PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

That's All Folks ...

Okay y'all ... it's time to pack up our LV bags and get on outta here ...

... head on over to to check out the new version of Pink is the new Blog! I'll see y'all over there :)


Quit While You're Way Behind

Hulk Hogan, in an attempt to seem repentant and explanatory, paid a little visit to the Larry King Live show last night in order to discuss matters dealing with his son Nick Hogan's incarceration (for almost killing his friend John Graziano) and all the bullshizz that has come to light since. The highlight from the interview for me was the point where Hulk was explaining that it is his belief that John Graziano is now in a permanent vegetative state (which resulted from the car accident where Nick was driving) as a part of "God's will" to make John "a better person":

Hulk Hogan broke his silence on his son's imprisonment and his wife's new relationship on Larry King Live Tuesday. "He made a mistake," Hogan said of his son Nick Bollea, 17, who pled no contest after a reckless driving incident last August that left his friend, John Graziano, in critical condition. Bollea is currently serving an eight-month sentence in a Florida jail. Hogan broke down when discussing the difficulties his family has faced over the last several months. "Yeah, it's been hard," he said. "The main focus is my son, my children and John Graziano. This is in God's hands. Things happen for a reason. This is to make Nick a better person. This is, in my belief, this is to make John a better person. Like I said before, it's God's will, where we're at."


The wrestler also addressed the jailhouse tapes that were released to the media, in which Hogan and his son discuss a possible future reality show. "[Will] you get that thing lined up so the minute I walk out of wherever I walk out of, it's there, boom?" Bollea can be heard asking Hogan on the tapes. "I just wish someone would play the two hours before, or the hour after, and please put everything in the proper context," Hogan told King, visibly frustrated. In the conversation before that excerpt, he went on, "I was trying to keep [Nick's] spirits up, trying to get him to move forward." Hogan acknowledged that in such a turbulent year – he and his wife Linda split after 23 years together – "it is a constant soul searching mission ... for everything just to disappear on me, for my wife to file for divorce and the marriage to be broken long before that, and then the accident happened and the civil case, and my son getting put in jail ... I just soul searched figuring out what could I have done. It's just hard." As for his estranged wife Linda, Hogan confirmed her new relationship with a younger man and denied reports that he is dating a friend of his daughter Brooke. "[The woman] that I'm dating is 34 years old and it's not one of Brooke's friends," he said, "and from the reports I'm hearing, my wife is dating a 19-year-old." But, he added, "Larry, at this point my only focus is on John and Nick. Linda has her own life, and her own agenda."

Seriously, the Hogans should just keep their mouths quiet at this point ... they only make things worse every time they talk. Today, Hogan is now apologizing and explaining what he really meant by his "God's will" comment:

"It was like the whole world [was] crashing down on my son. Solitary confinement — most hardened criminals unravel after two or three days. Nick survived in there 28-29 days," Hulk said. "During that period of time as I’m sitting there, 28 or 29 days, hardly any sleep, I did everything I could to laugh, to cry with my son. I was trying to help [to] give Nick some type of relief because he [was] consumed with the unknown," Hulk continued. "I was just trying to explain to him that it's 'God's hands' or it's 'God's will.' That's what people have said for thousands of years and did I say things wrong? Yes. I am I sorry." Hulk admitted he made some of the comments recorded during phone calls, including discussing a future reality show for Nick, to "protect him physically because his mental state was unraveling." And while he knew the calls were being recorded, Hulk also expressed his disappointment that the calls were released to the media. "This was the only thing Nick had left. This is the privacy everybody had in prison ... and to have that taken away?" Hulk sighed. "I was more worried than ever about his mental state." Hulk broke down at the end of the broadcast, and through choked back tears, said that he believed the public understood his family's plight.

See, I think that "the public" sees his family for what they are ... completely out of touch with reality. What planet are these people from? He is shocked that his son is suffering in jail? WILL SOMEONE TELL HIM THAT IS WHAT JAIL IS FOR? Can someone get a piece of paper and a crayon and draw a photo illustrating that JAIL IS PUNISHMENT? How does he not understand that YOU LOSE ALL PRIVACY WHEN YOU GO TO JAIL because INMATES ARE BEING PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES. It's not a vacation, jails aren't there to cater to your comforts. Nick Hogan doesn't even know the meaning of real jailhouse punishment. And beyond that, even the worse jailhouse punishment might be preferable to existing in a permanent vegetative state. I can't even convey my disgust with this whole thing. It just keeps getting grosser and grosser. [Source, Source]

In other Hulk Hogan news, folks are now being warned that the Hulk Hogan Ultimate Grill may kill you ... or burn your house down. Wanna stay alive, use a George Forman Grill instead.


