Sunday, March 01, 2009

papas right big toe - an everyday story

Monday, a week ago, when going to work, papa did feel a tiny pain in his right big toe when putting on his shoes where they are ment to be: On his feet.
When returning from work, he took off his shoes and right socker: A tiny Blister.
Nothing more.
That will vanish as Raindrops in the Morning. Papa did think.
Hmmm, over the week, papa did walk like an old Man. Grrr - he dont't like that.

On Saturday, Papa bought Fish for Dinner. (Goosefish or also named Monkfish - very good but also very expensive.)

Sunday, the Sunshine were gone.
You can see from my Home Office Window.
See the Swedish Flag? Well, both Papa and Anna has Swedish blood. And this specific Flag was a gift from mr and mrs Lifecruiser (for Anna 3x20 Birthday)
But a Norwegian (Petter Northug - 3 Gold Medals) won the Gold Medal in Men's 50 km Cross Country Skiing. Sunshine for a Norwegian soul, in a way.

But the Right Big Toe? You see? On the left side.
It's more than Water in there and the sieze has more than fourfold in a Week. Papas shoes does not fit any longer.
Haha - You see how narrow we all are from beeing handicapped.

Papa must visit some medical expert on Monday.
Now it even hurts. Bang - bang
Age? Papa have no clue.
Have a great week and think positive

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Out of the Window

This the view from my Home Office in Oslo on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 at 8:30 PM.
Photo taken with a Nikon D60 SLR Camera. You might see me mirrored in the Window?
And the Snow outside? If you can not, click to enlarge. Then you will discover a 3-D effect, Even see some Art and Photos reflected.
You might ponder, why we do have a Swedish Flag in the Window?
(We are Norwegians, living in Norway)
It was a gift from Mrs Lifecruiser. To Anna's 3x20 celeb last Fall. In fact both me and Anna do have one set of Swedish Grandparents.

My last post was about the accident with my Working Glasses.
Luckely they were repaired yesterday - for about `£10 or $13.75.

Then I had to work. In front of my computer screen, which I could not see clearly at all for 3 days. Frustrating? Yeah.

But now I'm back. Ajour with work and can even take time to participate here at WW. Hurray.
(It's late - after 10 pm, so I can not visit to many WW participants this week. Pls excuse me)

Here you will find Wordless (more or less, like me) people from all over the World.
Join the excitement

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Miewee Mistmas

Mie have not been on the miurld miieewwd miet for a gaaasp. It's mienter and dark.
Felicia captured mieee Rosa. In front of miexmas tree
We will play miet the tree, miale our miumans maiaway -- purr puur.

Miahapi miixmas.

Rosa and Felicia

This is a tribute to both Cats on Tuesdays and Wordless Wednessday lovers from our Cats. I read all the comments for them. They sit listening and asking: Please show us on the Map where all these kind people are living. We have only, so far met, in person, a very few of them. Can you teach us to communicate the way you do papa? That would have been a gift out of this world.

Mieeaw for Meace:-))

PS. Links to the WW and COT from the Logo's on top.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Only one Day left: Anna 3x20

Most of the Guests are now presented.
But some is still missing. Right? Have you guessed who?

Here they are: Renny and Diane. Photo taken some years ago, at the banquette on an IT-seminar cruise between Oslo and Copenhagen. Renny was a speaker at that event.

You may recall all the fun we've had together - both in Norway and in Sweden - reflected on our blogs. Here they are in their leisure home in Mariestad, Sweden.
Anna is delighted to have them as her Guests.

The party will also - in a way - be our Silver Wedding Party for friends.

Here we are again more than 25 years ago - taken with self timer.

Stay tuned, we might dare to post something from the party as well.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's TORsday allready. Some call it TT Thursday
- I call it 2 days left to Anna's 3x20

(Norwegian recipes will continue next week's TORsday)

13 Necklaces - what more are you asking for? It's TT?

Ok- take a minute - if you can
- once upon a time a person said to me in a bar - that's Tuesday and Thursday.
- Why? I asked
- Because for me I can't hear or see the difference
- Why? I asked
- My English is bad , and the name of these days sounds so alike to me that I'll allways order a double -to be sure

What a far fetched digression. I must be stressed.
At least, the Family is agreed upon a Family Graveyard. Rubens name will appear under his garndpa's (my father's) name. That happend to Day. And the Date for the Urn Interment. Oct 22. And we will make a very special stone for him, among the Flowers befor the Stone.
"Ruben we miss you"

It's not far way from sadness to happiness. I do believe most of my readers do have experiences and do understand what I'm writing about.

