Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lots To Do....So Little Time - Our First "In Season" Week at Sanibel

Sanibel, FL (76 degrees, clear blue skies)

Birds roosting together due to the cold weather

When we volunteered here at Ding Darling this summer, many of the locals told us the winter season is very busy.  They were so right.  Whether you enjoy arts, shelling, birding, kayaking, biking, nature, and so much more there are planned events you can tap into for a very minimal cost.

Tigertail, Marco Island

Caloosa Bird Club (Marco Island)

If you have followed our blog for awhile you know we really enjoy birding and kayaking.  This is such a great place to really get involved in both of these activities.  We have heard many wonderful comments about the Caloosa Bird Club and after reviewing their weekly outings decided to become involved.  Our friend on the island, France, is sponsoring us and we have now attended a business meeting and two outings which are requirements before joining.  France is a joy to bird with and her love of nature is contagious.  

We have greatly enjoyed each of the bird trips.  One was to Marco Island/Tigertail Beach and the other one was right here at the refuge.  We found the group to be very welcoming and such a great opportunity to learn more and improve our ID skills.  Most of the members are very experienced birders and many bring scopes along for viewing.  At each event the scopes are focused in on a different type of bird and the owner encourages you to check them out.  We loved it! You can practically see the birds tonsil with these scopes.

Beautiful Roseate Spoonbills

We also attended a weekly Audubon meeting at the Sanibel Community House.  The speaker this week was a famous local writer and canoe operator named Bird Westall.  He told us so much about ospreys and taught us how to even speak Osprey.  It was a delightful evening and the hall was packed.  On Saturdays this club also has planned bird outings mostly in Sanibel and Ft. Myers.  A donation of only $2 is suggested and it gives you another opportunities to  learn about birds and plants on these excursions.

Caloosa Bird Club (Ding Darling)

White Pelicans

Lots of birds wading in the mud flats during low tide

We haven't checked out The Big Arts yet, but it has all types of craft classes, jazz shows, and a film series.  Then if that's not enough Ding offers a weekly movie and lecture series.  The recreation center has exercise, swimming, and yoga classes too.  For the first time in a long time, I'm keeping a detailed daily calender to keep up with all the cool activities.  Retirement can be very exhausting!

Elegant Great Egret

Our first week volunteering at the refuge included a three hour orientation at the center and a fun geocaching seminar led by Ken, a resident volunteer.  John was busy helping out with a new tile floor for the kitchen and preparing a new parking lot for the tram tours.  I worked in administration mostly answering phones (that can be interesting) and helping out with some billing projects.  My first alligator crocodile interpretive program went fairly well.  I forgot to mention a few things but everyone seemed to enjoy it and getting the first one done is a great relief.  This first week went by so quickly. It's going to be a fun winter.

Below our our ebird lists. We added quite a few to our LIfe List.  Tigertail Beach,   Mackle Park, Canada Goose Sighting,  J.N. Ding Darling, and Causeway.

Adorable burrowing owls (Marco Island)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Catching Up With The Herr's

Sanibel, Florida (79 degrees, foggy morning clearing to blue skies)

Wildlife Drive (Ding Darling NWR)
With happiness and a great sigh of relief we have returned to beautiful Sanibel Island for the winter. Our "Crazy Christmas Kiosk" is completed and with just a little recovery time we are back volunteering at J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge.  I have not written a blog in quite awhile so I'll quickly catch you up on what's been happening.  

Randy, Fran, John, and me

Crazy Black Friday
We spent the last two months managing a kiosk at Port Charlotte Town Center Mall selling sport related items.  This was our second year and by far the best thing about doing it was working with our friends Fran and Randy.  We all worked very hard and had little down time.  It was mostly work, eat, sleep, repeat. But, everyone kept their sense of humor.   Fran and Randy were great to work with and were definitely team players.   

We were all very tired at the end of it. So, will we return next year...not sure.  The owner of the company wisely doesn't ask you for a couple months.  You know the old adage...absence makes the heart grow fonder.  The hours are very long and it takes quite a toil working basically 61 days in a row without a break.  

We did manage to squeeze in a couple short birding trips to Babcock-Webb Wildlife Management Area organized by Randy to see the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker and another trip to  Celery Fields near Sarasota.  

Red-cockaded Woodpecker

Celery Fields (near Sarasota)

Our daughter Jen, nephew Ben, and little Louie came for a visit over Christmas and even helped out at the kiosk. John was able to take them to Cayo Costa for two nights.  It's a Florida State Park located on a barrier island which can only be reached by ferry.  They stayed in a primitive cabin and enjoyed walking the beaches and collecting shells.  One of the special highlights was star gazing at night by the fire.  

Me, Jen, and Louie

Christmas day was our only day off and we traveled to Sarasota to enjoy a day on the beautiful Siesta Key.  We spent Christmas there last year and really looked forward to returning again.  Our friends, Eileen and John,  from our first NOMADS project stopped by for a few days and joined us too.  They also helped us obtain our first volunteer position with White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.  It was great to see them again.  Eileen worked one day too.  Beware, don't come visit us during this time unless you want to help out.  Just ask our friends J.C. and Bev from last year.  :)

Me, John, Jen, Ben, John, and Eileen

Toes in the sand...sure beats snow

Our favorite "snow" man
When we finished at the kiosk Fran and Randy arranged with a local Miami guide an exotic bird tour. Stop by soon for a separate post about this great tour with Paul Bithron.  We saw some beautiful parrots, parakeets, and other interesting birds in neighborhoods all around  Miami.  We had the best time and Paul was super guide.  

So, here we are in Sanibel and very happy to be back.  We are joined now with five other couples at the refuge and volunteer three days a week in exchange for our site.  John will continue to work in maintenance and I'll be in the administrative offices answering phones, helping with projects, and giving a program on alligator and crocodiles. 

Sanibel is very busy this time of year and there are lots of activities to become involved in.  We plan on joining the  very active Caloosa Bird Club.  They offer weekly bird tours and have great speakers each month.  Ding also has some great programs each day and an interesting Friday lecture series.  If you are in the area be sure to stop by and see us.  We'd love to show you our beautiful back yard.

Snowy Egrets