Showing posts with label small update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small update. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Brief Update

Hello Everyone,

No I haven't given up on Servimus just yet. Life sometimes takes over and you have no time for other side activities, especially when you are married like me. I just recently came back from my honeymoon with my wife, and well between packing and going and coming back, I didn't have a lot of time to blog.

I do have a couple of things down the road. First, I was working on a post on a now stale subject, but I'll release it anyways in future. That is, about the Ad Orientem issue when Cardinal Sarah shook the Church and got a swift kick from Pope Francis, other misguided clerics, and the PR machine of the Vatican Press over the issue. I'll put in my two cents.

Secondly, I do want to briefly cover my wedding after these long few months. It won't be a huge post, but it will just be a small necessary posting.

Anyways, just letting you know I'm still here. Pax. Julian.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Some Small Updates and Works in Progress

Short story, I`ve made a couple of additions to the blog rules page, effective immediately.

I`ve noticed a trend of leaving a disparaging comment or two in my comment box, that the commentators know won`t be posted, but they think it`s fun to do. This has happened on occasion, and I`m sick of it. Big bad comments are now grounds for public banning on SUD, and lighter, passive-aggressive types of comments are grounds for a warning (with maybe one more after that, but never three warnings).

In addition, I`ve decided I need to get back to developing the crux that goes with this blog: Latin Mass Serving Posts. I`ve currently got a draft for the Acolyte position in progress, but I think I will add to that, and complete first, another post for serving the Low Mass solo. I did not do solo serving first, as I started out with two person Low Masses in training. Just don`t expect them anytime soon. They require much work and I do more than just say, ``this is what you do at each part`` as I try to go into the importance of the role, and I do consult serving resources to make it a more complete posting.

Pax, Julian.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Thnigs are Grinding Slowly, but Grinding .... Like the Vatican

Hello Everyone,

I know there hasn't been a lot here on Servimus recently in terms of the altar serving department, so sorry for being so sluggish.

I'm currently training for my new position at my workplace and fulltime hours gives me little strength and desire to work in the evenings. I've also been balancing a very busy life between the Latin Mass stuff, work, my church stuff which saw the new edition of the teen program at my parish, and even my social life. And it's gotten bigger than ever!

Not to mention when I do the serving posts, they take time! I don't just tell you how to do it, I look at what's behind each position.

Anyways, I am letting you know I'd say I'm about 75% complete on the thurifer post. It's pretty big, as it's not just a minor position in the Mass. It's what I'd consider a senior position, alongside the acolytes, with the "Master" position being the Master of Ceremonies. More to think and do with each position.

When I'm done that, I'll then be covering serving solo at the Low Mass, after having completed some serving in the summer in that position.

In between that, I'd better update the Servimus serving group page too, and book the November practice.

Pax, Julian.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Don't worry, I'm Still Here

Hello Everyone,

Just checking in. I just haven't had time to get into some serious blogging work, between work and my other activities.

I do want to continue and finish the thurifer post in future. Also, I will be working on getting the September practice set up for the SUD Latin Mass serving group, though I will have to move it to another date to work commitments I cannot switch a shift for.

So don't worry, I haven't left the building yet. Just got a lot on my plate. Pax, Julian.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Small Update: Bells added to Starter Points II 1/3 posting

Hello Everyone.

I made a small update to the first of the three "Starter Points" posts here under my Latin Mass serving posts page:

Part I - General Actions Servers will do:

The update was the addition of things concerning using the bells. In addition, my serving ally Robin just recently did some refresher training with their EF chaplain at St. Lawrence the Martyr, and created a demonstration video on EF bell ringing with the standard 4-bell cross type that is seen in most parishes. The video is found in the posting.

Pax, Julian.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Small Update: Terms for Mass Types EF Servers Serve on Servimus Unum Deum

Hello Everyone.

It seems that there's a posting going around the Toronto/Latin Mass Catholic blogosphere about specific terms for types of mass. The posting was generated by David Domet of Toronto Traditional Mass Society here:

This posting has been also promoted by his allies at WITNESS and an Anglican Rite blog.

For the sake of my readership here on this blog, and servers, who might be more confused, I am going to say that for the purposes of Servimus Unum Deum:

- Only the three types of Mass terminologies will be covered/used for the sake of serving purposes: The Low Mass (regardless of whether it's a regular Low Mass, a Dialogue Mass, or one with Music), The High Mass/Missa Cantata with one priest, and the Solemn High Mass/Missa Solemnis (with the standard Priest, Deacon, and Subdeacon as clergy). It is these three standard types of EF Masses that are done by the majority of parishes/organizations and are the most commonly referenced/written about and therefore will be the main Mass types covered on this blog.

- I will not cover each type of mass variations in depth, unless there are minor exceptions to what a server would need to know if it's a subset of a type of Mass. I will, though, be covering the Requiem Mass as EF funerals are starting to occur with some frequency with the re-vitalization of the Latin Mass worldwide, and a Requiem Mass is done on All Souls day in the EF.

