Showing posts with label dhs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dhs. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2009

RINO's To Be Placed on the Endangered Species List

Conservative with RINO

In view of recent attacks attempts are being made by certain left leaning groups to place RINO's on the endangered species list. Those showing the most concern for the welfare of these beasts are certain members of the RNC and such other groups as PETA, ACLU,, DNC, NEA, NAACP, UAW, Southern Poverty Law Center, Urban League, DHS, ACORN and many others. The white RINO being the most threatened is placed high on the list of these afore mentioned groups while the black RINO finds few in his corner save for a few members of the RNC. The reason for this disparity remains some what unclear. Everywhere the RINO's are running for cover with many seeking to hide their identities, however these large lumbering unattractive creatures can find little cover from the hunters bearing down on them. Moves are now underway by conservative groups to extend the hunting season on these brutes---a season that normally is open for only one day a year in November is now turning into a year round "open season" with tens of thousands lining up for the special RINO tags at their local polling stations. While the fate of the RINO remains in doubt it is becoming increasingly clear that their numbers are dwindling as the walls of the American voter fill with the elusive trophy RINO! by Ron Russell

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Things Have Changed

Official seal of Department of Homeland Security
Something to be to be proud of under the Bush Administration
Terrorist who were killing our troops were called Terrorist
Illegal aliens were rounded up and sent home
Things have changed

Unofficial and altered seal of the Department of Homeland Security
The seal has faded under the Obama Administration
Illegals who are caught are released
Terrorist who kill our troops can no longer be called terrorist
Americans who opposed abortion could be terrorist
Americans who opposed big government could be terrorist
Troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan must be watched
because they may be terrorist
DHS has become a socialist "Big Brother" organ of the
Obama Administration

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Letter to Obama

To: President Barack Hussein Obama

I didn't vote for you, but you won fair and square. I was disappointed and heart-broken that a great American hero such as John McCain lost. In the beginning you were just a president I didn't vote for and I knew there would be another election in four years and I could vote again to try and elect my man. But you, Mr. President, have become something else now, you are not just the man I didn't vote for, but you are quickly becoming my enemy and a enemy of the state. You, sir are a threat me and to my family. That's something I cannot and will not tolerate and will do all in my power to stop your madness. You sir, are a threat to all I hold dear.

Your recent moves through DHS and EPA have convinced me that yours is a alien agenda, an agenda that's aimed at gaining complete control of all means of production and complete control of the life's of the average American, an agenda that wants to control opposition voices, an agenda that does not respect dissent, an agenda that does not respect individual rights, an agenda that puts radical environmental goals ahead of the needs of the common man. In short Mr. President, yours is an agenda of the far left, an agenda that will lead to the destruction of this great country, an agenda that will bring about unbridled social upheaval. Your path Mr. President is a road to conflict, a conflict that could erode the very foundations of this nation.

So Mr. President, you are not just the man I didn't vote for, you are my enemy. You represent something foreign, something threatening, and yes something evil. You sir, are not just a danger to me and mine, but a danger to all in this country. Not only those who oppose your radical ideology, but those who support it. Your actions, your policies, will have us all drowning in a sea of revolution. Please moderate your policies, before this country reaches a tipping point. I'm an old man now and have seen many presidents go and come, but none so radical and divisive as you. You Mr. President must moderate or face a legacy of failure and destruction. Things are moving quickly and the onrush of events will soon over take you. The time is now.

The above open letter of mine is an expression of my opinions granted to me under the rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America. I do not advocate violence of any kind. It would be a mistake for anyone to attempt this and would be counter productive in that such acts would lead to even more repressive acts by those radicals now in charge of the government. I believe there are forces in the country who possess much greater power than those centered in the White House and if Obama does not moderate his policies then these forces will put their sources into the battle. If that fails then the American people, once aroused enough will rid themselves of these alien ideas.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Department of Homeland Socialism

Official seal of Department of Homeland Security
Something to be to be proud of under the Bush Administration
Terrorist who were killing our troops were called Terrorist
Illegal aliens were rounded up and sent home
Things have changed

Unofficial and altered seal of the Department of Homeland Security
The seal has faded under the Obama Administration
Illegals who are caught are released
Terrorist who kill our troops can no longer be called terrorist
Americans who opposed abortion could be terrorist
Americans who opposed big government could be terrorist
Troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan must be watched
because they may be terrorist
DHS has become a socialist "Big Brother" organ of the
Obama Administration

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