Sunday, February 24, 2008

Daddy and da boy

We caught the dumb flu bug.  Well, Trent and Kael have; so we are hoping that we can keep it between them.  But we spent the day at home recovering.  I just thought this was a cute picture of Trent and little Cache.  


Kristy said...

Paul just buzzed his head last night, too. That is a really cute picture of the two of them. Trent, we hope you get feeling better soon!

YeatesFam said...

That little casheee is SO cute!

YeatesFam said...

That little casheee is SO cute!

Stacy said...

Sorry you guys have been sick! That is no fun! I love that picture though!

(and don't worry, I am not supermom!)

Ben & Carly said...

Amy your little guy is so cute! I love getting to see your family, it is so nice to "see" who you have been talking about in our emails! reconnecting with you has been one of the nicest blessings I have had this year. thank you for your comments on my blog, I always love to hear from you! Cute, cute family and ditto back to you it certainly doesn't surprise me that your kids are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

That is a cute picture! Take care!

Niki said...

Man, I am sorry you guys have gotten sick. Sick kids are no fun, and sick Dad's are even worse!! But the baby is darling!