Showing posts with label elytra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elytra. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What I've Done & Will Do

It's always hard to stay on task when you're waiting to go to a dentist appointment. Since I knew I was getting a cavity filled, I was anticipating discomfort at an epic scale. Of course the reality of the situation was fairly uneventful. There was a bit of discomfort and only an hour of my life given away to the gods of oral hygiene, so when I returned I got to work.

I drilled up some some elytra and got the necklace completed again. I can make the first row of the design before the elytra are ready so I did that the day before. The hardest part of the design is the beetle wing part. I have to lay them all out in order making sure they all match in size and side and then tat them into the second row. I must watch out out for encroaching cats and kids as they threaten to disturb the carefully laid out pieces. Then I must deal with the thread constantly wrapping about the wings and tangling as I add each new one to the line. I tell you these things just so you see how hard I work lest you think I make this all look like cake.

I also sourced some bobby pins for the new flower bobbies to match the veils and I also got another set of the pieces that make up the motif done. I may get around to sewing them to the feather pad, though I'm still not certain whether comb of clip is the preferred method of wearing a piece like this. I did a little Internet searching and could find no conclusive information either way. Perhaps I'll do an informal twitter poll later to get a feeling of what people would prefer. Me, I'd pick the comb, but that's because I have ridiculously thin hair and can slide clips right out of it.

I also promised an author friend a mask and collar set that I finally started working on yesterday too, so I'll likely go back to that throughout the next couple of weeks. It's not a time sensitive project so it's on the when I have free time burner. I did May's sale numbers yesterday and it was a fairly sad month and June began sale-less as well. If things continue in this manner, I shall have enough unspoken for time to complete all these projects as soon as all the supplies have been acquired. Speaking of acquiring supplies...I made an order with Fire Mountain Gems wallet hurts, bad. That is all.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Elytra Necklace

And here we are back at Monday. Of course this week has far less that needs to be accomplished. I have a dental appointment tomorrow and that, aside from the child's schooling, is the only planned event. Over the weekend, we had the birthday party, some gardening, I planted star jasmine, and a movie, we went to see the Shrek movie with the kids. So I am absolutely still tired this morning, but since it's a holiday, the husband is home and the kids want to go on bike rides.

So I gave you the start of the new elytra necklace and it was not only finished, but sold on Friday. Of course it sold to the fine customer who had requested it, but I shall make another as I too loved the way it turned out. I made several modifications to the pattern so that the elytra would hand at the right intervals. I had also initially tried to tat the elytra directly to the lace, but no matter how loose I made my tension it just immobilized the wing cases, and I wanted them to hang nicely and click together. So in the end I opted to put them all on jump rings and tatted those on instead. I prefer tatting on the rings as opposed to just hanging them from picots. Even though they are very light, I worry about stretching the picots all out of shape with time. Hopefully I'll get the second one done this week so I can list the piece again.

I also got my white feathers in the mail and have started the task of sewing all the elements together for the bridal veil. At first I was a little taken back by the off white of the feathers I received. I was afraid they would look awful with the stark white of the thread, but I was mistaken. The color adds another subtle dimension to the piece. You'll see when I get it done and get you some photos. I also got some feather pads upon which to build the version without the veil. We'll see how that goes. Then I need to pick up some bobby pins to try out the simple flower bobbies that were suggested. All of this may of course take weeks to get all together.

Also one small rant this morning. Dear customers with time sensitive deadlines. When you ask if I can make something in time for event and I reply that I can it would behoove you to make your purchase immediately. Every day you wait, makes it that much harder for me to complete your order because I am damn sure not making it until you make and pay for your purchase. Also, if you decide any time during the course of our conversations that you have changed your mind, you could also drop that bit of information on me as it would relieve quite a bit of stress as I sit here wondering if I'm going to have to knock out a piece in a day or two. Thank you and have a great day.

Friday, May 28, 2010

At The End Of The Week Again

Oh Friday, I'm so glad to see you. I of course have to use you to clean so I can have Saturday for a birthday party, but that's okay. I'm just glad that you're here and they're are no more meetings or appointments, really, thanks for coming.