Papa was asked: What's sexy about your Name? Test result here
Anna 3x20 - More guests? hm?

4) My Cousin Trygve. He is still younger than me. We grew up as neighbours. And still are - at our Summerhouses. And still younger - how come? LOL.

5) Here is Trygve's Wife. Anna did know her long before Trygve met his wife and I met Anna. Norway is a small Country - when talking about how rare we are.

6) Here is their daughter, Beate. We are Facebook friends. Her BD? Same weekend as Anna.

7) Some secrets guests. Warning: Don't give Anna a clue? (She must Dance with the both of them) - If not for Dinner. Who knows?

8-10) Missing: Not shy, but - not dressed properly. Or, is it as simply as this: Kiss me and I'll be your Prince. Papa must take care. Those Birds, you know, have allready whispered secrets songs - - - I think their names are beginning with: A-K, I and T.

Still miss someone? Hmm, papa must think. Maybe till Friday. But that's the limit, Deadline. Who could have missed in our guest pre presentation? Somebody important? Someone, you my dear might know - some bloggers perhaps?

OK - 10 on TT so far
+ 3 missing

Equals? 10 + 3
TT - hurray, it's 13 another TORsday.

Stay tuned. The Higlight for my bloggerfriends will be introduced - on Friday. In short. Or something.

Anna's 3x20:
I think you by now are a bit confused. At least I am. How many have I introduced so far?

Yesterday: 25
TORsday: 3 + 3
Total: 31

Stay tuned to the Grand Finale. Somebody you might know are on their way. They like to Cruise, as a hint. Hm, they are allready introduced, so who is missing?

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - and Anna is 3x20 on Saturday - who will arrive in time?

A man can be Wordless and speechless for so much. Specially on a Wordless Wednesday. I promise you.
Here for instance:
(Around the World in a sailboat)

Tore T will join the Party (My wife's 3x20 celeb on saturday, sept 20). You see the Flag? From RSA (Republic of South Africa). Will he arrive the Party with this Boat? Will he arrive in time? All the way to Norway. Stay tuned to the post events blog-posts.
(We have amateur Radio communications)
More Wordless Wednesday here (if you will comment on WW only)

The Guest list presentations have no end - so far:
The following photos are crops from old Photos, when they looked - well well . They are captured with a very primitive camera under certain bad light circumstances. Excuse me for this fact.
But - in some days, you will see them in much better quality (I hope).

Let me start with Goggen. He was a.o. responsable for the reconstruction of the Norwegian National Theatre after a fire there some years ago.

Then switch over to W H. After several years as purser, she needs to be private. LOL.

Here you have the Sportsman, Alv. If you see some bottles above him: It's pure Energy Drinks. May you ever think about something else. If you do, you have to meet me at Dawn Sunday Morning.

And here J H in a kind of Black and White. Excuse the Quality and lack of Colours. Must have been a power outage or something.

19 + 5 = 24. Will there be more guests?

Yeah, for sure:

Mr Jarle himself will attend. A Man of Matters for this Globe's challenges. (Photo from the Web)

So, we are now 25.
Can it still be more to come? Do you miss someone? Have papa overseen or forgotten some qualified persons?
Stay tuned. There might be some secret guests as well. May be someone you know about?
Any suggestions?

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cats on Tuesday September 16 - 2008 - What we worrie? Anna 3x20? 3 days left?

Our Cats have been observing papa's stress lately. And Anna's too. Job? Mienoo.
Then they realized it's not only because of the fact Stompa left on Sunday. He is now back in is own hunting fields and winter home.

