Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good-bye Helen

Greetings dearests,

Well, this has been a crazy week as we are about to depart for vacation to Disney World and Marcos Island in south Florida. Sadly, my sister-in-law and dear friend's mother passed away last weekend and was buried on Tuesday. I've thought about Helen, (Gwen Cox's mom) off and on all week. Today I was packing and pulled out a glorious pair of red patten leather shoes. I love these shoes but they get black marks from the heels on them. I thought to myself, "You know Helen Mewbourn would know how to get the marks off these shoes." and then I was rather sad at the thought that all that we are and know leaves with us. Gwen always gave her mom props and would defer to her mother when she realized Helen was the expert on a subject. Like photography. I really think hard before I buy anything larger than a 8 x 10 photo, because Helen thought it unseemly. :) I love to remember funny stories about departed friends. My favorite about Helen was one involving a bare chest and a smart new dress. Helen was a hoot and I'm sure will be very glad to be with her mother and father and husband. My friend Gwen was a good daughter to her mother. I hope to be as caring as she was.
I love you Gwen. I hope you don't mind me writing this. Actually I think I'll ask you permission first. So if you are reading this it was ok with Gwen.
An update on Emma Evie, my little friend with cancer. She is dying. They told her parents week before last there is nothing more that they can do for her except make her comfortable. Her tumors came back. Stage 4 Neuroblastoma is usually fatal. We are praying just for the tender mercies of the Lord now. It is a painful way to die. She isn't the one I worry about though. My friend Beth Jones assures me that St. Jude will not let that baby suffer. Her young parents are. Pray for them. No one should have to go through what they are about to. Kiss your babies and grandbabies (even if your babies are 30). Life is a precious gift. As always, all my love, Tracey


vsteward80 said...

Tracey, I have been thinking about Gwen and Helen all week, too...even when you know it's coming, it is still so hard...
And we have added the Evie's to our prayers ever since you gave us the bad family should have to endure such a loss...but they are blessed to have a friend like you with them to help them through this nightmare and to deal with their grief...
Love You, Vicki :o)

George said...

This is very moving. I am proud to have a daughter who cares so much for the people she loves.

Papa George

Tracey said...

I love you Daddy.