Showing posts with label St Patrick's Gregorian Choir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Patrick's Gregorian Choir. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

When Radicals Misrepresenting Traditionalism (RMTs) Lose Their Minds: COVID-19 Edition

Hello Everyone,

I’m taking time out of my busy schedule (including being an essential Full Time worker!) to have to call out some unfortunate idiocy which is being peddled out by Radicals Misrepresenting Traditonalists (RMTs,) and insults that have been (maybe) indirectly, but more likely directly, via commentary, launched on another blog I won’t name, against my friends in the Latin Mass and I. I refuse to name the blog as it is still a platform featuring Radical Traditonalist authors, and/or are friends/allies to those RMTs that bitterly hate us so.

Lauding a bishop that opened his churches in his diocese to public Mass? Now? When COVID-19 has NOT DECLINED WORLDWIDE!

My first, partial disappointment is due to a Facebook post on my feed from an acquaintance, whom is cheering on a bishop in the United States in the diocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico, Bishop Baldacchino, (not a Catholic liturgy joke!) who is allowing the Mass to be held once again and opening his parishes' doors. My acquaintance, is showering this bishop with much praise for his actions. This person is not one of my close friends, however they are heavily involved in the Latin Mass community close to where they live. The very fact they are promoting this shows a lemming-like following to the RMT party line, where spiritual selfishness and Novus Ordo Church bashing (via its hierarchy) is de rigeur.

Now before you accuse me of not thinking it through, I get that in the States (and also in Canada) there is SOME variance, to approaches to the tackling of the COVID-19, as in Canada, health falls under provincial governance, but at least here most provinces are taking cues from the Federal government and its health experts. These experts are monitoring the situation and communicate with each provincial premier. In addition the Federal officer of Health, Dr. Theresa Tam, has become the literal "face" of this crisis in Canada, doing media briefings and public service announcements in various forms of media. In the States, there is even MORE variability in terms of governance as States in general have even more authority/power to act independently of the Federal government under Trump, which may be a good thing as he has been flippantly ignorant and bullying as a world leader in this crisis.

In my province of Ontario, the issuance is that now, no more than 5 people (excluding large families in a single residence) can be present together, to limit the spread of the virus. Break such rules and the law can mettle out stiff penalties to individuals or businesses/owners of properties who defy medical orders or emergency laws. This is virtually zero-tolerance, even going as low as fining a father $880 CDN who let his kids rollerblade in a public park. Now in the States, it is highly possible individual states are varied as to the numerical limit of people that can congregate together. This also makes sense geographically as more rural areas have a decreased chance of spreading the virus, vs densely populated states/cities. Also some states depending on politics and the size or presence of police forces, may be regulating heavily, or willfully ignoring those who defy such laws.

In terms of New Mexico, I found the following briefings and legal orders on the state government's website as follows: 1) As of Mar 16, 2020, ( it did limit gatherings to under 100 people. 2) HOWEVER, as of March 24, 2020, this was issued and additional restrictions were imposed ( INCLUDING the closing of non-essential businesses, workplaces, etc. Guess what? Religious places of worship DO NOT QUALIFY as an essential service under current civil laws. Now, yes the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2210 does merit civil disobedience when authorities are truly unjust, but, are we in extreme times of persecution as I will give examples further on? NO! If the virus declines in future will our worship spaces open again? Yes. Finally, the Church ALWAYS has Her mind in interpretation of things and approaches to things of finite nature with the most mercy, including human affairs, and when action must be taken, it is only in extreme circumstances were no other moral/ethical possibility exists.

In spite of that, I would say that this bishop is acting imprudent and anyone championing his actions is to the spiritual and medical detriment of others! Further this bishop is encouraging his priests to defy the medical/civil orders of the state of New Mexico. Does he want the Church to be fined further, and possibly, his priests jailed!!!??? Even in a crisis these whitewashed sepulchres of Pharisees can only think about their spiritual needs and their interpretation of the laws! People who are doing such measures without OBJECTIVE, FACT/MEDICAL based evidence or permission, AND its ardent supporters, are ill in spirit, and need serious examination of Conscience (and a confession, for blatant disregard of life, when we can meet in person w/priests in the confessional again!)

Firstly, what kind of message are you sending to the holy Priests in service the Church by lauding this bishop’s actions? You basically are asking priests to risk their lives needlessly to give us the Sacraments/give into YOUR selfish-spiritual needs. Are we in any kind of crisis scenario or persecution akin to Japan in the latter half of the 2nd millennium, for 200+ years having no priests? Or the Christeros war in the early 1900’s in Mexico were all Catholics were under threat of execution? NO! These are not scenarios where martyrdom is a necessity or a calling for the Church. We still have the freedom to practice religion in most countries in the world. What is happening is a necessary, social/medical practice to STOP needless, unnecessary deaths from happening in the community and the Church at large. Now, you will probably accuse me of being spiritually stupid or not taking the spiritual crisis in the Church with seriousness.

Do you think I would be having a blog devoted to the Latin Mass and/or serving in some capacity (and now, thanks to virtual practice, learning how to sing/read Gregorian chant from my good friends of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir) if I didn't care? Absolutely not! Yes there is a lot going on spiritually and morally that is sick within Her bosom, but not is not the time to act stupidly and put others at risk!

