Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mischief Night

As my husband so nicely reminded me, the night before Halloween is called "Mischief Night". Although, I don't know how much mischief we will get into. I just think it's a little funny.

I plan on taking the girls Trick-or-Treating this afternoon on the Square in Clinton. We went last year. It was fun & the weather was gorgeous...see

Tonight, we are going to my Aunt Debbie's to carve pumpkins for her annual Jack-O-Lantern Extravaganza. (That's not what she calls it, but I thought that sounded pretty cool.)

Each year, the family gets together & carves - literally - hundreds of pumpkins. Then on Halloween, they all are lit and people drive from all around (Kenney & surrounding towns) to walk through them. Now, I don't want to brag, but I am no pumpkin carving slouch (can you hear the sarcasm?). You know, last year I did 2 of the 100+ that were there. HA! This is going to be a shock, but I am not that good at it. I would assume, since I have some general craftiness, I would do alright. But no such luck. My hand gets all cramped up & patience is not my strong suit. And you have to be EXTREMELY patient following the patterns.

I can't wait to take pictures of all of them. Olivia always loves it, and this will be the first year Rachel is really interested. Definitely will get me in the spirit of Halloween!!! Trick or Treating on Saturday should be lots of fun with my Little Monkey & StarFire (from the Teen Titans).

And unfortunately, we weren't invited to any Halloween Parties this year. Boy, people don't know what they are missing by not inviting us. We are a good time...see


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What do you think?

The girls were getting along famously. Laughing & sharing, you know the kind of behavior every mother knows is too good to last. I decided I would take advantage of it while it lasted.

I went downstairs to switch laundry, fold what I took from the dryer, sort some more...I was gone maybe 10 minutes. If that.

I came back upstairs & this is what I find...
Olivia yelling, "Mommy Mommy Mommy - Rachel grabbed my marker. She drew on herself!"
Yep, that is what it looks like.
So, I say "good thing it's bath time, Miss Rachel. You know we don't play with markers."

All the while, Olivia is smiling & telling me "I told her Mom, babies don't play with Sissy's markers"

I take Rachel to get ready for bath & this is what I find.

Either I have one smart little toddler who has learned to write her last name (on her own shoulder) before she can even say her last name...


I have a 5 year old who thought she would get her sister in trouble.

Either way, it was good for a laugh :)

I'm wearing pink today

in support of my Aunt Diana.

Today is her surgery. I love her.

I am asking for prayers for strength for her, wisdom for her doctors, and for a speedy recovery.

Cancer sucks, indeed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Party People Pictures

Sunday afternoon we had Rachel's 2nd Birthday Party. It was great to have family & friends there to celebrate with us. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather. But neither could those pesky little lady bugs. We had to move the festivities in our house to save our guests from getting dive-bombed by the swarms & swarms of bugs!

Rachel is going to be the best-dressed 2 year old! She got so many nice outfits. When she was opening her gifts she made a point to make sure people were looking at what she was holding up. Everyone had to acknowledge the outfits as she would hold them up to show! Very cute!
Rachel loved her cake, but got a little shy when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her. It was the sweetest thing.

And she blew out that candle like a pro!

7 Year Itch Anniversary

"Let this be Our destiny.
To begin each new day together,
To share our lives Forever"

You probably don't remember the quote at the top of the post?

(I will give you a hint, it was on our wedding invitations.)

And, I think it is safe to say we have fulfilled our destiny thus far.

Dearest Jarrett,

Because of You...I can't hog the entire bed.
Because of You...I am forced to watch Fox News Channel every single night.
Because of You...I try to fall asleep first so I don't hear you snore very loudly.
Because of You...I know more about trucks & tractors than I ever thought I would.
Because of You...I become a Harvest Widow every fall.
Because of You...I have heard every fart joke known to man.
Because of You...I have to delete my stuff off the DVR because it is filling up with 20+ episodes of The Sopranos.


Because of You...I have the 2 most gorgeous daughters in the world.
Because of You...I feel safe, secure, & loved.
Because of You...I feel beautiful & happy.
Because of You...I have someone to wake up with every morning.
Because of You...I have someone to laugh with.
Because of You...I have someone to eat at Applebee's with.
Because of You...I have someone to comfort me & tell me everything is going to be ok.
Because of You...I have the life I always dreamed of.

We have been together through thick & thin. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Raising our children, growing old together, this is my dream come true.

I love watching you with our daughters. I love watching you in the field. I love watching you take much pride in your semi. I just love you, period.

On our first anniversary, we were pregnant with Olivia! And then we made the long trek to buy & drive home your first combine. On our fifth anniversary, Rachel was born! I am sure there will be many many more memorable anniversaries coming our way. And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

You have supported me, comforted me, tolerated me, and loved me through some of the best & worst times of my life. Thank you for making me feel special and beautiful everyday. I love you now, forever, and always.

*P to the S - I borrowed the "because of you" idea from the family of shorts blog*

2 years ago today...

we welcomed our second gorgeous daughter!

Rachel Claire Totten
October 26, 2007
5:48 am
6 lbs 15 oz
19 inches

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him."
1 Samuel 1:27

Look how far you have come!!!

To My Sweet Little Rachel,

It doesn't hardly seem possible that you are already 2. Where did two whole years go? This time has absolutely flown by. There have been so many smiles, laughs, kisses, hugs, first words, first steps in these two short years.

