Tree Notes is about trees -- especially native trees, trees for wildlife, and trees in history.

Showing posts with label persimmon tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label persimmon tree. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Two borers that attack persimmon trees

Agrilus fuscipennis (persimmon agrilus) and Sannina uroceriformis (persimmon borer)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist (or an arborist) to see that the young persimmon tree at left probably has been invaded by borers. Two holes are clearly marked by the blackened gum around them. I think these are entry holes, but I suppose they also could be holes left by a woodpecker going after the borers.

After seeing the holes in this tree's trunk, I did a little reading about tree borers and learned that two types attack persimmons: Agrilus fuscipennis or persimmon agrilus, and Sannina uroceriformis or persimmon borer

These holes are located at about 4 or 5 feet above ground level. That makes me think that persimmon agrilus is at work.

Persimmon agrilus

The persimmon agrilus is active in the lower trunk of the persimmon tree as well as the taproot. offers this:

Dissections [of persimmons infected with agrilus] reveal that galleries [long holes made by the borers] are most prevalent around the root collar and commonly occur 1.2 m up into trunks and 0.5 , down into roots. However, a few galleries have been found in trunks to 2 m and in roots to 1 m.

The adult persimmon agrilus is a beetle, and it apparently lays its eggs on the trunks of persimmon trees near the ground. Damage to persimmon trees by the agrilus larvae usually does not endanger the tree's life, but it does decrease the value of its wood as lumber.

Sannina uroceriformis

The adult persimmon borer moth usually lays its eggs on the lowest portion of the persimmon trunk, rarely over 60 cm from the ground and usually much closer to ground level. She may lay eggs on the ground around the persimmon as well.

The egg-laying sites are near the ground because the freshly hatched persimmon borer larvae need to find their way to the persimmon's root system. They will spend the next year or two eating their way through the roots and creating tunnels as they go --hence their name, "borer".

The persimmon's roots can become so weak from the activity of persimmon borers that the tree falls over.

Tree borers

Don't dismiss persimmon trees just because they sometimes get borers. Many trees are attacked by borers.

If you think your persimmon or any other tree has borers, your county extension agent or university extension service is one of the best sources of specific information, available without charge.

Read more:
More about persimmon trees
More about persimmon agrilus
More about persimmon borer
Damage to persimmon roots from persimmon borer
Tree borers of the world

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The ongoing quest for my persimmon trees!

Bark of the persimmon tree; Diospyros virginiana

This evening, my son and I walked down a narrow back-road near our home. The road has an interesting mix of natural features. It starts out on top of a hill in a wooded area and goes down the slope to a valley with a small stream. Along the way there are woods, pastures and fields along the roadsides.

Persimmon barkWe noticed several persimmon trees growing along the roadside in the valley, so this might be a good place for me to dig up a seedling or get a cutting of persimmon root.

I will actually need to acquire several persimmon trees because they are not self pollinating, according to the nursery catalog that I was reading a few days ago. I guess I'll have a little persimmon grove.

There's a black walnut growing fairly near the place where I want to plant some persimmons, so I was a little worried about that. Black walnuts emit a chemical called juglone which is poisonous to some plants. However, the West Virginia University Extension Service and various other reputable internet sites say that persimmons are tolerant of juglone, so I guess I don't have to worry about that!

I also learned that I can get a bundle of 50 persimmon trees from the Kentucky Division of Forestry for just $30, but that's approximately 45 more persimmon trees than I want. Even if I plant 10 and half of them die, I'd still have 40 extra persimmons. I suppose I could try to give them away.

The Kentucky Division of Forestry's order form can be downloaded as a pdf document (574 K.) It lists about 30 species of native tree seedlings that are available. (All are native except the Chinese chestnut.) Prices are good through March, 2007 -- just a few more days.

Related post: I want a persimmon tree!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

I Want a Persimmon Tree!

Diosppyros virginiana, possum tree, possumwood, common persimmon

I've been thinking about planting a persimmon tree. Persimmon trees are native to this area (and to the entire southeastern United States.)

Around here, people call them "possum trees" because possums love the fruit and will climb the tree to get it. The fruit is popular with raccoons, skunks, foxes, mice, deer, and various birds as well.