They asked: Miuaahha Anna miew miew miew mienty? Miave myou minavated mius? Mionooo? Miatt miew miow miorry
Here are two more guests: (Don't tell Rosa and Felicia)

Photo taken from behind. Only some minutes away from where we will celebrate Anna's 3x20
(and also our Silver Wedding - which in fact was on Dec 3 last year, in Buenos Aires).
Who are they? Secret? No it's Tone and Walter. Looking southwards Oslofjord.

Here you see Walter. He is an Art Photographer. Several separate exhibitions in Photo Galleries around Europe. This is one of the few Photos of him. Every photographer knows about that.

How many Guests have you been presented to so far?
hm, let me think, ask Rosa and Felicia and Calculate.
17 + 2 = Meowneteen ( 19 if you would have it up front - or nitten as the Vikings said)

Will there be more Guests to come?
Don't worry. Papa believes he has allmost everything under control.
--- shit - where did I put the Guest list (not to speak about who will stay in which room?)
- will there be any crises?. Will Papa be capable to reconstruct the Guest list? And the Room List?

Stay tuned to this Drama. More to come....

Peder Fur is back.
We have not seen him for more than 6 weeks. He his not our Cat, but my regular readers knows he has been a trusted visitor here at our Summerhouse for the past 6 years.

Peder has not forgotten where to find food. Click on the Photos to enlarge. It's an option you have. By free will. And if you have time to spare.

Oh, he was hungry

But, It looks like he has had a good time. Here with us as well. Lot's of Cat Food to choose among. Mioooho, Mio Mielike

Welcome Back Peder Fur - Peder Pels.
You can meet Fellow Cats here on COT.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday or is it Moonday? only 4 days left to Anna's 3x20 BD

It's Monday - evening. We did also expect a Sunshine Monday (Moonday). But no, not at all, did we see the Sun... NO but...

-- repeat: But it's only some Days after full Moon - voovooooovoohhooo.
So I will present an unforgetable view.

Picture taken in Valle de la Luna (1995) - Moon Vally, in the Atacama Desert in Chile. NASA did test some of their Lunar/March vehicules here. Driest place on Earth just around the Corner. We were not alone to photograph this magic moment---

The good thing is: After a couple of weeks with clouds and grey sky, it will be a Sunny weekend to come. Sure. We have ordered and expects what is promised - at least Papa has promised: Indian Summer.

Only 4 days left to Anna's tripple twentieth Birthday. Wow.
I've had a hard Day. One thing is my regular, and new very positive and challenging new job. And my treatment given by my Chiropractor - OMG - it helps. Another thing is late minutes changes for something people have known for half a year: Anna's BD and the Fact we did have to reserve hotel rooms. etc etc. Even taken economic riscs. But you know Papa. He fixes the most. To the benefit of good relationship. But it takes time. Unplanned time.
Do not miss this. Where we are going to celebrate Anna's 3x20 years here:. It's so - find your own words.

At the end of the Day:
Who are then coming?

My childhood friend and his charmante lady - Frode and Astrid.
Photo taken on a happy event on our Summerhouse Platform - when was that? Some minutes or years ago? Natural action. As we looks like when talking and relaxing.

And, Niklas. The Man of all Trades. Here with his sister in our Winterhome Kitchen- the 3x20 events Toastmaster. Taken just after 9 pm. Preparing for Christmas. Nice "kids", they are - so says Papa.

Hmm - how many guests so far?
oh- yeah 14 + 3 = 17.

May it be more guests?
Who knows. So, stay tuned. It's more to come about this very special event. In fact, It's a once in a lifetime Event.

PS. Only a few Days left to present our guests. May I reach to do that? Have I forgotten someone or do miss photos or may some Photos be in a state not to be posted? Who knows.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

What does my blog's name mean?

It seems to be tests and all kind of the meaning of this and that to be found on WWW. Found this on Expat Travelers blog.
Even my blog-name has a meaning. You can test the meaning of your own blogname - or real name if you dare. Go here. Take the test before you look up my result.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meeting Cats on a Michigan Farm

I was given a very special AWARD and a ditto CHALLENGE

My dear readers do know I have a certain ability to meet and miueew with Cats wherever I go.
I know their distinct language. What we talk about? Not what most humans think: It's all about Food. Give me food.
On the contridary. Cat's are way too much intelligent to such a primitive conversation. And do not forget, they can feed them self from Natures own Larder. More than urbanized humans.

