
Showing posts with label itouch cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label itouch cover. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2009

More wax and a Birthday Present

Earlier this week I got the soy wax and procions out for another bit of experimentation. I am still playing around with this wax to see what exactly it will do. Last time I used it I made up a print paste as the wax is water soluble, and didn't think it would take too much wetting out, however is proved to be a lot more resilient than I expected, so this time used just straight dye. The pieces you can see below are just experimental bits, trying out different stamps, rollers, etc. and trying to get the wax just the right temperature to use with a tjanting to keep a good flow. As whole pieces they are pretty out there and a bit of a confusion, but when they are cut into smaller pieces they are quite gorgeous. I have cropped some bits so you can see. Further down the page, you can see how I used one of the earlier pieces in a project, a little pocket book in the latest Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine. These multi coloured fabrics are ideal for this project.

As you can see they are full of texture and colour. 













But the small pieces are terrific, and there's so much variety in just one fat 1/4.

Here are the pockets made for the book, took only a fat 1/8th

The pockets in the book

This little pocket book and itouch cover where Birthday presents for Louise, it's very hard finding presents that are light and  portable as she is travelling OS at the moment. Her itouch goes everywhere with her, and the little pockets will be ideal to store her treasures. Apparently Green is her favourite colour at the moment, so the itouch cover and book cover are made from textured calico with golden acrylics and mica powder.

As I have mentioned the pocket book was a project in Cloth, Paper Scissors. I have only recently subscribed to this mag, having subscribed to  Quilting Arts in the past. Now these wonderful magazines are available in digital form and I get both mags for the price of one in this format. It's terrific, I can't loose them, don't have to find storage for them, can print pages with templates etc. straight from the computer, no scanner needed and the ads are linked directly to the relevant web site for easy browsing. If you haven't had a look at these magazines before, or the new format, then you can see them here.