Secondly, do you think that even if a priest limited his house of worship to a handful of people, he and everyone wore at least surgical masks (newsflash: they are not highly effective for AIRBORNE contaminants. "Gold standard" protection belongs to N95 masks which protects against 95% of airborne particles/contaminants 300 microns and under with Coronavirus being 170 nm (0.17 micrometers,)) and stood the required 6 ft/ 2m apart from each other there is NOT the possibility of still getting infected with COVID-19? Your thinking is wrong. The virus is contact/droplet spreadable. All it takes, potentially, is for one to be in the same airspace close to a person who sneezes or coughs, even talks as spit particles a.k.a “droplets” not visible to the naked eye, and you can get the virus via contact, or the droplets going into your un-protected eyes. I can tell you that the Church is NOT supplying N95s and/or face-shields to all its clergy. Single-person doorways, hallways, bathrooms, and small narthexes also come to mind here. Let it be also stated, not everyone is masking themselves, or has access/capability to make homemade masks. Also, humans are prone to touching themselves, even subconsciously. All it takes is father to have touched his contaminated mask surface (or yourself) before taking it off, then touch his/your naked skin or rub your eyes and voila! ILLNESS!

While we are at it, what if a homeless person wanders off the street and in their stupor (because in Ontario, government foolishly let LCBO stores still run for the alcohol addicts,) or disregard, parks himself on one of the pews or goes to other areas of the parish with NO protection, and is ASYMPTOMATIC but carrying COVID-19, yet to break out into fever, sweats, etc.? Unless Fr and his custodial staff disinfect EVERY public area after each Mass thoroughly after all people leave, you are creating a potential ground of illness for Father and his parishioners! Speaking of that homeless person, or asymptomatic carriers, if they touch a surface and leave the virus on them, according to this screen graphic, the virus can still linger on certain surfaces, up to 3 days! (source:


Most of our parishes, sadly, aren't decorated anymore with materials such as high quality metals, including brass, which is the most viral-repulsive material giving the virus a mere 4 hrs to live before it is inactive or molecularly deteriorates. Common materials persist (with credit to the false "spirit" of Vatican II liturgical "wreck-o-vation"), such as wood, drywall/plaster, concrete, etc, ALL having longer lifespans for the virus over brass. If you look at this chart, the worst offenders are, GASP! PAPER AND WOOD AT 4-5 days! Even if many pews are lacquered, many churches' pews are worn down or NOT lacquered at all. All it takes is for poor Father to run his hands along that surface, itch his nose or breath near his contaminated hand, and potentially that's another one of Christ's Alter Christi DEAD! One less person who can administer the Sacraments.

Finally, do you think that you are safer in the community, or a hospital with a COVID-19 test center? If you guessed the community, you are WRONG! I can vouch for this personally as I work in a health care career. While I will NOT disclose my workplace as I have in past been harassed and/or threatened with lawsuit by one of my enemies (through my then, pastor of my parish at the time,) I will say that I am more safer than the general population. See here, for example, of a grocery store chain where a particular store was hit TWICE with COVID-19 positive workers, resulting in shutdown of the store, and the 2nd time two stores had to be shut down in the area. As for my workplace, we screen everyone, employee or patient, at both entrances, and send them to the COVID-19 assessment centre or nearby emergency room (ER) for ANY noted symptom to get swabs of their sinuses for PCR testing of COVID-19.  Other clinics/areas are pre-screening patients and any symptom means self-isolation/re-booking appointments at least 2 weeks later. Also we have access to a supply of at least one mask per employee per day, hand sanitizer, medical gloves, and anti-virus/virucidal sanitization wipes of MEDICAL GRADE. Considering even one of those items is hard to access as the general population and of short supply, how safe do you think you are outside of essential service or medical workplaces?

So, after all that, if one has ANY rational or logical ability to think, is it at all sane or reasonable for a bishop such as +Baldacchino to open their parishes and allow gatherings of even a few select people, and create a potential scenario for disaster, such as our nursing homes? What if in your diocese, your bishop opened the churches before COVID-19 was declared reduced or null, and your self and/or your young childen, and/or your grandparents got sick because they went to Mass, even with the utmost precaution? Any usual person save those with a euthanasia mindset would likely EXPLODE at the bishop and the Catholic Church for allowing your kid/your relative to die and expose them to the Virus. Anyone up for a damages lawsuit akin to those for sexual abuse scandals that would close parishes/dioceses due to financial bankruptcy? Do YOU even care if others die from the Virus?

Oh, and for you young RMTs of 20-40 years old, don't think the virus can NOT kill you at your age. IT CAN! If you are lucky enough to have a pre-disposition in your immune system you don't know about, or it compounds onto a medical condition you didn't know, or you just get "overwhelmed" due to its symptoms and your body shuts down, IT CAN KILL YOU! Youth is NOT a guarantee of survival. This virus discriminates against no-one and doesn't care if you can chant the Dies Irae in perfect tone at Solemn requiem Latin Masses, or blog on the Internet.

Also, should you be fortunate enough to be in "good health," this virus can still place you in an intensive care/inpatient ward in a hospital for MORE THAN 14 DAYS! Here is a young 28 year old male athlete, who was training for the 2020 Olympics as a martial artist in Karate. This 4 minute video gives you just some snapshots what his daily life was like in the hospital after contracting COVID-19. Yes you can say, "He is doing strenuous exercise in the video" but that's not the point! The point is even healthy members of the population can end up in a hospital, and this young man is BLESSED because he is in peak condition physically as an athlete, which helped him not be in worse shape health wise, even allowing him to do some exercise physically. Most men and women are NOT professional athletes in the Church. Should a regular member like yourself of the population get sick, I can say with confidence you would likely NOT be doing any physical activity on the floor of your patient room. You'd likely be a lot worse off than him.