- In terms of serving purposes, the most common serving roles will be covered in depth for each of the standard Mass levels, and the Requiem Mass.

- I will NOT be covering the subspecies of Masses in depth, unless by excessive, popular demand, or WAY in the future after I have covered the majority of serving items, that I will approach the topic.

- And my final summary, the focus of this blog is the coverage of general Latin Mass items within the Archdiocese of Toronto from the perspective of the Extraordinary Form altar server, using combined experience/reference materials. 

I will also, generally, promote efforts of VALID, DIOCESAN Latin Mass parishes and efforts in this diocese and will gladly direct those who are interested to the appropriate organizations/parishes in their area, should someone be interested in serving the Latin Mass. 

While there will be occasional items on other facets of the Extraordinary Form, and associated Traditional Catholicism/practices, that is not the main focus of my blog. You may seek other items not covered by me on other internet/practical sources.

Pax, Julian.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year! Some Goals for This Blog in 2013

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you had a Holy and Blessed New Year, and went to a Latin Mass for your New Year's Obligation in Canada.

So a new year begins in 2013, and hopefully our Lord will bless our year with certain prosperity amidst the chaos and struggles of our lives, generally, and individually. I am hoping for better things career wise  and maybe personally.

As for Servimus Unum Deum, it will march onward in 2013, covering certain things I desire to get to as well as reports of our Latin Masses in our dioceses from the associations/groups I do serving with or others who will provide those reports.

I hope to cover the following in the year 2013:
- From my end: reports from events at St. Lawrence the Martyr and the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir when I serve with them, other parishes if I associate with them, and other solid orthodox Catholic events. Also reports from other serving groups/parishes if people post them or send them to me.

- Post other links and such from Traditional Catholic sites and on other Traditional Catholic issues.

- Altar serving things to be covered:

  • Complete the Q & A Part II for the parts of the Latin Mass
  • Submit the in progress posting for Starter Points II No. 2 about altar things and setting up the altar
  • Work on the Following positions: Torchbearer, Boat-bearer (non-necessary), Thurifer, Acolyte
  • Work on the Following Mass types alone: Low Mass (May take full year to gain enough competence to report on, so I'm not giving just information from books)
- Create a separate "Page" where one can easily Access my posts on the Latin Mass and serving tips so they don't need to scroll down my whole main page for old posts. 

- Continue to give updates for times and dates and locations for Solemn Latin Masses held within our diocese

- ??? if something urgent or necessary comes up ???

Hope to make 2013 a good year, Christ willing. Perhaps we collectively can all make a new year's resolution to attend more VALID AND LICIT, DIOCESAN Latin Masses. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian. 

Friday, 14 December 2012

Small update: Just hit 1000 hits

Wow. 1000 hits in three and a half months. Great! Thanks for the viewings. Pax, Julian.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Small Update: New serving post on some general things all servers should know

I noticed I did two posts back to back in relatively short time. While my TTMS report one showed up on Society of Canadian Catholic Bloggers, my second serving post did not. Here is the link for it:

Enjoy, Julian.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Small update: Small Report From Toronto Traditional Mass Society Immaculate Conception Mass

Hello Everyone.

This past Saturday, December the 8, 2012, it was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is in BOTH forms of the Roman rite, the Novus Ordo and Extraordinary Form/The Latin Mass.

One of the lay-organized Latin Mass initiatives, Toronto Traditional Latin Mass (formerly Una Voce Toronto) organized a Solemn Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form in Mississauga at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Here is the brief report from the president and choirmaster, David Anthony Domet with regard to the Mass, from their face book group page:

"Nearly 500 at the Solemn Mass for Our Lady's Immaculate Conception today at St. Joseph's, Streetsville organised with the assistance of Una Voce Toronto and the Knights of Columbus. After Mass a woman went up to the Pastor and said, "Father, can this happen more often, I thought that I was in heaven." Father replied, "My dear, that is exactly the point." And that friends, after honouring God is why we do this, to edify His people! Our Lady Immaculate, pray for us."

Here is a picture of the three clergy members from the Mass and perhaps what is the Master of Ceremonies, also from their Facebook page:

One can find the link to the Facebook group page, and more information including contact information for the president/organization under my "known Latin mass listings ..." tab on the right. The Facebook page name is "Latin Mass Toronto" though don't let that confuse you.

If anyone else would like to submit a more detailed report/pictures, feel free to send me an e-mail at the listed address in the "contact" page on the right of my main page. 

Pax, Julian. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Small update: Things underway

Hello Everyone,

Yeah! I got to my booked time off this month. So now I'll get to some work on a couple of things on here:

1) I have begun work on Q and A on the Latin Mass Part II number 3. By the time that is complete, I'll be able to start working on individual sections for serving.

2) I think I've spent enough time on background that I will go ahead in a certain regard and start to delve into the more general aspects of serving and general tips. So while I do the Q and A post, I'll start compiling a general server's posting.