My daughter in law, got a horse a year ago. A dream for her when she celeb's her 30 BD. Her beautiful horse is taken very well care of at a Farm, about 20 minutes drive away from where they live. I had to see her horse, of course (that will be another reportage).

But, what is a farm without (a White) Cat? Crossing power cords - miueew - have to check if everything is in proper order.

I have my servants. It's a part of Family Traditions and how to grow up on a real
Michigan Farm):
"I check the power. You can relaxe (as allways you oldie)" - Miiehaa

Believe it or not: This is Ost and Moo's mother. She was only 8-9 months old when she was pregnant. Tiny, beautiful and very sociable. Miueeaawafarm. Which of course means, I live on the Farm and take good care of L's horse. Can't you see my will and Strengt? By the way, nice of you to visit me here, all the way from Norway. Your Son has told me so much about your's and other cats over the Pond. Seems they have a great life. Miuehurray

More Cats here Hi, if you do not love Cats, you can still read funny stories. Or?

And, if interested, you can learn something from this site:
Myth or? At least, you'll got rid of something you "thought" about Cats. Dare you click to hear the Miewww?

ps. still fever. my nose got a new name: Niagra Falls. I would have been a premium advertiser for tissues and Kleenex etc. So have me excused for not commenting. Miueew

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Papa went Downtown Oslo and met friends on a TORsday

My dear readers knows I live in Oslo. But I are not often in Down Town Oslo, with all the entertainment this city/town of 550 thousand people offers. There is far more cafe/restaurant seats than elsewhere around the Globe per capita. Surprised? I think so. Don't be ashamed. You are not alone.
And Oslo is among the fastest growing cities in Europe. Just now. We have 4 seasons and mild Winters. Alpine slopes 20 minutes by metro up to the Hills. We can Swim in the Fiord during Summer. Art, Museums, Nature is also of course right outside. What more do you want? Golf? Horseriding, Bird watching, Canoing, cross country skiing/biking, Fishing, walking, Hiking, Art Galleries, Beaches, Viking history... come on tell me. I'm here too. LOL.

Friends. To share. To talk and listen. Enjoy - life.

I did this TORsday afternoon and evening. Planned before Vacation. The meeting.

Here we are at the first outdoor cafe were we met. You might know the person to the left? But who is in between the bloggers you might know?

Another view from "Stortorgets Gjestegiveri - The Back Yard. Charming 1700 century style.

Then we went another Place. Old buildings. Are we so old we can't go to a modern designed outdoor Cafe? The answere is easy. We wanted to talk, talk and talk. The modern cafes have to loud Music for us to have a great and memorable conversastion.

On our way to the new (old place) - we passed this outdoor cafe. 350 years old buildings around.

And right across, on the same Plaze - a sculpture - A Glove with running Water.

Here the 3 youngster are giving a Toast to the World of Bloggers.
We are in fact sitting in the Backyard of what was Oslo Town Hall for many decades. Very relaxing environments. We had Fish Soup for Dinner. Delicious. With Bread and Cold pressed Olive Oil spread directly on our slices of Bread.

What a wonderful evening with special and good friends in downtown Oslo (Norway).

More to come from my journey to USA and Sweden, so stay tuned for more fun and experiences.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday Night Teaser - Channel Swimming with bikinis, dancing, dinner

Who but Anna and Diane are Dancing?
Friday Afternoon we went to a very special FESTIVAL here in Mariestad. Wordless. OK?

Saturday, we went to the Yearly Goeta Canal Swimming Contest. What a Blast. Here is teaser Photos of what later will appear here at this very Blog. Boats, people and competitors all ages.:

A glimpse of our Saturday Dinner:

It's more to come, when we are back in our Summer Home...
.. so stay tuned;-))

You might find more from these excellent days here: RenneyBA and DianeCA

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - July 23

More Wordless People here.

(PS - Visiting blogger Friends abroad - Here they are: Man and here Woman)

More to come.... from the Nordics

Next Nobel Peace Price Winner?
Peace starts or end at home - Right?

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