Detraction/Slander of My friends of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir and likely, I again ....

As for my second point of contention, it is truly sad that even in this time of crisis, armchair theologians/RMTs with keyboards seem to still want to personally attack, or detract from the characters of my allies and I in the Latin Mass community, with smug superiority in their hearts. Those people should follow the maxim, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
Personally I do keep a watch on those who attack us, and/or my allies, for the sake of monitoring behavior, as well as documentation should things come down to ecclesial/legal matters. Also, their behaviors are the very reason that the Latin Mass has reached stalling points in our Archdiocese of Toronto to grow and proliferate beyond its initial flourish post-Summorum Pontificum in the last decade.

On a local blog, where the main bloggers are involved partially, or are, allies/friends to those who hate and revile St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (SPGC) and I, one of them decided to dig deep into their spiritual hate bin and pull out old gripes about certain behaviours. What did one blogger decide to take a stab at us with? First the listing of clericals and/or main persons in the liturgy including name of the choir in promotional posters or the liturgical booklets printed for Masses. Second, to take a stab at altar servers who pose in front of altars. Not only did they do so, they did it as a comment, not naming any party in particular. Talk about cowardice. They even had the gall to name it part of "liturgical tourism."

Regardless of not naming parties, the Internet IS a public forum in Canada. I have freedom of speech to offer criticism, and so I choose, and to defend my friends and I whose names and character are still attacked by these misguided souls to this day.

On the naming of ministers and the choir, first of all, it is appropriate to indicate whether a Mass is being held by the parish itself/organized by the parish and/or pastor itself, or being done by outside parties. It is only right to credit the right people for organizing these liturgies and all the hard work placed into it. It would be foolish to lead on innocent laity into a false assumption that parish x or Father Y is "Traditional" and responsible for the Mass, only for said Traditionalist to be mistaken and shocked when said parish and choir are regular Novus Ordo. It is appropriate to let people know who is doing what so they know where to go/which Father to go to for their spiritual Latin Mass needs.

Further, do not the clergy, choirs, and even altar servers, who bravely allow the EF to happen in this spiritual climate of anti-Traditonalism/anti-Latin Mass deserve respect and even, gasp, WANT people to come to the EF offerings? It also works both ways. If we cannot name ourselves or our clergy, neither can this blogger's allies/friends whom they support. If we cannot make ourselves known, neither can they. Also, when the Latin Mass loses avenues of promotion, all parties in the Church loses people who would have otherwise grown deeper in their Catholic Faith and maybe been SAVED via the Latin Mass. Funny, I thought Trads, even RMTs, wanted souls to become full blown Traddies attending the EF? Guess I was wrong. While the naming of parties is a small nit picky detail, it does go in-part in promoting the EF.

Oh, and SPGC only stopped because one or more of the blogger's friends/allies/fanboys and/or fangirls harassed the choirmaster by email about it. The blogger might have not "entered the scene" at that time, but regardless SPGC knows who the main culprits are. That means bullying forced them into it, and BULLYING IS A SIN! Do you think they honestly stopped that for anyone’s good or by someone’s logic and reason, secular or spiritually? NO! It was a silencing tactic.

Further, the blogger's logic is faulty, because SPGC does these Masses in diocesan parishes, with the approval of, and in some cases such as St. Mary's Polish Church (Davenport,) the actual participation of, its clergy who DO the Latin Masses, in order to do said offerings of the Mass. While not all these Masses are at their usual time slots, these have been according to the EF calendar of the Latin Rite. They are not "Extra." Further, is it not a general principle that is touted in "Trad-land," that the exemplar of the Latin Mass is the Pontifical Latin Mass, and that whenever possible for MAJOR EF feasts, the highest level of feast is done so as to follow said example?

As a final kicker, this critic is guilty of violating his own words. There is actual photographic evidence on the Internet that they HAVE participated in "Liturgical tourism" at the same parish mentioned above in an "extra" offering. See below:

(Taken from the twitter account of his own blog which I will not name, posted from a Mass for the Ascension done May 10, 2018. Face blackened out, as well as the RMT blog, out of charity)

This offering was a Missa Canata, and did gain the assistance of, and internet promotion by, a lay-led organization, or at least it's president and choirmaster, in order to hold the level of the Missa Cantata. To go to extremes of his logic of avoiding "liturgical tourism," it should have not been held because it wasn't at a normal Mass time, or made at the level of a Missa Lecta. Should music have been done, someone from the parish should have been cantor and organist. There is NOT a soul to the best of my knowledge at that parish who CAN do the EF for such a Mass. I guess the Mass shouldn't have been anything more than a music-less Missa Lecta then or not held at all ... too much grand-standing and liturgical pomp then. Maybe we should just settle for the Novus Ordo too while we are at it ...

Based on my arguments above, I dare the blogger to call his close friends' efforts and those priests who have been assisting SPGC and other efforts and parishes, MUTUALLY, be it in past or in present, guilty of such sins of “liturgical tourism” and let me know their replies in writing.

Now to address their second insult. As for the altar servers posing in front of altars for a photo? That hasn’t happened in years! Long before this critic discovered the Latin Mass, I recall when +Boissineau was homilist at a Solemn Mass of approx 500 People was held on Canada Day 2011, organized by SPGC, a picture was taken of the choir and other servers who have been in the “scene” longer than I, (back before when everyone helped each other in the Archdiocese no matter who organized the EF,) who are likely some of this blogger’s current allies/friends, or were at this time, and did so. Despite that a number of the servers from that Mass have reduced or no no longer serve the EF, a picture was taken of the combined clergy, choir members, and servers for that Mass.