Time to get to work. Pax Tibi Christi, Julian.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Small update on Information on the Catafalque as Discussed in Latin Mass Week Follow Up

Hello Everyone.

If you recall in my St. Patrick's posting, if anyone, be they the Toronto Traditional Latin Mass - Una Voce Toronto (herein, TTMS-UVT) chapter themselves, or anyone who attended their All Saints and All Souls Masses, were to write a report, as well as any information on the catafalque in the All Souls Requiem Mass liturgy, I would link to that information.

While there no report yet on the actual Masses that took place, nor have I received anything in my e-mail, some of the full request has been accomplished, regarding the catafalque. President and choirmaster of TTMS-UVT, David Anthony Domet, on the TTMS - UVT official blog, has posted some information on the catafalque, including the candles that go around the catafalque. Turns out another online blogger, by the profile name Bear-I-Tone, has craftsman`s skills and was commissioned to make the candles for their All Souls Mass. It was a ``cool`` read to see the step-by-step process on the candle making (including the mind of the craftsman, in his personal reflection), as well as the information on the catafalque and candles from David.

Have a read for yourself at and learn something new about the liturgical aspects of the Latin Mass.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

P.S. Have a blessed and happy 25th Sunday after Pentecost, which by the way, requires you to hear the readings from the 6th Sunday after Epiphany for the liturgy.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Low Mass and the Image You Should Have of Our Beloved Latin Mass

Hello Everyone,

This is more of a small post to bring things to your attention regarding the Latin Mass:

1) Personal: I served my first ever Low Mass in the EF with fellow server, Robin L.M. Cheung, at St. Lawrence the Martyr last Tuesday morning at 11am. My preparation for one week, consisted of a couple of 2-server videos (one from the States and the other a poor quality version of their Friday evening Mass), a 2-server altar card from a British altar serving site, and whatever practice I could with responses (I was able to get non sum dignus and the Confiteor). In then end, save one notable directional mistake and some minor things, it actually wasn't all that difficult as I pictured it in my mind (thanks to a lot of cues and help from the server card and Robin).

I strongly encourage you all in our diocese (or wherever you read this) to go out and support the Traditional Latin Mass, especially its daily Low Masses. You will find comfort and solace in the silence and reverence displayed there. Please see the locations page for more information if you would like to attend St. Lawrence the Martyr's Masses or another Latin Mass location in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

I hope to, at a future date, conquer the Low Masses here on this blog in depth, as well as post some of the serving videos I took to be able to remember how to set up the priest's robes and also the altar. That is .... if I can figure out how to get video off of an Iphone.

2) This from Fr. John Zuhlsdorf: He mentions an account of a Latin Mass that took place at a Benedictine college where the Mass honoured American servicemen.  See the account here!

Here are the pictures of the Mass on Fr. Z's blog:
THIS LAST IMAGE, IS THE IMAGE OF WHAT SHOULD BE CONJURED IN THE MINDS OF ALL LATIN RITE CATHOLICS EVERYWHERE WHEN THEY THINK OF THE LATIN MASS !!!!!! It is not just some antiquated relic on a shelf or "not relevant to contemporary Catholic worship." oh no. It is strong and valiant! It is ever more relevant in our time where no one knows what a true Catholic is, nor do most Catholics know their faith and could explain it to someone. THIS FORM OF OUR LATIN RITE MASS, FOR ALL CATHOLIC MEN AND WOMEN, TRULY DEMONSTRATES OUR CATHOLIC IDENTITY AND OUR BELIEFS!
Everytime you think of the Latin Mass, think of this image. One of strength, honour to our Lord, and service to Him. Like these soldiers who serve North America, may we too serve Him, our Lord, who sacrificed Himself on the Cross for our eternal salvation. Serve him through the Latin Mass! While you may not be the acolyte in surplice and cassock on the altar, even by praying in the pews and following along in your Missals/handouts, you are serving Him with active participation in the Latin Mass in the Church Militant.
3) Once I kick through these night shifts this weekend, I am going to be starting work on Part II No. 3 for the more detailed Q & A on the Latin Mass. By that time it`ll get to the end of Communion and then I will start to unleash on the altar serving aspects of the Latin Mass.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Almost done part II Q and A no 2 of the FAQs.

Whew. Almost done part II No. 2 of my Q and A. Just need more time to pummel through the Creed line by line. After that Part II No. 3 starts.

I think by the time I get through No 3, the parts from offertory to End of Communion, I'll be ready to unleash the crux of this blog: Latin Mass Serving. By then we'll all know that when I say something like: "At the Gradual you go get your acolyte candles ..." you won't go "Huh? Where is that in the Mass?"

Pax, Julian Barkin.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Small update

Hello Everyone.

Just gotta slug through another night of work, and then I get most of the week off. I'll try to finish the 2nd part of the part-by-part analysis of the Mass. I started work on it. Just gotta get it finished. That and I have a small report on some Masses I served this week. Nothing special plus a couple of altar setup pictures.

Pax, Julian.