Thursday, August 25, 2011

Off Road Safari Jeep Tour–Custer State Park

(Custer State Park, South Dakota) 82 degrees, slightly hazy

Christy (our tour guide)

The combination of an off road safari at Custer State Park was just too irresistible. We meet Christy (our guide) near the State Game Lodge and took off down some amazing roads in this open sided jeep for two hours. She was able to use roads the regular tourists cannot.

We have been in this park many times and just love. it Christie told us even more about the area, buffalo roundup, wild life, and history. She is the first female jeep guide and she is great. Her love of this area just shines through.

Buffalo eating his favorite snack

Prone nose antelope

This overlook was worth the cost of the tour. No one was here and you could see forever throughout the park. Priceless!

The photographs are a little hazy due to a nearby fire caused by lightening. Unfortunately, a fireman was killed yesterday trying to extinguish it. Hopefully they soon will get it under control.

The tour costs $40 per person and is well worth it. If you are in the area be sure to add this to your “to do” list. Afterwards we had lunch at the State Game Lodge. Their buffalo stew is so delicious.

State Game Lodge

Near Custer State Park is another National Forest Campground called Bismarck. Rates are reasonable ($19/night or 50% discount with Golden Age/Access Pass). We were interested in checking it out due to the lake. It is great for kayaking or fishing. It has an easy launch site and the campground was quiet and peaceful. 

Bismarck National Forest

Later that evening we met up with another camp host and went to a cowboy dinner show near Rapid City. It is called Fort Hays and is the most popular in the area.
They moved the Dances with Wolves film set here to tour while you are waiting for dinner. The floor is marked with Kevin Cosner stood in the movie as he received his orders.

Fort Hays

We met Frank one of the workampers that has been here for many years. He helped me make a Dances with Wolves pie plate with equipment dating back to the 1800’s. It was fun and nice keepsake. 

Dinner was served on tin plates (made byFrank) and included roast beef, baked beans, applesauce, roll, drink, and apple cake. Feeding the crowd was very organized. Afterwards there was a band and show. The fiddle player was amazing.

We both thought it was a good time but would probably not go again. Cost is $19 per person for the meal, tour, and entertainment. We would have preferred going to one that was outdoors under the night sky. The hall was rather hot and the entertainment too corny for our taste.

It certainly was a great day off.  We are loving the Black Hills!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vroom… Vroom… Thunder In The Hills @ The 71st Sturgis Rally

(Sturgis, South Dakota) 76 degrees, blue skies

Sturgis or Bust!

For a week now the roads have been filling with more and more motorcycles and the air is filled with lots of noise.  There are approximately 600,000 bikes in this area for the 71st Sturgis Rally. It is quite an event.

Hill City is about an hour away and today our camp host neighbor (Sharon) offered to take us in her Mustang to check it all out.  Actually it was my idea, and she reluctantly said yes with the stipulation that John would drive.  Jimmy came along too.

Sharon has been a camp host in this area for about 10 years.  She says most locals do not go out during the rally due to all the traffic but she was a good sport and came along.

Jimmy liked the convertible too (lots of great smells)
The roads were filled with motorcycles touring the area. The Black Hills scenery is a motorcyclists paradise. This rally brings in a lot of money to the local community and for the most part the bikers are very friendly.


Our friend Sharon

This type of motorcycle (below) is becoming more popular but it does not seem right to me. Reminds me too much of  a tricycle.


Entering Sturgis

As we arrived into town the decibels got much louder.  There were lots of vendors and even some bikini car washes.  It reminded us a lot of the Indy 500 crowd.  The crowd was pretty tame but remember our visit was during the day.  :)


Main Street is where most of the motorcyclists park their bikes and check out all the action.  I paid $5 to climb up a tall ladder to get these amazing pictures of all the bikes.  Click on the pictures to enlarge.



Afterwards we headed to Spearfish Canyon to have a nice picnic lunch (thanks Sharon) in the city park.  Seeing the canyon from a convertible is a wonderful experience.  It just takes your breath away looking up at the canyon walls, water falls, and blue skies. 


Dances With Wolves film site



It was a great, fun filled  trip and even reluctant Sharon was glad she came along for the ride. 


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Visit With Friends Continued–Custer State Park, Needles & Beautiful Sylvan Lake

(Custer State Park, South Dakota) 75 degrees, blue skies


We continued our trip and drove into Custer State Park.  We had a delicious lunch at the State Game Lodge (Calvin Coolidge's summer White House)  The buffalo stew and buffet were excellent and for $12 including a dessert it was quite a bargain. 

The wildlife loop is a “must see” when visiting this park.  There was a huge buffalo herd munching grass and wildflowers as soon as we entered the loop.  What magnificent animals.  We stopped and watched them for quite awhile.  We kept our distance but some folks in our opinion got way too close.


The loop winds through some beautiful meadows and hills.  There has been lots of rain this year and everything is still so green. 

Note motorcycles having a great time on the windy roads

The donkeys (descendants of the 1800’s gold miners) were out in full force looking for some snacks from the bikers and  motorists.  They are very well feed.



We stopped at the Calvin Coolidge look out for some great views. 


John, me, Jackie, & Kenzie

Kenzie was great in the car.  She kept us all entertained with her made up songs and sweet spirit. 


Our drive through the Needles area was spectacular.  We just had to share this amazing place with Jackie and Kenzie. 



Our last stop was at Sylvan Lake (Johns’ favorite place in the Black Hills).  We had a delicious ice cream cone and headed back to the campground. 

Lake Sylvan
Another great day in the Black Hills was enjoyed by all.  Tomorrow Jackie & Kenzie go back home.  We sure have enjoyed their visit. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Visit With Friends Continued–Crazy Horse Memorial & Bear Country

(Lake Sheridan, South Dakota) 72 cool, occasional rain, chilly in evening

Today the weather is perfect.  Motorcycles are buzzing around everywhere.  Hill City Main Street is closed to traffic except for motorcycles.  They are parked on both sides of the street and in the middle.  I can hardly recognize the town right now. 

Our friends are still here and we decided to go out to see the Crazy Horse Memorial.  It is a huge memorial of the Lakota Indians initiated in 1947.


We had visited the site three years ago.  It does not seem like much progress has been made except for the removal of a lot of rock below the monument. The museum, artists home,  and gift shops are very interesting, however, the cost to visit ($24 per car load or $10 per person) is somewhat high and you cannot get very close without having to spend more.  There is also a laser light show at night for an additional cost. 

Below is a sculpture of how it is intended to look.  I’m not sure it will be finished in my lifetime.  You can see the memorial in the distance. 

Kenzie & Jackie

Lots of motorcycles in the parking lot

I had to work at the day booth afterwards.  So, Jackie and Kenzie went to a Old McDonalds Farm and feed the animals.

Afterwards we had dinner at the campground and another great fire.  The next morning we were off to Bear County for a visit.  Kenzie was excited to go.  We had visited last month but saw a lot more animals today due to the cooler weather.  Here are a few of our favorite pictures.  We love this place. 

Elk...nice rack!

Big Horn Sheep

Mule Deer

Mountain Goat



Grizzly Bear


This is the life

"yikes...there has to be an easier way of getting up here"

"whew...made it, nice view"

Baby Land is an area you can walk through and see the small animals.  The baby cubs were having a great time playing with each other and some visitors.  Click on the video to see some of the fun.


In the afternoon we went to Custer State Park.  See tomorrows post all the details.