Lindsay's Still In Labor

Filming on Lindsay Lohan's new movie, Labor Pains, continues here in SoCal but has moved to Sherman Oaks, CA ... you know, in case you are trying to track her every move in order to know where she may be at any given time. Anyways, here are a couple pics of Lindsay lookin' hawt and fake pregs on set earlier today:

Photo credit: INFdaily

Let me tell you, I'm glad that Lindsay's rockin' the prosthetic baby bump and not the real thing ... we've already got damn too much celeb spawn running around town right now. Lindsay looks good, tho. It's been a long time since we've seen her this happy and contented with life. It's a nice look for her. [Source]


Sub Standard

Prince Wills spent part of his day yesterday touring the HMS Alliance during his visit to the Royal Navy Submarine Museum in Gosport, England. It was also announced yesterday that Wills has been named the patron of a multimillion-pound appeal to conserve the HMS Alliance -- Britain's last remaining Second World War submarine. Here are a few pics of Wills touring the sub and examining the cramped control room and engine compartment ... which is kinda hot for those of you who may enjoy Navy sea men fantasies ;)

The prince, who is on a two-month attachment with the Royal Navy and is Commodore in Chief of Submarines, toured HMS Alliance on Tuesday. He said it was of "great importance" that maritime heritage was safeguarded. HMS Alliance, launched in 1945, was in service for more than 25 years and is now on show at the Royal Navy Submarine Museum in Gosport, Hampshire. The 25-year-old prince said it was important for future generations to understand the sacrifice made by submariners. The submarine has been on display at the museum since 1981 but urgent restoration is needed, which is expected to cost millions. Prince William said: "I am delighted and honoured to become patron of the HMS Alliance conservation appeal. "It is of great importance that such heritage is safeguarded to help future generations to understand the past heroism and sacrifice of Britain's submariners. I wish the appeal every success in its crucial efforts to preserve this historic submarine for the nation." The fund was started in October 2007 and will run for two years to try to raise enough money for the vessel's conservation ... During his visit to the museum, Prince William - known as Sub Lt Wales - opened a memorial dedicated to submariners who have died defending the UK. An area of remembrance lists 5,300 personnel who have died between 1904 to the present day.

See ... Wills looks sharp in a suit and all but I think he should've worn his Navy uniform. What kind of Sub Lt. who has just been named patron of a conservation campaign to save such a revered vessel as the HMS Alliance would tour the sub out of uni? Well, he's lucky he's an heir to the British throne otherwise he might've gotten a stern talkin' to by one of his superiors. Isn't it fun watching the Royal Princes of England play military games? Harry goes to Afghanistan and gets his face dirty while Wills gets his hands dirty by swabbing the poop deck of his assigned ship and they're suddenly heroes. It must be real nice being Royal. [Source]


The TV Guide: Signing Off ... Almost

Welp ... it's almost that time. I only have a few more posts for this ol' gal (my addy) before the site moves on into its next incarnation. I always tend to wax nostalgic when milestone events like this come around (tho, none quite as milestone as this relaunch) thinking back to my first blog at and then my first posts here back in June of 2004. My life has changed so drastically from my first blogging days. Sarah and I were living together in Grosse Pointe Park, MI, I was a brand new teacher still in graduate school ... I was dating Tony, who was then living in St. Louis, MO. I never, ever dreamed that I'd be able to blog for a living and here I am, living a very happy and comfortable life in SoCal. It's because of my blog that I met David and have been allowed to experience some amazing things and meet some amazing people. It's really remarkable how much my life has been enriched ... and all because of I decided to start writing an online journal for fun. Thruout the years, I've communicated and have been very fortunate to meet a plethora of Pink readers ... having an ongoing, back-and-forth conduit to get to know the many of you who enjoy reading my blog has prolly been the best perk afforded to me by my blog. I very much look forward to continuing our communiqués and am anxious to hear your feedback on the new site (which will go live at midnight Eastern Time tonight).

But first, comes the party ... folks, I'm nervous as hell. I've never had a big party like the one that I'm having tonight and I'm excited and a bit scared all at once. We got my girl DJ Samantha Ronson to spin and the shindig will be at S Bar. I hear the guestlist looks really fun ... there may be a celeb or two in the hizzy (not to mention some of the Hot Dudes of the Week from All American Guys IN THE FLESH -- Woot!) ... but I'm most excited that my friends and loved ones can party with me tonight. I picked up Sarah from the airport last night and all of my SoCal friends (and some imports) who are in town will be with me tonight. Much love goes out to my party sponsors Nestea and Nikon COOLPIX for their hard work on this party. I'm just very excited for tonight ... I can't wait to share all the pics and stories with you tomorrow :)

And so ... I have a few more posts to go and then I'll be out for good on THIS version of the blog. I've got a whole lot planned for the future on the new site ... I look forward to moving forward with all y'all in my new endeavor.