However, it is also possible this blogger is more likely pointing the finger at me, or including me anyways. My profile pic on Google+/Blogger is me in front of the altar at St Patrick’s Toronto in 2011, after my first EF Mass, when I was a torchbearer and the servers were plentiful. It was a memory for myself and I did it alone outside of anyone else involved in that Mass:

Yep, that's me, the "Liturgical tourist" ha ha ha!

I haven’t taken a photo in front of a parish altar in years to my best recollection. In addition, the critic has a personal beef with me, since I criticized them a few years ago in a reflection piece on my blog, as symptomatic of a new threat to the EF: Young people with a Radical Traditionalist (read: anti-Novus ordo Church and anti-Francis) mentality, who were NOT the ages of their friends/allies who experienced spiritual/liturgical wreck-o-vation or a truly harmful experience at the hand of a leader in the institutional church, laity or clergy.

So I am not surprised I am being at least indirectly insulted with “word daggers” despite my name not mentioned but lumped with SPGC, or at its worst being directly stabbed with a “literary broadsword” over a simple picture. A truly sad use of one's time in this social/spiritual isolation.


What both examples of behaviour demonstrates is the following:

- these RMTs have blatant disregard for your physical well-being to the extent of their OWN personal spiritual “well-being” (if it can be said to be such, in the most “charitable” terms,) as well as that of our clergy, most of whom are the primary targets by age and overall health for the COVID-19 virus. They abandon all forethought, logic, and scientific/biological evidence or downplay it cause they want their Masses and Sacraments now!

- In RMT world, no one is immune from the least senior altar server to clergy for perceived spiritual/liturgical violations. If you aren’t doing the EF to their standards you are unfit to even be a Traditonalist, which is implied even if not written or spoken directly to you.

- WHY, STILL, the Latin Mass is NOT thriving in dioceses, and/or why clergy including bishops want NOTHING to do with the EF, as these people are the most vindictive souls in the Church. Who needs cliche “angry Protestants” when your own Brother and/or Sister in Christ commits vile sins against you and has no respect for the priestly class unless those priests sing their tune and think like them?

- How even in the stupidest of times, or the most awful of times, they still will find time to snipe at you personally or their chosen target of angst when spiritually, they are experiencing the closest thing they will ever experience to monastery life, or a time un-distracted by the outside world to deepen their spiritual lives in prayer and reading. They shirk developing real holiness and charity and opt for sinning via sins of the mind and word, be it written or otherwise. And they still cannot forgive you for your transgressions, or to even once maybe, consider we are a Communal Body of Christ and abandon the “US vs the New World Order and them, the “Novus Ordo Church,” mentality.

I shouldn’t have to make posts like this but staying silent is being an accessory to the sin of defending the ill will done via silence. And maybe, just maybe, a few minds and hearts will be moved to FINALLY see what is right in all this, and for once promote the EF Liturgy and the Church in a good light, than trying to tear it down from within and it’s people for what .... bragging rights? Knowing you are right and others are wrong?

Since when does being right constitute the Summum Bonum, the Greatest Good, which is God, who came down to us for our Salvation as the Word Made Flesh for our salvation, which we commemorated (albeit virtually for almost all laity,) most recently in the Holy Triduum?

Priorities people, priorities. Perhaps a rosary for everything going on may remind you of the One True Focus ... and if you want to direct it against me like a non-Catholic Christian when they say with emptiness "I'll pray for you," don’t bother praying for me at all. Or, pray with deep meaning in your Heart that one day, as Christ wished, your enemy (me,) and you, may be “United as one” here on Earth and in Heaven.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Saturday, 2 June 2018

CONFIRMED! Latin Mass Announcement! MISSA CANTATA (High Mass) for Sacred Heart THIS FRI June 8 in the Archdiocese of Toronto!

Hello everyone,

The St. Patrick’s Gregorian Choir, stationed within the Archdiocese of Toronto at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in Downtown Toronto (link to parish here,) will be organizing and providing their voices in singing the liturgical music for, their annual offering of the Latin Mass/Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The details of the Mass for this feast day are as follows:

WhereSt Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, Toronto (North York,) Ontario, in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Address: 75 Churchill Ave, Toronto, ON.
When: Friday, June 8, 2018
Time of Mass: 7 pm E.S.T.

The celebrant for this Mass will be Fr Russell Asch, recently promoted to the Chaplain of the EF in the Archdiocese of Toronto, and now stationed at St Lawrence the Martyr in Scarborough (in place of transferred Fr Steven Szakacski.)

As a side note, I will be joining my friends in Faith of the SPGC choir, once again in a liturgical role on the altar, in service to our Lord.

For more information or questions, you may contact Surinder S. Mundra, choirmaster of SPGC at 416 731 4485. In addition, should you be interested in participation for this mass or in future, via serving or singing, you may also contact Surinder who will connect you for the appropriate part of the Mass (serving/singing).

You may also contact me at my blog e-mail ( and I can put you in touch with Surinder and/or those in charge of serving for these Masses. Be advised if you desire to serve this Mass, you must have availability for Wed June 6 in the evening for a practice, site TBD. At this point any additional servers would be likely a boat bearer, in choir, or as torchbearers as it is now confirmed a complement of 5 servers (including myself) will be assisting.

For anyone and everyone else, please come and attend and encourage your friends to attend. I hope you will take the time to partake in this sacred event and be moved by the EF and all its parts on the altar. This will truly give you a taste of Heaven on Earth!

