Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2016

Up...Up...and ... AWAY - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Albuquerque, NM (high 62 degrees, low 40 at night, blue skies most days)

Check off  your bucket list

Opening Ceremony

We returned again to enjoy the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. The last time we were here was five years ago. In our opinion, it's a "must do" for your bucket list. Previously we only stayed four days and most of the events were cancelled due to weather. This time we decided to stay for the whole nine day event and made reservations with the Boomers, an Escapee RV club social group. Our daughter Jen and friends Bob and Patsy also joined us.

The Lovebirds
I've posted just a few of my photographs (I took over 700 photos). It such a fun and happy event to attend and when the weather cooperates it just splendid. What really makes this event so incredible is your ability to walk right out onto the launch field. You can talk to the pilot and crew and oftentimes see the balloon lift up right in front of you. Wow!

Creamland Cow

Smokey the Bear
Making your RV reservations with the Boomers is  by far the best and most economical way to see the Fiesta. The sites they have reserved are great and oftentimes the hot air balloons landed right outside our coach in an adjacent field. The sites are asphalt and rock and do not have hook ups. A water truck goes frequently down the streets and waters the road to keep dust to a minimum,.  There is a shuttle service which takes you back and forth to the launch field. We usually did not have to wait very long except after the fireworks and it took about 30 minutes to get to the field on average. You can walk or bike as an option (approximately one mile).

Darth Vader and Master Yoda

Here is a cost comparison of an escorted tour vs attending with Boomers:
  • Fantasy RV tour cost about $2700 for seven days. 
  • Our cost with Boomers for ten days was $427 plus $39 membership to Escapees. By volunteering to crew we received free admission to all morning and evening events.
  • To be fair the Fantasy Tour has some additional perks but we were really happy with this alternative

Fireworks opening day

Flying Gator
The Boomers are a fun group and over 55 rigs were here for at least part of the time. Most of them help crew for the hot air balloons. Judy, our host and organizer, has lots of contacts and did a fantastic job. She sent out four newsletters before we arrived with tons of information. A happy hour is planned around 4 pm where you can catch up with what everyone is doing. There were several organized dinners out and even a beer and wine excursion. A "white board" is posted at Judy's rigs with detailing what is happening each day.


Each day there are special events planned. Each morning is started withe a Dawn Patrol. About 11 hot air balloons go up around 5 am to test the conditions. It's a very pretty event. The hot air balloons look like fire flies in the air as they ascend.

Sometimes there are Mass Ascensions where everyone goes up.  In the evening there are Glow Events where the hot air balloons are inflated but stationary. The balloons all light up (firing propane into the balloon)  at the same  time during countdowns and it's a very fun event.

There are two days of Special Shaped Balloons which is my favorite event. The hot air balloons are so imaginative and fun to see. Special competitions also take place where the hot air balloons try to drop a type of bean bag on a target. There are some great prizes for the winner. Here is a link to this years events.

We weren't sure we wanted to crew and spent the first two days just enjoying the event. However, after talking to others we decided to help out with a fun shaped balloon called Squirt. It's a 120 foot fire hydrant and an awesome special shaped hot air balloon. It's definitely a crowd pleaser. Keep in mind crewing is demanding physical work but we all thought  it really enhanced our experience. Our pilot and crew were from Quebec Canada. The pilot owned 23 balloons and travels all around the world flying and showing off his hot air balloons. He also has a business in Canada where he takes customers aloft (over 3000 a year).

Balloon Evening Glow

Dawn Patrol

Balloon getting ready to go up

We were offered a few perks for crewing:
  • An unlimited pass to all morning and evening sessions (worth about $180)
  • Free breakfast every morning
  • Brunch one morning at Sandia Casino with the pilots and crew
  • And, the best perk of all - our daughter Jen got to go up in the balloon and fly over the launch field - awesome!




Things to keep in mind if you crew:
  • You get up very early in the morning and work late at night during glow events 
  • There is a lot of hurry up and wait and wait and wait time
  • It can be very chilly here in the morning and evening. Gloves, hat, long underwear, lots of layers are a must. A back pack and flash light come in handy.
  • Our balloon was huge and it took a lot of effort and muscle to put the balloon away at the end of the event
  • You may miss out seeing some of the hot air balloons because you are busy getting your balloon aloft
  • After each event we were exhausted but also thrilled at the same time
  • Naps are necessary between sessions. However, not every day has two sessions
  • Your chances of going up in the balloon are greater if you pick a smaller balloon
  • Volunteering for a smaller balloon allows you to go on your own and enjoy the Special Shape events
  • Weather and wind oftentimes cancel events. Be sure to be here for several days to attend this event to avoid disappointment. 

Our pilot and his crew from Canada

Jen and John helping out during the inflation

Propane being blown into the balloon

Zebra talking to the piolot telling him it's his turn to go

John holding open the balloon as its inflated. Our pilot is inside making a safety check

Squirt & The Little Fireman & Fire Engine

Jen high in the air

Jen landing on the Balloon Museum lawn

High Jack
We had a GREAT time and are even making plans to attend next year. If you have any questions feel free to write a comment or send me an email. We hope to see you there next year!

