Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014

EN World Interviews Monte Cook and Shanna Germain

In which we learn that gaming is rising in popularity among 30-something women, D&D nearly didn't survive the '90s, and OD&D is utterly lacking in a resolution mechanic.

  • How D&D nearly didn't survive the '90s and (some of) the thinking behind the OGL @ 10 mins & 17 mins.
  • Thoughts on Kickstarter and how it's changing the RPG industry and landscape @ 35 mins.
  • OD&D and what the early years of RPGs were like @ 43 mins.  
Lots of good stuff here, worth a listen though you don't necessarily need to watch it.  So perfect for doing the dishes or as a break from your usual podcast feed.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Parlez-vous Melnibonéan?

From France, the land of epic comic books, comes this:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Industry! (Hunh!) What is it Good For? (Part the Second)

Among other things, giving us (the consumers) the benefits of bulk discounts:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Waving to Saturn as We Fly Past

Simply beautiful, and the Adagio is the perfect compliment.

Be sure to watch through to the natural light and color (yes, that's exactly what you'd see out the window if you were flying past in a starship) images that start about a minute into the video.