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Report: Solemn Latin Mass for Feast of Christ the King, Sunday Oct 29, 2017 in the Archdiocese of Toronto


Hello everyone,

This past Sunday, October 29, 2017, was the Feast of Christ the King in the Extraordinary Form (aka, EF, Latin Mass,) liturgical Calendar of the Roman Rite in the Catholic Church. On this feast day, the St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir (herein, SPGC,) once again organized a Solemn Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto, on what was their 11th anniversary of formation. The Latin Mass was held in the area of North York in the Greater Toronto Area, at St Edward the Confessor parish at 75 Churchill Ave, at 3pm EST this past Sunday.

Notes of importance

With this offering of the TLM, some notes of importance that must be mentioned, showing how much the Latin Mass is growing and starting to reach an impact in our parish communities. When the TLM is promoted by those who: express solidarity with our Holy Father and the Catholic Church
expressing the positive Joy of the Gospel, and actually practicing what Pope Francis professes in his homilies (including daily "fervorinos") instead of: jealousy, detraction/slander, and even declarations of heresy in various form of communications (e.g. letters, “Tweets,” emails,) positive fruits such as the following occur:

  • For this solemn Mass, we had a seminarian almost finished his studies, as well as an actual permanent deacon, in the clergy roles of sub-deacon and deacon respectively.
  • The seminarian has assisted at Latin Masses in serving roles, but in this Mass, this was his first time as one of the three clergy roles, as the sub-deacon! Another first for the EF!
  • The permanent deacon, was actually the deacon of the hosting parish! He had assisted for the first time in a Latin Mass, at the June 2017 Sacred Heart TLM organized by St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir. He was happy to assist again with his home parish community!
  • We also had another two men in formation, including a seminarian of St. Augustine`s in Toronto in his pastoral 3rd year @ St. Edward's, and the other has been in past offerings of the TLM/EF organized by SPGC, who were in choir on the altar! Deo Gratias for the interest of those men in formation who are being exposed and/or willingly seeking out the TLM despite no formal courses in seminary!
  • On the serving end of things, our thurifer was another gentleman stationed at the parish who is in formation for the permanent diaconate program at St Augustine’s Seminary! Also we had a new young man to the scene of SPGC offerings, a senior in high school who has started becoming involved in TLM serving! Welcome J!

Pre-Mass Preparations

Once the Mass site was confirmed, preparations were underway. The master of Ceremonies, who usually is responsible for server training and providing direction for the clergy roles* (with assistance from the priest celebrant,) set up practices for both clergy and servers, with an additional practice for the clergy due to the deacon & sub-deacon being new in their clergy roles, or becoming more proficient at their role from their last occasion of doing so in the EF.

The servers, with the clergy, did a combined practice the week before the Mass, where roles were given to the servers based on their experience, and the practice went well between those involved in the liturgy of the Mass on the Altar. Good instruction was given to all parties by the MC and celebrant (a veteran and blessed soul to all parties in the Latin Mass community in Toronto, Fr. Russell Asch,) alongside a guest Master of Ceremonies who has been helping out with other Mass offerings in the archdiocese. The instruction was well received by clergy and servers.

The actual Mass on Sunday Oct 29, 2017

Prior to starting time of 3pm, all clergy and serving members arrived promptly, and the altar was set up in good time.

Side view of the Gospel side of the altar, with credence table in the background, as well as the sediliae arranged, and server's seating with Latin/English translation of readings and propers in pamphlets.

View of the main altar prior to mass, with some laity in the pews in the nave.

Closer picture of the altar setup for the sacred liturgy. 

Final small notes/pointers/assistance were reviewed in the sacristy for those involved in the liturgy, and all members donned their robes prior to the start time. In addition, the pastor of the parish was able to assist some lay members who requested the Sacrament of Confession prior to Mass (Deo Gratias!) Then, at 3PM EST, we who were to be on the altar of the Lord, processed from the back of the nave of the parish, towards the altar to begin the Holy Sacrifice of all time in the Liturgy of the Mass. 

Entrance Procession picture 1

Entrance Procession picture 2. I, the author, was Acolyte 1, and can be seen on the right side with candle in arms behind the crucifer and next to Acolyte 2.  

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar with the clergy and the Master of Ceremonies (kneeling). Celebrant/Priest Fr. Asch is in center, with Deacon on the right (in Dalmatic, noted by two horizontal bars on his back), and Sub-deacon on the left (in Tunicle, noted by one horizontal bar on his back.) 

Thankfully, on this occasion, I was able to retain a good portion of points of the Homily from our celebrant, and jotted notes down after the Holy Mass that night. While these points may not be verbatim what the good and Holy Father said, much was remembered, giving a taste of the excellent preaching done in the EF liturgy. The homily from Fr. Asch, was quite interesting, inter-weaving the themes of Christ our Lord and King and children, a take this author has not seen nor thought could relate with this Feast, having served Mass on this feast day in the EF for the past 6 years [coincidentally, the 6th anniversary of my foray into altar serving in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite]:

  • Fr. Asch began by re-reading the first lines of the Gradual (Psalm 71: 8, 11) "He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth .... And all kings shall adore Him, all nations shall serve Him."
  • The feast of Christ the King should have particular interest to us, particularly as the state of our world appears to be coming more and more dark, for example, in the realm of politics [Editorial note: Fr Asch might have been referring to the USA under Donald Trump as well as Kim Jong Un in Korea, but I didn’t ask him for specifics.]
  • When we think of this feast day, we might conjure up images, of our devotion to the image of the Infant Christ the King adored in crown.
  • Being at the time of year it is, on Halloween weekend, most children take simple delight in this annual activity of trick-or-treating. When they dress up and go around collecting candy, they enjoy themselves, with pure joy in the moment with their treats. They are satisfied in the moment at such an activity. It is this simplicity that one should apply in terms of us approaching our Lord. 
    • On a related side note to Halloween, Fr Asch also rightly commentated on how such a fun thing for our children has become so distorted by secular society in many ways, one being making Halloween grotesque. He recalled taking his younger nephew to a Halloween store where a figure of a zombie or a demon was eating the flesh of a human or its own flesh was present and it unsettled his poor nephew in a queasy way.
  • Moving onward Fr Asch then began to describe briefly the development of this feast day in the liturgical Calendar, being different from the Novus Ordo in that it is the last Sunday in October.
  • Pius XI, in 1925, when he wrote the encyclical QUAS PRIMAS, has likely positioned the feast day in the calendar for the last Sunday in October for two central reasons: 
    • The first was that Pope has such Awe [as in rightful spiritual Fear of the Lord, as per the Gift of the Holy Spirit] for Christ as King of the Universe, he was trembling in instilling such a feast day. 
    • The second would be that there were other important feasts in the calendar and focuses in October, such as October being a month of the Rosary and being associated with Mary. 
  • Mentioning Mary, Fr then discussed the two devotions of the Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart, encouraging such devotions, but also discussing the Hearts and their relation to Christ the King, as well as Mary being full of Grace, the grace needed to carry out God's will (including the birthing of Christ, who would be King.) 
  • In discussing this, Father had a visual reference for those present, in a vintage plaque of the Sacred Hearts side by side with a Latin Inscription around the borders of the ovals of Christ and Mary, placed in front of the Pulpit before Mass began, as seen below in this picture of the Homily at Mass:
Homily at the Mass. While small, notice the picture of the two Hearts below the pulpit on the little table. 

  • Fr. also then tied back the theme of children and their simplicity and innocence back to family hood from describing the Holy Family with the devotions. In terms of the kingship of Christ and how we should relate to it, it is analogous to a son who adores his father with genuine and simple love, no strings attached, and even wants to be part of him via admiration of his profession, being “just like Dad.”
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ is like that father, allowing us to partake in that shared life of His via the Sacraments and in obeying His and the Church's teachings. In that, is where our Lord shows his love, compassion, and mercy for us as adopted children of God.
  • Most of all, we are given a choice freely in life as to whether we choose to live that life or not in his Kingdom forever. To illustrate that choice, Fr described headstones on a grave site. The birth date and the death date are emphasized, but really the most important part should be the "dash", that whole life of the person. 
  • Spiritually speaking, we should be making every moment of our lives count to that effect, particularly they should we separate ourselves from our Lord with sin, it will be even one act of Confession that shall redeem ourselves, graciously given by the Lord, to restore and keep us in his Sanctifying Grace. 
  • We should make every opportunity possible in our lives to adore our King and be willing to be with our Lord in his kingdom, be that prayers, rosaries, sacraments, indulgences ... we should make every effort count! 
  • Because in the end, there are but two kingdoms we can choose to partake in, two standards which we can choose one to bear. The first the standard of a tyrannical and ruthless kingdom akin to Babylon, with a merciless King and war and endless suffering, or the second akin to a Eternal “Jerusalem” where by the merciful and loving King, Our Lord Jesus Christ, rules with love and true mercy. Which standard do you choose to bear?"
  • Fr then ended the Homily by praying a Hail Mary, a "t"radition I have witnessed enough at the Latin Mass, though this is not something that is forced upon priests to perform as part of the liturgy of the Latin Mass. 

As for the rest of the liturgy, despite a few cues here and there for the new clergymen, and this author's usual nerves, the Mass was carried out with beauty and solemnity in my Archdiocese of Toronto that fall day. The rest of the servers carried out their roles proficiently, and all present walked away after the Mass peaceful in our hearts and souls. 

As an added bonus for the souls of the faithful present, prior to the exit procession, Fr. Asch knelt down before the foot of the altar, to recite the beautiful prayer of the Act of Dedication of the Human Race to Jesus Christ King (Iesu dulcissime, Redemptor.) This prayer, when said publicly on the Feast 
of the Christ the King, grants the souls present a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions: Sacrament of confession, communion, and prayers for the Holy Father`s intentions (minimum 1x Our Father and 1x Hail Mary) within 20 days of the indulgenced act (see general conditions, "The Gift of the Indulgenced Act").
Exit procession of the servers and the clergy. 

In attendance was about 100 strong, in a Church containing a pew capacity of maybe 400-500, with what was likely a number of local parishioners of the parish, as well as experienced Latin Mass attendees, based on the number of mantillas I witnessed in the pews from the altar. 

Many thanks is given to all those involved in the planning and partaking of this liturgy, and even to those laymen who graciously assisted with the collection (Thank you, Ramon and Anthony,) but especially to those deacons, the deacon in formation (our thurifer above), and the seminarians who were present in choir. Your presence is a God-send and a ray of hope for the future of the Church, and in the promotion of sacredness in the Liturgy via your interest in the Latin Mass. Thanks is also given to the pastor of St. Edward, "Fr. Pat," who graciously allowed this offering to occur in the parish that afternoon, and for providing confessions to those souls who needed the Sacrament of God's infinite Mercy and Love.  