Betty Jean Butterfly

Happy Orca

Dawn Patrol

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Visiting the City of Friendship and Pride and Future Travel Plans

Rochester, Indiana (mostly cold and windy with occasional glorious spring weather)

Round barn was relocated to a golf coarse

Beautiful Rochester courthouse.

For the past month we have been visiting my brother Harry.  He lives in  Rochester, a pretty lake town in northern Indiana. We stored our RV and have  stayed at his  home. It has been a treat. The lake views are terrific and just being able to cook in his big kitchen has been so much fun. We have cooked some delicious meals together for us and some of his friends. It's been great to spend lots of time with him and there have been lots of laughs.  I have enjoyed taste testing a few of his favorite IPA's beers as well.

We are mostly here to try and figure out what is going on with John's knee since his replacement surgery in November. It has continued to swell and is painful a lot of the time. His surgeon in Florida recommended more surgery. We were not sure if this was the right coarse of action so we came up here to see an Orthopedic surgeon Harry recommended.

Harry's house (brown one)

My brother's pharmacy in Rochester

In between a barrage of tests we visited several towns in the area. We enjoyed the spring flowers. and the nice trails near the hospital where most of the tests were performed. 

Nice water bowl along the trail for Jimmy

Jimmy took lots of naps and even got to go on a few boat rides. He liked those a lot and so did we. 

Jimmy and me

My favorite brother Harry

My favorite husband enjoying the sunset

One of our favorite finds was a vintage trailer converted into a cool ice cream shop. A mother and daughter make homemade ice cream and sell it at this recently restored trailer. It has been a big hit in the community and the ice cream was delicious.

Viewing sunsets out on the pontoon boat at night is special. Being able to reconnect with my brother and having this special time together has been priceless. We were stressed at times during all the tests but being here with him helped immeasurably. Harry says being out on the lake helps resets your clock.

At first the surgeon thought John might need to have his knee replaced. However, after extensive tests no infection was found and the surgeon felt John should just give it some more time. He may be reacting to the implant but the hope is his body will adjust to it over time.. 

Lake Manitou at sunset

We will be here over the weekend and looking forward to watching the Indy 500 race. We used to live in Indianapolis and for many years attended this great event. My favorite driver Helio Castroneves will be starting from the third row. 

On Monday we will be turning "left" and heading west. Our plans include visiting a few beautiful places in Colorado for about a month. We then will be returning to Grand Teton National Park to meet up with friends. John's daughter will be flying in for a visit and we have more friends coming in September. We were supposed to work there this summer with GTA (Grand Teton Association) but had to cancel due to John's knee issues. It will be great to visit some of our favorite places. Stay tuned. 

In the fall we will be attending a Newmar Kountry Klub rally in Pueblo Colorado and will be attending a pre rally with a full-timing chapter in Canon City. We recently joined this camping club for Newmar owners. It's a very active club with many opportunities to attend rallies all over the country. 

Then in October we will be joining the Boomers, an Escapee BOF chapter, at the spectacular Albuquerque Balloon Festival.  We attended this great event four years ago and are really looking forward to returning. There are sure to be other great stops in between. 

Right now there have been numerous tornadoes in the mid west so we have decided to head a little further north and go through Nebraska instead of Kansas. This will be a new state for us and we are planning on staying at a few Corp of Engineer Parks along the way. Be sure to check back soon for more lake views. :)

Thank you again Harry for the wonderful hospitality!

Love you to the moon and back!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Change In Plans

Rochester, IN (87 degrees, very hot and humid)

Martha and John

John's dear sister Martha suddenly called us to let us know she was in the hospital in Sao Paolo Brazil where she resides. She has valiantly been fighting breast cancer for many years and now was told it had spread to her spine and brain. She is very precious to us and although she has a wonderful family and extended friends we felt it was best to be there to help out in any way possible.

We quickly said good bye to our traveling companions over the past two months and put the peddle to the metal and have now left Newfoundland. After much discussion and planning it seemed best to leave the motorhome at my brothers house in Indiana. We will go to Chicago on Monday to get visas to travel to Brazil. Our friend Debbie in Indianapolis offered to watch Jimmy while we are gone. Our plan is to fly out on Friday- fingers crossed.

It's taken a village to pull all this off and we want to thank our friends and family who have offered support and help. Martha has many people known and unknown to her saying prayers and offering positive thoughts for her full recovery. 

We took an overnight ferry about a week ago from Argentia Newfoundland to Nova Scotia and exited Canada into Maine. From there we quickly headed to Indiana. On Monday we are going to Chicago for the visas. We arrived here very tired but safe and sound except for the loss of one side view mirror clipped off at a toll booth and a whole lot of road dust. We had to duck tape and wire the mirror up to the motorhome and arrived sort of looking like the Beverly Hillbillies. 

Please continue to keep Martha and her family in your thoughts and prayers. She has a very positive attitude and has shown amazing strength throughout.