Les News: No GG Spin-Off, George Michael Retires From Touring, Coolio Busted


It Better Be Set In Detroit

Superhero Hype! posted a photo of a teaser poster from the 2008 Licensing International Expo which is currently taking place in NYC ... it looks like a new Robocop movie is set for release in 2010:

Many of you may not recall the first round of Robocop movies which came out in the 1980's but I do -- I love that the movies were set in the Detroit, MI of the future. The movies may have been cheesy as hell (after all, weren't all the great action movies of the 80s cheesy as hell?) but they were ridiculously fun. I'm hopeful that this new movie will be just as fun. I couldn't find any real info on this new movie (whether it's a remake or, yet another, sequel) but alls I know is that it better be set in Detroit, MI of the future. Period. [Source]


Field Trip

Here are a couple pics of Nicole Richie and Joel Madden making their way into the LACMA (the Los Angeles County Museum of Art) yesterday afternoon to enjoy some culture and stuff:

Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin

I understand that the LACMA is the largest art museum in the western United States and houses some pretty incredible artwork. I've been dying to get my ass to the BCAM (the Broad Contemporary Art Museum) at the LACMA to check out the contemporary art on display but I've yet to make the time. Sadly, there are no dinosaur bones at the LACMA (much to my and Joel's chagrin) but it sounds like a fun place to visit nonetheless. HMMM ... I guess I'll have to ask Joel how the museum is the next time I see him. [Source]


Chace Does London

Gossip Girl heartthrob Chace Crawford has made his way to the other side of the pond to enjoy some downtime in between filming. Chace spent part of his lovely Monday in London, England shopping on Bond street (making sure to drop some cheddar at the Alexander McQueen boutique) as well as curling up with a good script at the park. Here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin

Aww ... Chace is a cutie. I'm actually surprised that homie is traveling abroad all by his lonesome. I'm not sure if he made his way to the UK with anyone or if he's planning on meeting anyone while he's over there (anyone know where JC Chasez is these days?) but I'm really hoping that we get to see new party pics from our dear Chace. He looks like so much fun when he's all, you know, toasty ;) [Source]


A Swell Gal

Well now ... it looks as if newly married Ashlee Simpson is finally starting to show that she really is pregs, only weeks after the official announcement was made that she is with child. Here are a couple of very recent photos of Ashlee here in SoCal this week showing her bump progression ... one day it's nonexistent, the next day it starts to show:

Photo credit: JFXOnline

Weeks after confirming she's expecting, a pregnant Ashlee Simpson is starting to show. The newlywed popped by Hollywood's RenMar Studios in a flowy maxi-dress with a plunging neckline on Monday. Her husband Pete Wentz recently admitted he was "nervous ... the first time I ever went to the doctor's office." But after hearing the baby's heartbeat, "I felt totally content and at peace with everything," he said. "It feels good."

It still kinda blows my mind that A.) Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are a married couple and B.) she is pregs with their first child. I am very happy for the couple ... I'm sure they're thrilled at the prospect of becoming parents (I, for the life of me, cannot imagine what that must feel like). That being said, this miniscule baby bump seems pretty small for Ashlee to have been pregs way back when the rumors started to swirl back when she was promoting her new album. Obvs, I'm no OBGYN but I'm still pretty sure that Ash only got pregs after she started playing coy with the "is she or isn't she?" pregs thing a few months ago. Irregardless of when she got pregs, I'm looking forward to the birth of this little emo baby. Here's hoping it has Ashlee's old nose and Pete's flat-ironed hair. [Source]


"Good Luck To You, Tony Pre-Winners"

Sex and the City's Cynthia Nixon makes a brilliant appearance in the latest Cubby Bernstein You Tube video ... you MUST check it out below:

Go Xanadu! Seriously, if they don't win the damn Tony Award for Best Musical, I'm gonna hafta go postal. You can do it!


The Two Stogies

Britney Spears and Mel Gibson met up for one of their strange but fairly regular "dates" last night at the uberexclusive, members-only Havana Club in Beverly Hills, CA. It is believed that the couple are engaged in on-going guidance and business sessions (it was discovered that the pair have been meeting regularly back in March and last month, Britney flew down to Costa Rica to vacay with Mel on his estate) but it's very unclear as to what sorts of guidance (spiritual?) or business (a possible movie together?) items they discuss. Here are a couple pics of our dear Britney as she made her way into the Havana Club last night:

Photo credit: X17

For more than two-and-a-half hours, the singer, 26, and the actor-filmmaker, 52, met in what was confirmed to PEOPLE as a more of an ongoing guidance session than a business pow-wow. For their rendezvous at the members-only Havana Club, both showed up separately shortly before 7 p.m., well into the third game of the NBA finals between the L.A. Lakers and the Boston Celtics, which was playing at the bar. As for the smoking and watering hole itself, habitués include Ben Affleck, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Danny DeVito. When Spears arrived, her bodyguard drove a Jeep Commander into the underground parking garage, and she exited with her blonde hair up and pulled back by a white headband. Also with Spears were her assistant Brett and a bodyguard. "She looked pretty in her new Capri jeans a blue blouse, white shoes and a brown bag," says a photographer. Earlier in the day, Spears was seen shopping at the Lisa Kline boutique in Beverly Hills, where she purchased the new jeans and tried on several necklaces. "Britney looked like a doll with bright red lipstick," added the photog, who described her as "very quiet" and "with a serious look on her face as she walked in to the Havana Club." By contrast, an upbeat Gibson left his silver Lexus with the valet and walked in holding what was described as a "man-purse" up to his face and a look of "okay, you got me" as paparazzi snapped his picture. Around 9:30, Spears left the club for home, while Gibson hung around until about 11.

Mel Gibson completely lost all my respect once his anti-Semetic views came to light after his DUI arrest in 2006 (at the time, I was unaware of his numerous homophobic remarks otherwise he would've lost my respect years ago) but I can appreciate that he is taking an active part in Britney's rehabilitation. While he is not someone I would want life coaching anyone I care about (or even remotely know), I'm glad that Britney Spears can, at least, get something positive from him. As I've said many times, she has been working very hard to get her life in order and I'm totally cool with her achieving that goal as best she can -- I just hope he isn't doing more harm than good ... and I'd love it if she'd kick that nasty and deadly smoking habit but, I'll take what I can get. [Source]


Back In The Game

At last, the LA Lakers have gotten back into the game ... after losing the first two games of the NBA Finals against the Boston Celtics, the LA Lakers finally came back and won game three on their home turf at the Staples Center here in downtown LA last night. Here are a few pics of some of the many celebs who came out in support of their LA Lakers (with Donnie Walberg rooting for the Celitcs) and cheered them on to victory:

Photo credit: Getty

In front of a constellation of Hollywood stars, the desperate Los Angeles Lakers nearly faded into oblivion Tuesday night in Game 3 of the NBA Finals before they rallied to subdue the Boston Celtics for an 87-81 victory. Lakers guard Sasha Vujacic's dead-eye shooting — he shot 70% from the floor, including three three-pointers — helped seal the win with a career postseason-high 20 points. Backcourt teammate Kobe Bryant led all scorers with 36 points, including a twisting floater with 38 seconds remaining ... Los Angeles avoided the near-impossible roadblock of needing four consecutive triumphs. No NBA team has overcome a 3-0 lead in any playoff series (0-for-85). The Lakers, 9-0 at the Staples Center this postseason, trail the Celtics 2-1 in the best-of-seven series. Game 4 is Thursday night. "Kobe was fantastic," said coach Doc Rivers, whose Celtics are 2-8 on the road in the playoffs. "But I thought Vujacic was the key to the game."

Now, anyone who knows me or even casually reads my blog knows that I'm a big sports person. But I do tend to perk up around Championship games, particularly when my home teams are involved. I watched a bit of the Eastern Conference Finals only to watch my beloved Detroit Pistons fall to the Boston Celtics. Now that Detroit is out of the game, I have to throw my support behind the LA Lakers since they are my adopted hometown. I'm relieved that the Lakers finally woke up and won a game ... it would've been pretty dire had they lost last night's game against the boys from Boston.

To be fair, another major reason that I tend to pay attention to sports is the celebrity involvement (natch) and when it comes to sports celebrities, well, I don't usually miss an appearance by David Beckham. Here are a few pics of Becks with his eldest son Brooklyn at last night's game:

Photo credit: Getty

I don't believe that Becks spent any of last night's game ogling the Laker Girls cheerleaders (or at the very least, he wasn't caught ogling any of the cheerleaders) ... he was just there to support his adopted home team in their quest for the NBA Championship. Oh, he was also there to tout his sexy hawtness, too.

I understand that the Lakers are undefeated at home ... which implies that they will tie up the series with a win at home on Thursday. It'd be awesome (for me at least) to have the Detroit Red Wings win the NHL Championship and the LA Lakers win the NBA Championship all in the same year ... c'mon Lakers, do it for me :)


The TV Guide: Just A Quick Note ...

Today will be the last day that I will be posting here at Starting at midnight tonight, Pink is the new Blog will relaunch in its next incarnation and will exist on a new URL from that point forward. This particular blog will still be here ... it will stay online as an archive of the last four years and can continue to be accessed, just as always, only it will not be updated with new posts. New posts will be found at PITNBv2.0 -- and the deets on that will go live at midnight tonight.

Soooooo ... let's have a great day ...



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