Thursday, September 04, 2008

Pictures from the past weekend~


calvin & hobbs said...

omgosh!! how beautiful!! ok so now i really want to go check them out! we'll for sure have to hit the zoo while the daddy's are gone!

that water looks like it's a little cold ladies, lol! love it!!

Ryan, Kim and Caroline said...

Beautiful pics, patti. . .you've become quite the photographer! And when did the girls get so BIG?!?!

Team Manager said...

Love the pics! You all look so happy and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Our Family said...

Your family takes the best pics!! HOW ARE YOU LADY?? We are finally settling. By the end of this week I think I may be able to stand still for at least 2 seconds! LOL We are LOVING Georgia and Ft. Benning. We love the new place - it is kinda set up like yours and is brand new. Disney was a BLAST BLAST BLAST. I will send some pics soon... kids are in their second day of school tomorrow - IN UNIFORMS! LOL This place where ya'll went hiking is where I went with GW's Platoon and had to have Bo pull me up! LOL Miss you tons!!!