Daf Yomi and Talmud Resources
All of Rabbi David Grossman's Gemora Shiurim. These shiurim were originally recorded on tapes and then encoded to mp3, wma and real audio files. The files were then resliced to one amud per file. http://www.dafyomi.org/download.php
Mirror to the above site: http://www.teachittome.com/index.php?Command=Class&ClassID=Daf
Yerushalmi Audio: http://www.yerushalmionline.org/audio.html
Daf Hayomi in yiddish on the phone: http://www.kolavrohom.com/index.asp
Various Daf Yomi links from Shema Yisrael Torah Network - http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/dafyomi/
Comprehensive listing: http://www.aishdas.org/torahnet/Talmud/Daf_Yomi/
Daf Yomi Podcasts from OU.ORG: http://ouradio.org/daf
The Internet Center for the Study of Talmud Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld - http://www.dafyomi.co.il/
Daily shiur by Rabbi Eli Mansoor, for those who like the daf with a Sephardic accent - http://www.dailygemara.com/
Know of any other resources not included in this list? Please post name and link below in the comments area and it will IY"H be added to the above list.
Mirror to the above site: http://www.teachittome.com/index.php?Command=Class&ClassID=Daf
Yerushalmi Audio: http://www.yerushalmionline.org/audio.html
Daf Hayomi in yiddish on the phone: http://www.kolavrohom.com/index.asp
Various Daf Yomi links from Shema Yisrael Torah Network - http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/dafyomi/
Comprehensive listing: http://www.aishdas.org/torahnet/Talmud/Daf_Yomi/
Daf Yomi Podcasts from OU.ORG: http://ouradio.org/daf
The Internet Center for the Study of Talmud Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld - http://www.dafyomi.co.il/
Daily shiur by Rabbi Eli Mansoor, for those who like the daf with a Sephardic accent - http://www.dailygemara.com/
Know of any other resources not included in this list? Please post name and link below in the comments area and it will IY"H be added to the above list.
Labels: Daf Yomi, Rabbi Eli Mansour, Talmud