Sunday, February 24, 2008

Daddy and da boy

We caught the dumb flu bug.  Well, Trent and Kael have; so we are hoping that we can keep it between them.  But we spent the day at home recovering.  I just thought this was a cute picture of Trent and little Cache.  


I was putting away laundry the other day when I overheard Porter and Kael saying ewww, grose, etc. So I went in to check what the problem was, and they had decided that they would go ahead and change Cache on their own.  However after he decided to Pee on them, they relinquished their posts.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A few new pix...

Sad how fast babies grow, isn't it.  Here are a few new pix of our little guy;)

Ward Ski Night

Last weekend was Ward Ski night.  We ventured out, but only for food, and social reasons.We were going to have Trent and the boys ski, however I was glad we hadn't packed all the kids ski stuff, because the power was out once we got up there, and no one could ski anyway.  But we had a good time.  We have great neighbors and friends.

Lava Hot Springs

We decided last minute to go to Lava Hot Springs for family Night.  My Aunt and Uncle were headed up and we decided to go up and surprise them.  We had a great time in the hot pots and then all went to dinner at a local cafe.  Thanks for the fun night VanLeers.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I gotta help dad...

Trent went out for a 4 wheeler ride the other day, and the snow is kindof a wierd consistancy, real crusty on top and fluffy and soft underneath, so Trent got stuck in the snow at the top of the hill behind our house.  I walked out back and mockingly pointed and laughed...  HA, HA.  Then Porter came over and said, "Mom, Dad is stuck", I said " I Know", then he said, "I need to go help him, cause that is what families do, they help each other".  I thought it was so cute.  He and Kael strapped on boots and set out to help daddy.  No socks, Kael in shorts, and Porter in cowboy boots.  

Valentines Day

Trent bought me 2 dozen beautiful Roses for Valentines day.  The kids exchanged valentines at preschool and got a few little presents from us.  Grammy came up and took them shopping and they got to pick out a toy for Valentines.  They thought they were in heaven.  New Transformers, and Reese is quite the shopper, she just goes from one thing to the next, and whatever she has at check out is what she gets.  She toted around a princess purse and 2 small dollies the whole time, and thus...  Valentines from Grammy and Papa.  Thanks for a fun 'V' day.  
Happy Valentines day to my sweetheart too.  He is so wonderful, and Perfect for me.   Here's to a first kiss on valentines day 1999, that led to eternity!  I love you babe!