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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta dark angel. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Reseña de Dark Angel + giveaway

¡Quién me hubiera dicho a mí hace unos meses que acabaría leyendo ebooks! Aunque prefiero el papel, me estoy aficionando a leer en mi precioso E-Reader. Gracias al cual, he conseguido acceso a varios ebooks que me están encantando. Uno de ellos es DARK ANGEL, un cuento gótico que aúna magia, elementos paranormales oscuros, misterios por doquier, un romance subidito de tono y un final totalmente divergente.

DARK ANGEL - T. J. BENNETT - 303 páginas - editorial Entangled Edge - año de publicación 2013 - ebook - género gótico paranormal romántico - Amazon link

Con esta portada tan romántica pero siniestra, la escritora relata la aventura de una mujer que sufre un terrible naufragio. Es la única superviviente que acaba en una isla maldita. Nada más despertar sabe que algo extraño sucede. Sus heridas parecen ínfimas comparadas con el destrozo que debería haber acabado con su vida. Mientras se recupera, el señor del castillo desarrolla una intensa fascinación hacia ella. No es para menos. Ni un solo desconocido ha llegado a las orillas de la isla en incontables años. Y lo peor de todo es que tampoco puede salir nadie. Desde ese momento, Catherine pone todo su empeño en resolver los misterios que rodean la isla y su dominante amo.

Se las tendrá que ver con muchos frentes abiertos: sus propias dudas acerca de los misterios imposibles que marcan la vida en la isla, la imponente presencia de Gerard quien está decidido a conquistarla en contra de toda moral, los peligros que encierra la niebla, y sobre todo los lastres del pasado. Tanto Gerard como ella guardan muchos secretos. Una de las cosas que más me han gustado de la novela es su protagonista femenina. No es una doncella inexperta, sino todo lo contrario. Ya ha vivido mucho y ha perdido mucho. Todo ello supone un fuerte acicate para volver al mundo que ha dejado atrás violentamente, pero también una barrera para confiar en Gerard. Habrá un gran duelo de voluntades entre ellos, aderezado por varias escenas románticas que elevan el ritmo cardíaco bastante a menudo. El héroe es bastante oscuro y mandón, pero no pierde ni una pizca de sensualidad en el proceso.

Aunque luego está la parte mágica y gótica. Hay poderes ocultos en la isla que explican por qué la población desarrolla tan peculiar comportamiento y su vasallaje al gran señor del castillo. Además, en la isla campa una criatura aterradora. Todos estos elementos se conjugan en un final apoteósico que quizás se iba esbozando, pero me ha dejado bastante sorprendida. En cuanto al estilo narrativo de la autora, me ha parecido lo bastante rico como para describir la atmósfera, las costumbres y el misterio sin pesar sobre el ritmo.

Estoy muy contenta de haberla leído, ya que siento debilidad por los poderes mágicos, las parejas apasionadas, las maldiciones y las protagonistas inteligentes

Además, participo en la promoción de otras novelas que se publican al mismo tiempo. Esta promoción incluye varios sorteos pero me parece que sólo es internacional el premio de la tarjeta Amazon. Comprobad bien si podéis participar en estos sorteos, por favor.

Edge, a digital-first single-title romance line from Entangled Publishing, takes its lead from our popular Select imprint but gives its novels an edge in the marketplace by bringing great stories to readers at reasonable prices in a quick-and-easy way. Whether sexy or sweet, traditional romance or love and lust with a women’s fiction bent, at the center of every Edge book is heart. From Urban Fantasy to Contemporary Romance to Science Fiction Romance, Edge has a book for all romance readers—and right at their fingertips! As they say, all’s fair in love and war. To find out more about our titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books are coming next, visit the Entangled website, follow us on Twitter, and like our Facebook page.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Edge's October releases!!

Dark Angel by TJ Bennett

When young widow Catherine Briton is washed ashore, the sole survivor of a violent shipwreck, all she wants is to go home to London. But injured as she is, she can’t escape when a shadowy stranger rescues her and takes her to his castle—where she’s healed with suspicious, almost magical speed.

The more time Catherine spends in the castle, the more her curiosity rises where her fiercely handsome new “master,” Gerard, is concerned. As she begins to investigate, though, her discoveries only bring more questions. It seems Gerard isn't the only one on the island keeping secrets…

The small town is full of strange mysteries and townspeople who know more than they should about her. And when a hulking beast that stalks the nearby hills and valleys catches up to her, Catherine must figure out what’s going on before it’s too late.

Far Too Tempting by Lauren Blakely

Jane Black has written the break-up album of the century, earning her a Grammy, a huge legion of new fans, and the pressure to repeat her success. Sure, the heartbreak from her husband’s unconventional abandonment might have been her inspiration, but it hasn’t done her any favors in the dating department. So when Matthew Harrigan, the toughest music journalist out there, asks for an interview, Jane agrees—as long as her personal life is completely off-limits.

British, gorgeous, and way too tempting, Matthew’s the first guy Jane’s been attracted to since her husband. As she spends more time with him and their relationship heats up, though, so does her writer’s block. How can the queen of the break-up pen the perfect follow-up when she’s seriously in love?

Bittersweet Magic by Nina Croft
The Order #2

Roz has been indebted to the demon Asmodai for five hundred years, and her freedom is just around the corner. All she has to do is complete one last task for him—obtain a key that had been hidden in a church centuries ago.

Piers, the Head of the Order and an ancient vampire, is intrigued by the woman who comes to him for help. She’s beautiful and seemingly kind, but she’s hiding something. And he’ll find out who she is and what she really wants once he uses his power to get inside her head. But Piers has no idea that Roz is immune to his mind-control...or that he is simply a pawn in her dangerous mission for freedom.

Hunter's Moon by Lisa Kessler
Moon #2

Sasha’s future was stolen from her the moment she was bitten. Now she's on the run from the Nero Organization that transformed her from a human detective into a shape shifting jaguar assassin.

When a rogue bounty hunter threatens her younger sister, she'll be forced to fight, and with nowhere else to turn, Sasha will need to trust the one man who has every reason to want her dead.

Aren is a werewolf with a secret. While protecting his twin brother and Alpha of the Pack, he found his one mate for life. Sadly she's also the jaguar assassin who tried to kill them both. Now Aren is struggling between his animal nature to love and protect her, and his loyalty to the Pack.

Undying Embrace by Jessica Lee
Enclave #2

Arran MacLain is a vampire on a suicide mission, driven to kill his former partner who betrayed him and the Enclave they served. But two things stand in his way: Gabrielle, the human female who holds his heart, and the past that won’t let him go. If only death was enough to cleanse his soul.

Gabrielle Steven’s sister is missing. Her hunt for clues brings her face to face with the one vampire she can’t forget. Their missions combine and thrust them into the heart of evil. Will their passion be enough to overcome the pain from their past, or will their dark desires destroy them both?

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

La autora de Dark Angel, T. J. Bennett, tiene un libro publicado en español titulado El legado del amor, publicado por Ediciones B. Así podéis probar su pluma. 

Babel amante de los tours.