Monday, September 29, 2008

Ahhhhh sunday's~

Today i took the lil ladies shopping for cheerleading sneakers for Miss Kearney Kat. After we hit up the movies for a little KUNG FU PANDA~ Which yes we have seen it a few times now..but Dang i love that movie!! THe girls yes they like it too but I love it much much more! I am the monkey, Kearney is the tigeress, and aubrey is the snake .. and kearney says Daddy is the panda! After all he is the HERO! I then quickly stopped home for a quick pack of dinner and we went on a quick hike up to KoleKole Pass for dinner.There was some fruit at the mouth of the stone where the chopped heads would roll today~I smelled the rolls of leaves to see what was in them..Hey ?? Wouldnt u have?ha ha ha The girls hiked very well and enjoyed it so we will do it more often. I had to work off alllllllllllllll that butter popcorn i ate at the movie theatre..although the hike is only like ... 2 mins long?? LOL Now we are practicing cheer's ... Over.. and over......and over.......and .. yep.. Over..

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wahiawa Botanical Gardens

We took the gals and wow its free and such a beautiful place! Kearney went with her school on a field trip and it was the one trip i didnt get to go on because i had a headache... Well wow it was awsome! I will definitly be going back again. It was fun to play and take some snapshots of the kids strolling along. Kearney was playing tour guide~ She loved going and wants to go again when Daddy comes home! The girls were Soo good they got suckers... and.. they shared... Ewww~ lol

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We Won our Last Game!!

Wooo Hooo!! The kids played Soo well. I am so proud of our team. They are 5 and 6 yr olds and this is their first year playing. So as you can imagine it was alot of clumping and hands on the ball in the begining...But now they are passing and shooting and really true team players. I love my entire team and they will all be missed. My team parents are awsome and all so supportive of their lil players which is always awsome. We have our team party next weekend at the beach and it will for sure be a blast! Kearney did great and had fun. I dont think she will do soccer again. Its just her thing but we gave it a shot! Thad and i want her to try it all and then pick what she wants to stick with or if she wants to do any sports at all. I really think cheerleading will be it for her though. Which starts Next week!! After todays game we went to McD's for icecream and the girls had fun in there. Boy we sure miss daddy though!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My girls~

So i was getting kearney dressed for school and i had a flashback.. Clothes now are totally 80s~ I remember Macie my oldest sister getting me dressed in mini skirts and side ponytails~ Kearney wouldnt wear the mini-skirt.. So long tank and leggings it was... Then there is a pic of a few pictures kearney drew for me.. One is a " blue print" of a house she wants... THen .. Yes.. that is aubrey peeing in the back yard... GOTCHA aubrey! How lazy can u be ? just walk your little but in the house and use the potty!!

The days are just flying by............

Well we have been keeping busy here.. I havent uploaded pictures yet..but i can give ya the scoop on us. Kearney's on her last week of soccer. We lost our first game last week it was 3-2. And this week is her last week of soccer which i am kinda relieved i love soccer dont get me wrong but i do need a little break... Its pretty time consuming with games and practices 3xs a week. I joined the YMCA and started trying out some new classes like this salsa-aerobics class which totally kicked my butt!! I got Jenna and Holly to join and they are going to do some fun classes with me so it should be great for all of us. The childwatch is awsome for aubrey , they have a rock climbing wall and the caretakers in there are awsome and she really likes them alot. OY i just got a call... Kearney starts Cheerleading next week!! so much for a break!! I am going to help with coaching that too ! Now this should be alot of fun too its 5-7 yr olds. I think kearney will LOVE it. Over the past weekend I took the girls to the lagoons and we swam with the sea turtles.. and we actually swam WITH one this time!! like touching it!! IT was amazing!! Kearney and I loved it.. AUbrey watched and thought it was pretty cool but she didnt want to get near one. Man i am really going to miss the wildlife of hawaii.. There is nothing like it! Thats for sure!! Well i am going to head to bed. Thads doing fine in California he is hating being away from us of course... and counting down the days till he is back. We are planning a trip to the big island and we are so excited!! HOpe all is well with everyone!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

7 Yrs ago today...

We had just gotten back from our honeymoon and moved into our new house in Virgina. We had Alisa,G and Nico staying with us while they closed on their new house. Alisa and I had just woke up, She had started the tub for nico. I walked downstairs and put on the tv and then walked into the kitchen to see what i was gonna make up for breakfast. As i was staring into the fridge...I could hear the news reporter saying how an airplane hit one of the twin towers..So i walked back into the room and watched the first airplane hit and they kept replaying it...Still unsure of what exactly happend. They were not even sure if it was an airplane. Then they played live footage of the building burning up and then as the lady was talking she yelled OH MY GOD HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE, and i watched the second one hit. I then screamed up to Alisa to get downstairs and we both just watched in horror.. Its been 7 yrs since it happened and yet it seems like only a few months have past.. I still get that pit in my stomach as i think about that horrible day.

Thursday, September 04, 2008