Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Samuel Beckett. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Samuel Beckett. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, 31 de março de 2013

Ils ne bougent pas

ESTRAGON - Je ne peux plus continuer comme ça.
VLADIMIR - On dit ça.
ESTRAGON - Si on se quittait? Ça ira peut-être mieux.
VLADIMIR - On se pendra demain. (Un temps.) A moins que Godot ne vienne.
ESTRAGON - Et s'il vient?
VLADIMIR - Nous serons sauvés.
     Vladimir enlève son chapeau - celui de Lucky - regarde dedans, y passe la main, le secoue, le remet.

ESTRAGON - Alors, on y va?
VLADIMIR - Relève ton pantalon.
ESTRAGON - Comment?
VLADIMIR - Relève ton pantalon.
ESTRAGON - Que j'enlève mon pantalon?
VLADIMIR - RE-lève ton pantalon.
ESTRAGON - C'est vrai.
     Il relève son pantalon. Silence.

VLADIMIR - Alors, on y va?
ESTRAGON - Alons-y.

     Ils ne bougent pas.

(Beckett, En attendant Godot)

sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

dois quartos e uma cozinha

She asked if I would like her to sing something. I replied no, I would like her to say something. I thought she would say she had nothing to say, it would have been like her, and so was agreeably surprised when she said she had a room, most agreeably surprised, though I suspected as much. Who has not a room? Ah I hear the clamour. I have two rooms, she said. Just how many rooms do you have? I said. She said she had two rooms and a kitchen. The premises were expanding steadily, given time she would remember a bathroom. Is it two rooms I heard you say? I said. Yes, she said. Adjacent? I said. At last conversation worthy of the name. Separated by the kitchen, she said. I asked her why she had not told me before. I must have been beside myself, at this period. I did not feel easy when I was with her, but at least free to think of something else than her, of the old trusty things, and so little by little, as down steps towards a deep, of nothing. And I knew that away from her I would forfeit this freedom.

Samuel Beckett (1970). First love. In: First love and other novellas, 78. London: Penguin Modern Classics, 2000

sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

Waiting for Elmo

Absolutamente maravilhoso. Prometeria outros para breve mas confio que as pessoas saberão chafurdar no youtube. Recomendo "1 flew over the cuckoo's nest" e "twin beaks". E todos.

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

my way is in the sand flowing

my way is in the sand flowing
between the shingle and the dune
the summer rain rains on my life
on me my life harrying fleeing
to its beginning to its end

my peace is there in the receding mist
when I may cease from treading these long shifting thresholds
and live the space of a door
that opens and shuts

Samuel Beckett, The Grove Centenary Edition, vol. IV: Poems, Short Fiction, Criticism, Grove Press, New York, 2006

sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009

what would I do without...

what would I do without this world faceless incurious
where to be lasts but an instant where every instant
spills in the void the ignorance of having been
without this wave where in the end
body and shadow together are engulfed
what would I do without this silence where the murmurs die
the pantings and frenzies towards succour towards love
without this sky that soars
above its ballast dust

what would I do what I did yesterday and the day before
peering out of my deadlight looking for another
wandering like me eddying far from all the living
in a convulsive space
among the voices voiceless
that throng my hiddenness

Samuel Beckett, The Grove Centenary Edition, vol. IV: Poems, Short Fiction, Criticism, Grove Press, New York, 2006

sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009

they come

they come
different and the same
with each it is different and the same
with each the absense of love is different
with each the absense of love is the same

Samuel Beckett, The Grove Centenary Edition, vol. IV: Poems, Short Fiction, Criticism, Grove Press, New York, 2006

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009

Objecto de Cobiça

“Eu teria menos problemas no futuro se fosse menos estranho no trato com as pessoas”, escreveu o pintor certo dia. À conta desta sua desadequação social, virou-se para a ilustração e depois para a pintura.

Eu gostava de «arranjar-me» isto. E já que estamos no capítulo da epistolografia, também queria isto.