From baby to big girl. From scooting to running, this time has just flown by & you have been the joy of my life. There are no words that can describe how much I love you. God truly blessed us with a beautiful, loving, kind, smiley, happy little girl. We are so proud to be your parents.

Here are some of your favorite things:

  • Babies, all babies - anywhere we go, if you see a baby you squeal "Baby". You love to push your baby dolls around in the toy stroller. I can already tell you are going to be a great mommy when the time comes.
  • Olivia - you love your big sister. Although, I can't decide which you love more, playing with her or tormenting her.

  • Following Daddy around - you want to go wherever he goes. Daddy calls you "Pal" all the time because you are his shadow. This always makes you laugh.
  • Cookies - you are the cookie-monster. Every morning you sneak cookies from the drawer in the kitchen. Sometimes you come to show us you got it for yourself. Other times you just take it into the living room & sit to watch your cartoons.
  • Talking & Singing - you have a lot to say these days. Although, I can't quite understand much of it yet. Judging by Olivia, I am sure you will be full of funny little things to say when the time comes. I can't wait for you to be able to tell me about your day! You love to sing with the microphone all the time. It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

  • Playing outside - anytime the door opens, you want to go outside. I think that is from being with Daddy all the time in September. You two were always on the go.
  • Grandparents - There is nothing like Grandma & Grandpa, Bopchi & Tata to make you a happy girl! It doesn't matter how often you see them, you get so excited each time. You run & hug them each time. I am sure this makes each of them so happy!
  • DayCare - this makes Mommy so relieved. You really enjoy going, and you love all of your little friends.

  • Cousins - in particular, Andrew. He is your best bud. I have a feeling you two are going to remain close for your whole lives. This makes Mommy's heart happy!
  • Testing Your Limits - I have said it before, and I will say it a thousand more times. You are going to be a tough one to crack.

    Happy 2nd Birthday, Rachel!

We love you so much!

Mommy, Daddy, & Olivia

Friday, October 23, 2009

Photo Shoot

Saturday we had some professional pictures taken at Jarrett's parents house by my friend Becky. I love how they turned out, even though it was a little chilly & windy. With kids, you take what you can get...Unfortunately, there aren't too many that are good of both of them together.

Olivia was being a 5 yr old, and was interested in everything but smiling half of the time. In her defense, she was getting sick & ended up at the doctor 2 days later with a double ear infection. So I won't hold it against her :)

Rachel was being my little cheeser. She cracks me up, she kept smiling & laughing when we were not trying to get a good picture of her. But we ended up with some excellent pictures of my almost 2 year old :)

Here are some of my favorites



Good job, Becky!!! I love your work! I am sure we will be putting your services to work for many years to come. I can't wait to get some of these printed & hanging on my walls.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

that's my girl

Isn't this what every 5 year old does when her mom has a mountains of laundry strewn about the living room on the couch & chair???

Just kick back & relax in one of the baskets.

I call this resourceful...

first haircut

I gave Rachel her first haircut not too long ago. It was hard to cut her beautiful little baby hair that she was born with, but we had to put an end to the baby mullet.

Why do little boys, like my nephews, have tons & tons of hair that require numerous haircuts before age 2? And then there is Rachel who just got her first haircut.

So now she has a little baby bob cut with some little bangs! She is so stinkin' cute!

And she is a girly girl...
Every morning when I do Olivia's hair before school, Rachel gets right in line & wants a pony tail.
This. Girl. Is. Beautiful.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dear Mother Nature:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing back some decent weather to central Illinois. I love me some 60 degree days. Monday, we broke 70! And it was fabulous. You know, aside from the fact that the change in weather kicked my migraines & sinuses into total panic mode. I truly appreciate this much wanted change in temperatures.

And I hate to complain, but I could have done without the "Great Ladybug Invasion of 2009" that accompanied this nice change in weather.

I give you exhibit front door.

This is so disgusting. And unfortunately, it is merely the tip of the iceberg. The back of my house looked like it was brown. Absolutely covered in lady bugs. They dive bombed me when I ventured out to get the mail. I have 3 bites on my arms & 2 on the back of my neck. Definitely disgusting.

Really, Mother Nature, really? I am sure these stinky little bugs serve a wonderful purpose on this great earth. However, I don't think it was to invade my home & scare my 5 year old daughter. Unfortunately, they met an untimely death when my husband arrived home with a much needed can of Raid. And were then sent to a dusty grave in the belly of our shop vac.

I am sorry. And I thank you for the warmer weather.

Pumpkin Patch

We made our first ever trip to the Wagon Wheel Pumpkin Farm this past weekend. We were actually there both Saturday & Sunday. Saturday we were there with my photographer friend Becky, the scenery was too cute to pass up.

But Sunday we were there for fun!!! We met up with the West Family & it was a great time. The kids really enjoyed themselves. Olivia loved the tube, Rachel loved the soybeans, and I loved that they were having such a good time.

Here are some pictures of our fun day!
The Tube of Fun
Much to my dismay, these girls love birds!
Corn & Soybean Boxes - less messy than sand.
But harder to walk on what spills over the side. Poor Rachel busted her bum more than once.
Push & Ride Toys
The Corn Maze