Showing posts with label hope and change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope and change. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Obama Faces White Flight

America's first post-racial president, the great uniter, the hope and change man of the century is losing his mojo and quickly becoming America's greatest racist president. Yes, a well kept liberal secret is out, a black man can be a racist. And those who foolishly took the appealing bait of "hope and change" are now tasting the bitter pill of "bait and switch". Whites who supported this great black hope are now deserting in great numbers as the truth about this so-called post-racial president is seen by more and more who are willing to accept the realities presented to them each day. Many however, retain their faith in this great one and will continue to follow blindly as he leads them over the cliff. It seems that some 90% of blacks retain their loyalty toward the president, and this support can best be summed up by the "Obama Money" they are hoping to get! White support among Democrats remains at 80% indicating that they are as stupid as ever---nothing new here. Yes, Mr. Obama "Hope and Change has now turned to "Hope for Change". Whitey has finally seen the truth and truly heard the words of Rev. Wright and his prize protege pupil, the president, and now see that they both hate America.
Just 39 percent of white Americans now approve of President Obama's job performance, a steep drop-off of support since he was inaugurated in January, according to the latest Gallup Poll.

In his first full week in office, starting Jan. 26, just over six in 10 white people gave him their approval. Now that number is down to under four in 10, indicating a net drop of 22 points.

Black voters, meanwhile, have continued to support Obama to the tune of approximately 90 percent. And Democrats and liberals give Obama approval ratings of above 80 percent.

"Though he maintains widespread loyalty among Democrats, the small loss in support he has seen from his fellow partisans seems to be exclusively from white Democrats," Gallup's finding says.

The most recent survey of 3,611 adults has a 2 percent margin of error. Source: Politico

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Obama's Change--Revolution?

The “changes” being wrought by President Barack Obama will have a profound effect on the nation’s future.

Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency on the central theme of “change.” American voters bought into his message, but now, after over six months in office, Obama’s “change” has turned into more of a revolution.

It’s a revolution that is indeed changing America and will affect citizens for years to come. He is doing this with acts of executive privilege, suspending or changing rules of legislation in Congress and adding controls and regulations. He is taking control of private businesses and calling for legislation on energy, automobiles and many other facets of daily life in America. Our foreign policy is being changed. He and his congressional cronies have jammed through legislation calling for massive debt. They are telling businesses what they must pay their employees; they are forcing banks to accept federal bailout money, then telling them how to run their banks.

The “changes” go on and on, and Obama makes it clear he is just starting.

How long will the public allow Obama and his congressional henchmen to take away freedoms and exert greater control over America? At first, many of his defenders tried to soft-pedal his “changes,” but now, even some of his most ardent supporters are starting to urge him to slow down, with some saying they intend to start voting against some of his efforts.

Granted, there are those on Wall Street and elsewhere who have abused their positions and privileges, and, in some cases, they should be punished. But Obama’s manner of punishment is far too broad and deep, “punishing” millions who had nothing to do with the excesses and bad practices of a few.

What is to limit the president and his government from taking control of any business in the country if he judges it is too large to fail?

If he and the government have the power to take over a particular business, what is to keep him from taking over businesses and/or telling all kinds of businesses what they can pay employees? How about telling Americans how to set their thermostats or what color of car they can buy?

It’s reaching a dangerous stage that will change America for decades, in domestic matters as well as in America’s position and stature abroad.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Granny on Obamacare

Granny on Obamacare
She is Pissed!!!
Image from Hope and Change

While Obugger and his enjoy a quiet relaxing week at scenic Martha's Vineyard his numbers continue to plummet and the anger of many Americans is growing with every passing day. The ONE who had promised Hope and Change is undoubtedly going through changes of his own seeing the trust that so many had placed in him evaporate. Granny has it right and hers is the prevailing attitude now!