next Tuesday.  This week I do not have a theme, I've selected fairy angels, anthurium flowers, a bird of paradise, a young dragon, a magic forest spot, and a fairy dog...

Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, I like to offer some art on ebay at a lower promotional start rate for the duration of the auctions...  The prints have a start price that's approximately 20% off and the original art has a start price that's approximately 25% off!

Face 3

I'm listing this original painting here and the print of it is here.  The title is "Apple of My Eye" and it is of Snow White by some princess friendly apples...

This is also my 3rd face for the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge is to share 29 faces in the month of September.  I've shared her before, but I made a change to her lips.  I think they were a bit too small before.  I liked her before, but now I think she's even better!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Remedios Varo Surrealist Artist from In Wonderland at LACMA II + 29 Faces 2

Remedios Varo, El flautista (The Flutist)

Remedios Varo, El flautista (The Flutist) Close Up

A while back, I went to the LACMA show In Wonderland: The Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States.  I did a post of some images of art that moved me by Remedios Varo.  I had intended to do only two posts about her, but since I've decided to incorporate some close ups of these images, I think I will save my favorite of her pieces that I saw for a third post.  The words here about the artist are the same, but the images are ones I haven't shared before.

Remedios Varo, Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista (Woman Departing from the Psychoanalyst's Office)

Remedios Varo, Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista (Woman Departing from the Psychoanalyst's Office) Close Up

Remedios was born in Spain, but fled to Paris during the Spanish Civil War.  She moved to Mexico due to the Nazi occupation of France.  Mexico is were she spent the remainder of her life.  She generally worked in oils on masonite panels that she prepared herself.  I hadn't seen the artwork of this surrealist artist before this exhibit, I found myself very drawn to her works. 

Remedios Varo, Creación de las aves (Creation of the Birds)

Remedios Varo, Creación de las aves (Creation of the Birds) Close Up

It has taken me quite some time to return to this topic, I mean to share some of my inspirations, but oft times I am distracted...  The first post is here.

I am linking this post with Inspire Me Monday

Face 2

Also, here is my second sketch for the 29 Faces Challenge.  It is my first time participating in the challenge! The goal is to do 29 faces in the month of September.  Tomorrow I intend to share a painting that I've updated...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

29 Faces Challenge...

Face 1

I've decided to participate in the 29 faces challenge.  The challenge is to create 29 faces in the month of September.  I think it will be good practice for me.  I'm far too slow to paint a face a day, so I will do mainly sketches.  I'll try to post them throughout the week, but in conjunction with Sunday Sketches, I'll try to post an image of the group for the week on Sundays...

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An Original Painting of a Water Lily, a Pink Calla Lily Art Print, and more Prints!

My featured print auction for the week is on ebay here.  It is titled "Flowing Grace" and is of a pink and yellow calla lily in an impressionist style.  I also have additional giclee art prints here.

They're all based on my original paintings with a theme of pink and are starting today and ending next Tuesday.  In addition to flowers, there are some of my fantasy big eye girls with accents of pink.

Most of my art is also available on my website at; however, I like to offer some art on ebay at a lower promotional start rate for the duration of the auctions...  The prints have a start price that's approximately 20% off and the original art has a start price that's approximately 25% off!

I'm listing this original painting here and the print of it is here.  The title is "Zen Water Lily" and it is of a pink and yellow nymphaea.

I helped with some yard work this weekend and I was so sore!  I gave myself some time off and I'm just barely starting to feel better...

I have so many ideas I want to paint flitting through my head!  I'm considering doing the 29 faces challenge in September, but maybe I won't do that until it rolls around again in February.  It seems like it would be fun, but I'm not very speedy.  I could probably do sketches, but definitely not that many finished pieces...

If you miss this seven day auction, this painting also lives on my website here.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

P-Chan from Ranma 1/2 Piggy Bank Sketch...

Alex gave me this P-Chan Piggy Bank and for some reason I decided to draw him.  Okay, maybe it's because he's massively cute...

I finished my cyber fairy angel painting that I posted the sketch to last Sunday.  She's here on ebay if you'd like to take a look at the auction, or you could take a look around here (I have some work in progress views here too).

To view more Sunday Sketches, please visit:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finished Original Cyber Fairy Angel Painting...

I've finished my cyber fairy angel painting for Nibblefest, it's on ebay here.  I've named her "My Robot Friend."  Nibblefest auctions start at 99c, no reserve!  This is a 5 day auction...

Edit: I was hoping to also get some work done on my little birdie, but that has yet to happen.  So, as this is the only painting I worked on this week, I'm linking this with Paint Party Friday.  To see more participants, please visit:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Work in Progress II of My Cyber Fairy Angel...

Here's a bit more work on my cyber fairy angel acrylic painting for Nibblefest, I still have a lot of work to do on her, but she's coming along...