Showing posts with label Christine H. Tran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christine H. Tran. Show all posts


Golden Para-Shoot

Christine H. Tran

Paratext paratext paratext; you are a floating footnote
And satellite moon to the index of someone else’s Kronos,
behind the scenes footage; the dampest of lecture notes
Paratext makes the round go world

In a solar system of citation
I am your official cinematic novelization
To the motion picture Cars 2
Fanfic, mods, soundtrack, author biography, press clipping, ad-games,
full-body character pillows,
In every ovum there is an unregistered trademark
an ectopic sequel & un-expanded cinematic universe
waiting to be furbished (adv: “furnished by a Furby”)

In retrospect, the ability to rearrange vast amounts of colonial knowledge
by the teeth of my skin (jaundiced)
into nostalgic polygons
not the best foundation for a personality 

Christine H. Tran is a PhD-wannabe & Vietnamese-Canadian whose work has been featured in untethered,, and ATB Publishing's Outside In. Her writing explores the shared histories of Internet culture, video games, race, and the folklore of technological meritocracy. And also, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She 'grams for nine people at @the_chriscourse and assists at Brick:  A Literary Journal.