Showing posts with label sisko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sisko. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Out of the Box: Captain Sisko (Playmates "Warp Factor" Series)

I think I've mentioned before that  that Deep Space 9 was my favourite Star Trek series, so it's a little odd that other than a pair of MiniMates I haven't had any of the related toys around.  I think I always had the impression that most of the Star Trek figures were a little weak - I think based purely on the two TNG tie-in figures that my sister owned back in the day.

Given how silly a lot of my own '90s figures look these days, I decided I would get over my aversion to the various ST lines and have have picked up a figure from Playmates late 1990's lines - the Tribble-themed version DS9's Captain Benjamin Sisko.  There was a regular version as well, but how could I say no to the little Tribble accessories, right?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Random Toy of the Day: Star Trek DS9 Minimates

Sisko & Dukat
Another week, another set of Minimates...

Up this time are Captain Sisko and Gul'Dukat from Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (which is, as an aside, my favourite Star Trek series).

The Star Trek line is no longer in production, but while it lasted DST released several sets (I believe there were 5 series, each of which had at least three sets, although I'm not 100% certain on that - if you know for sure, correct me!).  Most of these figures were of characters from the original series, although there was at least one set for each of the others as well.