the party, as predicted, was indeed a stone cold blast. i really don't mean to toot my own horn, but come on. a halloween themed birthday party for our little girl was probably one of my very best ideas. we never get to see all the kids in their costumes because we are out trick-or-treating.
we had her party Sunday afternoon. which lead her to believe it was her birthday all weekend long.
my very proud little witchy girl!
some of the decor from the party. and little witch hat cookies i made - thank you, pinterest.
presents, presents & more presents. our girl is definitely loved & set for barbie dolls from now until the end of time.
singing happy birthday, she is looking at her big sister right here.
speaking of big sister. Olivia was Medusa.
here are those crazy brownies.
party people. rachel with her best friends. and a pic of my best friends together.
the kiddos (clockwise) - emma, karlie, aubrey, walker, keller, & ellis
we had a wonderful time. thank you to all of my family & friends who obviously love my little Rachel so very much. happy 5th birthday, Rachel! we love you so much!