So you might not believe it, but two days in a row I got my creative on. On Wednesday I got a message asking me if I was interested in making a larder necklace dripping with elytra. Why, yes I had intended on doing that quite some time ago, but as I didn't seem to have anyone waiting for it and I am easily sidetracked with other things, it has not yet been attempted. Since I was given a reason and Thursday gave me some time, I started to work on it.

First I used my brand new extra tiny drill bits to drill holes in a bag full of beetle wings, then I set about trying to find the right style upon which to lay them. After a search though my existing pieces failed to invoke an a-ha moment, I started the search through the vintage books. You see, even though I can design my own pieces, I prefer to start with something tangible, that I can see before I start. Often this results in a slightly modifies vintage pattern and of course something I go all crazy like and just start tatting to see what happens. This time I found the edging of a hankie to have the right amount of curve to lay where I want it. I always tat the pattern as written the first go around. It's like what the teacher always said about writing, you have to know the rules before you can break them.

I've already started work on the final piece. I made several stitch count changes and they'll be some rearranging of of picots so that the elytra hang just right, but I think I might be able to knock this one out today...maybe. I do still have a tile floor to clean and as that is most of the downstairs floor, it takes a bit. Then there is the kitchen and I still have laundry and well let's just say I will not much miss this week when it is finally gone.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Elytra

Another day, another elytra piece. Okay, well that's not strictly true, I had these done the day before and I actually dug through my baggie of elytra to find just two more small ones to make a couple more cameo pendants, but you already know what that looks like. So back then to the new ones. I used the same vintage pattern that I call tenebrous and first used...yeah, I don't remember, anyway, it's got the perfect structure for hanging pieces off. This time I sewed a swarovski in the center just to give it a bit more polish. I thought about tatting the elytra directing into the lace, but in the end I wanted them to hang and swing a bit so I added a jump ring to each and tatted that directly into the lace rather than hand them from picots.

I also picked this pattern because I had already devised an earring pattern to match that was also perfect from hanging bits from. I did add the crystal to the earring in the same place as the pendant and the only rough patch here was finding the perfect elytra that all matched in size and each earring has a right and a left facing one on the sides. I thought about shaping the center one so it was more symmetrical, but it's nature and I figured I'd rather let it be.

So, I suppose you might be wondering where I'm going with theses babies next. After some great comments here and on the fan page, I think there are at the very least a few souls that like what I'm doing with these, so I shall keep on for a bit. Next up I think will be a necklace, not quite a collar. I'm thinking of using the same one I used to add bells and coins to and hanging a larger amount of these instead. I know, but what about something truly new? Well, to that end I acquired a few new vintage pattern books. Nothing inspires me to new like those old ones. Of course if I'm inspired to create from scratch before they arrive great, but nothing has popped in the old head yet.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beautiful Beetle Wing Cases

Look what came in the mail! That's right, I have my elytra and I am off and running with them. The ones I purchased were not drilled which means there shall always be one more step before I can start working with them, but as I have a cute little dremel, this is not a problem. As soon as the kids set down for a nap I drilled a few and got down to business.

I found the smallest one I could in the bag full and decided that the first piece would be a quicky. I needed some instant gratification after waiting for them to be shipped all the way from Thailand. I made up a cameo pendant and after a bit of fiddling with the head pin to hand the sucker it was done and listed. I then started immediately on a set using the Tenebrous pattern. Though it was too late for pictures last night when they were done. I'm sure I'll tell you all about them tomorrow morning. This is also nowhere near the end of what I have planned for these exotic beauties. They are colorful. lightweight and can be drilled all along their edges if I so choose. The possibilities are endless really. Though it is my way to get carried away with a new idea regardless of whether anybody else likes it at all, so if you'd like to offer up opinions of dissent, please do tell. I really ought not make a dozen elytra pieces if I really am alone in my affection.

Well, isn't this something, I finally have something new to share and the blog post is still the short. I guess that I can at least say it is sweet this time, instead of a place holder for the day. I will have at least the tenebrous set to show you tomorrow, so I can promise more new for then as well. Now off to enjoy drilling holes in beetle wing cases for a spell.