Persimmon leaf and bark
Persimmon leaf and bark
USDA photo
The wildlife value of the tree is nice, but I hope there will be enough fruit left for us people, too! I have been reading persimmon recipes for years and I want to try some of them. I have enjoyed the persimmon desserts I've tasted a few times at church potlucks.

The tree is a member of the ebony family, and its very distinctive bark helps to identify it when fruit is not present. The bark is black with blocks arranged in a grid pattern. If you look between the plates, you can see an orange coloration (more obvious on younger persimmon trees.) The bark on older persimmons looks like a wooden representation of alligator skin!

Here's something interesting from history about the flavor of the persimmon: Captain John Smith of Jamestown fame wrote in 1607, "...the fruit [the persimmon] is like a medlar; it is first green, then yellow and red when it is ripe: if it is not ripe, it will drive a man's mouth awrie with much torment, but when it is ripe, it is as delicious as the apricot.."

I know where a persimmon tree grows in the backyard of an old store building. I had been thinking about looking around for a seedling or collecting some seed next fall when the fruit drops.

However, I read somewhere tonight that the tree is best propagated with a root cutting. So I don't know! This old store building sits next to someone's house, and maybe they won't want me to dig around in the yard looking for a root! I would have to ask permission even to look for a seedling.

It may be best to just buy a persimmon tree. A cultivar called "Meador" has been selected for sweetness and is available from nurseries.

Another "Tree Note"Persimmons are not too fussy about where they're planted. They send down a deep taproot, so they can tolerate a dry location. They don't mind heavy soil but they don't like shade. A persimmon should do OK in the site I can offer it, a well-drained south-facing spot on the edge of a broad ridge.

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Enrich your life with the study of trees.

"The power to recognize trees at a glance without examining their leaves or flowers or fruit as they are seen, for example, from the car-window during a railroad journey, can only be acquired by studying them as they grow under all possible conditions over wide areas of territory. Such an attainment may not have much practical value, but once acquired it gives to the possessor a good deal of pleasure which is denied to less fortunate travelers."

Charles Sprague Sargent (1841-1927)

Print references I frequently consult

Benvie, Sam. Encyclopedia of North American Trees. Buffalo, NY: Firefly, 2000.

Brockman, C. Frank. Trees of North America: A Guide to Field Identification. Ed. Herbert S. Zim. New York: Golden, 1986.

Cliburn, Jerry, and Ginny Clomps. A Key to Missouri Trees in Winter: An Identification Guide. Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri, 1980.

Collingwood, G. H., Warren David Brush, and Devereux Butcher. Knowing Your Trees. Washington: American Forestry Association, 1978.

Dirr, Michael. Dirr's Hardy Trees and Shrubs: an Illustrated Encyclopedia. Portland, Or.: Timber, 1997.

Elias, Thomas S. The Complete Trees of North America; Field Guide and Natural History. New York: Book Division, Times Mirror Magazines, 1980.

Grimm, William Carey. The Book of Trees;. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole, 1962.

Hightshoe, Gary L. Native Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Urban and Rural America: a Planting Design Manual for Environmental Designers. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1988.

Little, Elbert L. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees. New York: Chanticleer, 1996.

Martin, Alexander C., Herbert S. Zim, and Arnold L. Nelson. American Wildlife and Plants. New York: McGraw Hill, 1951.

Mitchell, Alan F., and David More. The Trees of North America. New York, NY: Facts On File Publications, 1987.

Randall, Charles E. Enjoying Our Trees. Washington: American Forestry Association, 1969.

Settergren, Carl D., and R. E. McDermott. Trees of Missouri. Columbia: University Extension, 1995.

Sternberg, Guy, and James W. Wilson. Native Trees for North American Landscapes: from the Atlantic to the Rockies. Portland: Timber, 2004.

Wharton, Mary E., and Roger W. Barbour. Trees and Shrubs of Kentucky. Lexington: University of Kentucky, 1973.

Wyman, Donald. Trees for American Gardens. New York: Macmillan, 1965.

Photos and text copyright © 2006-2013 by Genevieve L. Netz. All rights reserved. Do not republish without written permission. My e-mail address is