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

* Let me state for the record that this is NOT unusual, in the current state of the return of the Latin Mass, that competent laymen or future clergy who are Masters of Ceremonies, are providing direction to both serving and clergy. Worldwide, the number of competent priests knowledgeable in celebrating the EF, still needs to grow to a large enough number that they will be available to take on the bulk of the training of liturgical roles in the Latin Mass, in addition to their normal parish duties. In addition, it is a primary duty of the MC, to ensure that the liturgy is carried out properly and if necessary, to provide assistance and cues even in the liturgy, to see such a goal is carried out properly. As for the Archdiocese of Toronto, let it be stated that SPGC is NOT the only choir/lay initiative who is allowing for such MC/lay assistance in the training, preparation, and carrying out of the EF liturgy to be occurring in this manner. Let it be the Will of the Lord that one day, that the Church will once again have a plentiful number of competent priests who can be responsible for training in all aspects of the EF liturgy, though it should still be welcome that laymen will continue to take an active interest in the sacred liturgy of the EF, and have such knowledge to be able to assist priests in certain duties.  

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Hello everyone, 

It is my pleasure and honour, to promote the next Solemn Latin Mass being organized by the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under the esteemed direction of Surinder S. Mundra, professional choirmaster and organist. I also will be once again aiding the choir in a role of service to our Lord and His Sacred Heart upon His most holy altar. 

The details for this annual offering done by St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir in Toronto is as follows:

Monday, December 8, 2014 - Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir 

  • When: Friday June 12, 2015
  • Location? St. Paul's Basilica, Toronto, ON
  • Address?  83 Power Street, Toronto, ON
  • Start time? 7:30 pm
  • Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
  • Primary Contact/Inquiries for Choir & Serving: 416 731 4485.  
  • Parish Websites:
  • Parish Contact/Information: 416 364 7588
  • Facebook event page:
  • Poster: 

Please invite everyone you know to this Sacred and Holy event happening in one of the most beautiful parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto, with one of the most talented choirs this archdiocese has to offer. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Fall 2014 Special Offerings for Latin Masses and/or Solemnities (Sept-Dec 2014)

Hello Everyone.

Here is the current listing of non-regularly scheduled Latin Masses to occur in the Archdiocese of Toronto that are known to me via friends and/or social media. This is for September to December 2014.

No offerings occurred in this time period, save perhaps those affiliated with the Oratorians.


Tuesday, October  7 - Feast of our Lady of the Rosary & Commemoration of the Battle of Lepanto

Toronto Traditional Mass Society

Sunday, October 26, 2014 - Feast of Christ the King

St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (CONFIRMED as of the eve of Oct 22, 2014)

  • When: Sunday October 26, 2014
  • Location? St, Pius X Catholic Church 
  • Address?  2305 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON  
  • Start time? 330pm
  • Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
  • Primary Contact/Inquiries: 416 731 4485.  
  • Parish Websites:
  • Facebook event page:  Not Applicable
     November 2014
    Saturday November 1, 2014 - Solemnity of All Saints 

    Toronto Traditional Mass Society

    *** Monday, November 3, 2014 - Solemnity of All Souls

    Toronto Traditional Mass Society
    • When? Monday, November 3, 2014
    • What time? 7pm EST
    • Where: St. Pius X Catholic Church (Archdiocesan) 
    • Location: 2305 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON
    • Level of Mass: Sung Requiem Mass (A high mass with one priest, at the level of a Missa Cantata, though a requiem Mass)
    • Parish Websites:
    • Parish Contact Info: 416.767.1859    
    • TTMS contact info:
    • Facebook for TTMS:
    • Bulletin insert: Not available online. However paper copies are inserted into the bulletin at the Church advertising the Mass. 
    • Poster:

    *** Due to November 2 occurring on a Sunday, and being a lower class solemnity, the liturgy for All Souls becomes abrogated to the following day (Monday) after the Sunday. Also the black vestments required for this liturgy are not to be worn on Sundays anyways.

    December 2014

    Saturday December 6, 2014 (NOVUS ORDO) - Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. 

    St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

    " Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at or call 416-767-6451."

    Monday, December 8, 2014 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    1. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Toronto, ON, with the Assistance of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir 

    When: Monday December 8, 2014 
    Location? St, Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 
    Address?  72 Mansfield Ave. Toronto, ON  
    Start time? 7:00 pm
    Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
    Primary Contact/Inquiries for Choir: 416 731 4485.  
    Parish Website:
    Parish Contact/Information: 416 536 8195.



    Bulletin insert: [please see Nov 16, 23, OR 30 Bulletin for insert online.]

    Front Page Nov 30, 2014

     Nov 30, 2014. Advertisement is in upper right corner. 

    Also see the Archdiocese of Toronto website News and Events page under December 8, here:

    2. St. Joseph's Streetsville, Mississauga, ON, Possibly with the Toronto Traditional Mass Society???

    When: Monday December 8, 2014
    Location? St, Joseph's Catholic Church
    Address?  5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
    Start time? 7:00 pm
    Organizer???: Toronto Traditional Mass Society???
    Primary Contact/Inquiries for TTMS:
    Parish Website:
    Parish Contact/Information: 905 826 2766 or
    Facebook event page:  N/A

    Bulletin Announcement: (Select any of the ones for mid-end of November, 2014)

    3. Oratorians of St. Phillip Neri, Toronto, ON

    When: Monday December 8, 2014
    Location? Holy Family Catholic Church,
    Address?  1372 King Street West, Toronto, ON
    Start time? 6:00 pm
    Parish Website:
    Parish Contact/Information: 416 532 2879
    Facebook event page:  N/A
    Poster: N/A
    Bulletin Annoucements: (See Nov 30, 2014.)

