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The Parents Via Egg Donation Organization

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Why PVED Is So Choosy About Who Comes and Goes...

I have had some pretty interesting conversations with a handful of individuals who are not really happy that our forum is private. That it's not open like other trying to conceive boards.

The PVED message boards are private support community only open to parents and parents-to-be who have been, or are attempting to become, parents through egg donation. For some this is one of the few places members can come to openly share about their hopes, desires, concerns, and fears revolving around egg donation. Because this is a closed community, members can communicate freely, safely, securely, and openly with each other without the worry of unwanted visitors.

The community NOT for agencies to advertise, psychologists or social workers to advertise, nurses, physicians, or any other kind of health care professional who are not attempting to become mothers through egg donation.

The community is NOT for egg donors.

For our member’s protection anyone wanting access is required to complete and All fill out and return this form to our membership committee.

From time to time I hear squawking -- but typically our members are really thankful that we go to the lengths we do to preserve their privacy.

We verify each member by calling them and talking to the individual seeking admittance. If they are away from their phone's we simply leave a message with our number to call back.

The other day when I answered the phone it was a recipient dad who called and he said "Wow this is a real person" -- That made me laugh. And I explained that yes I was real. He then thanked me for being so diligent about protecting he and his partner's privacy.

We are asked from time to time why we insist on being extraordinarily thorough regarding the application process, and our reasons for this are simple. This is a private community that offers support, education, and the issues discussed on these forums are often of sensitive nature. We do not allow anyone from the media on our list, nor do we allow egg donors, Reproductive Endocrinologists, Agency Owners, Clinic Nurses, or anyone else we don’t feel belongs and isn’t here for the right reasons.

Because we have people from all walks of life -- being a private community works best for us.

If you are interested in joining our community feel free to contact:


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