    Updated: December 03, 2014

    Wednesday, 23 October 2013


    Hello everyone,

    Here is a reminder for an upcoming Solemn Latin Mass in our diocese:

    The St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir is holding a Solemn Latin Mass at the Newman Center's St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, this coming Sunday, Oct 27th, at 3:15pm.

    More details and information are provided here:

    CRITICAL NOTE: This Mass occurs on the Sunday and WILL fulfill your Sunday obligation to attend a valid and licit Catholic Mass (Liturgy). You do NOT NEED to attend another Catholic Mass that day if you attend the Latin Mass. 
    • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at the Newman Centre at University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

    There are also other offerings for special Solemn Masses after the St. Patrick's ones listed here:

    Pax Tibi Christi, Julian.

    Friday, 20 September 2013

    ANNONCEMENT: Next Servimus Unum Deum Serving Group Practice - Saturday Sept 28 @ 630 PM St. Pat`s Toronto

    Hello everyone.

    The next practice for the Servimus Unum Deum Latin Mass serving group will take place next Saturday, September 28, 2013 @ 630pm, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church.

    The church is located at 131 McCaul Street, Toronto, near Dundas St. W. and University Avenue, downtown. The closest subway station is St. Patrick's station. You get off at St. Patrick's, West side, go west on Dundas St. W 3 blocks towards the "Village by the Grange" and past a police station, and then turn right onto McCaul St.

    The focus of the practice is the Solemn Latin Mass, as there will be upcoming Masses in the Archdiocese that will be of the Solemn/Missa Solemnis level. Please confirm your attendance, and should the church be locked at or after 630pm, please call my cell number provided on the attached poster for this practice.

    Please attend this practice, especially if you are interested in serving for the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir Solemn Latin Mass to take place on the last Sunday of October, for their annual Christ the King Mass.

    In addition, if there is a young man, or another practicing Catholic gentleman in your life, whom you think would be interested, please pass along this information and the poster to them, or your parish, and have them contact me through my e-mail and/or my number provided in the poster.

    Thank you, and Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.


    Saturday, 1 June 2013


    Hello everyone. 

    A Solemn Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be occuring this Friday, June 7, 2013, at 7pm, in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The details of the Mass are As follows:

      • 7:00 pm start time
      • Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON
      • Address: 2210 Lawrence Avenue East. (Kennedy Rd. and Lawrence Ave. E.)
      • Parish Website:
      • Parish Contact: (416) 759-9359
      • Parish EmailStLawrence_Martyr@Rogers.Com
      • Level of Mass: Missa Solemnis
      • Clergy:
        • Celebrant: Fr. Pilon (Jean-Pierre from Peterborough???)
        • Deacon: Fr. Steven Szakaczki, Latin Mass Chaplain of St. Lawrence Martyr
        • Sub-Deacon:  Fr. Russell Asch
      • Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
      • SPGC Facebook Page:
      • Contact for SPGC: 416 731 4485 
      • Poster

    All efforts of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite are worth supporting in our archdiocese, and are deserving of coverage, especially as this is the Year of Faith, and a vital part of the New Evangelization!

    All are welcome to worship the Lord, in the midst of beautiful reverence and solemnity that is contained within the Latin Mass. PLEASE pass this posting onto friends and family and positively spread the word of this Solemn Latin Mass.

    Pax, Julian. 

    Thursday, 30 May 2013

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Practice for Latin Mass Serving Group Announcement for May

    Hello Everyone,

    In case some of you were questioning what happened to the monthly practice over the last two months, simple explanations:

    1) March: The last friday of the month was Good Friday. 'Nuff said.

    2) April: Quite frankly I was caught up in my work priorities and other things in my personal life and needed to step back a bit from Latin Mass stuff. I was also quite exhausted thanks to said other issues. Nothing like a part time job at all hours with requests for help to wear you out.

    So no, to those who think it has tanked and died, WRONG! The group is back on, and will be having a practice tomorrow, May 31, at 8pm at St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON.  

    Where: St. Lawrence the Martyr, 2210 Lawrence Ave. E, Scarborough, ON. It is closest to St. Lawrence Ave. E + Kennedy Rd. TTC access via Kennedy Station 43/43B bus and a 10 min walk west on L.A.E.

    The focus of this practice will be the Solemn Latin Mass. We will be working in tandem with St. Lawrence the Martyr parish and the St. Patrick`s Gregorian Choir, as the next Solemn Latin Mass in the core of the Archdiocese of Toronto will be the evening of next Friday, June 7, at 7pm at St. Lawrence the Martyr. In this practice, roles will be assigned to servers who desire to serve the Solemn Mass. We will go through a run through of the serving portions of the Mass as a refresher to all who attend, but in addition to teach new roles to servers who are new to the Mass, or who have been "promoted" to a more demanding role in serving.

    The serving group is always looking for new servers! If you are an adult or young man who wants to start serving, please come to the practice and send me your contact information, both an e-mail AND a cell or home phone number (or that of your parents in addition to your own if you are a minor under 18) to I will also be forwarding your contact information to the organizers of the SPGC choir so they may contact you for further/future Masses and to know who will ACTUALLY be serving next friday. 

    In addition, if you want to do serving outside of the group, via a Latin Mass parish and/or a Solemn Latin Mass choir in the diocese as well. I will forward your information onto the organizers, or give you information for one of the Latin Mass parishes in the diocese. Please submit all information by e-mail, not by comment boxes (more for your privacy).

    Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.