Sunday, March 08, 2009

A - Sunday - Papa take an A Challenge

Well, this is a challenge from Petunia in Norway. Our own Country.

This week it's A.

And I could not resist: 3x20 Anna

More A'¨s here. At Petunias blog (Norwegian language)

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Oslo February 27 - 2009

I did start working from my Home Office this Friday.
Looked out of the Window - Sun from a more or less clear Sky.

I thought, that you my dear reader should, for once, experience some of the views I do have between Home and Office.

Today, it was mild, blue Sky but still Ice in th Container Harbour

It is years ago since we had that much Ice in the Oslo Harbour.

Here it's how it did look like in Autumn/Fall of 2008.
And here is something very different from our Planet Earth (Mrs Lifecruiser)

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Star - Moon and Sunset over Oslo

I returned back home from work some minutes after 6 pm local Oslo (Norway) time.
--- You must click on the Photo;)) Did you read and understood? Click on the Photo. Now.

Had to stop on the parking lot for Guests to take a picture.
With my Under Water Camera. But I'm sure you have the time to enlarge the Photo to see the beauty - Sirius is the Star, Luna (the Moon) you have to enlarge to find, and the extrodinary sky. What a wonderful end of a hard working Day.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

PhotoHunt -Feb 7 - 2009 - Bridge(s)

Hello all PH friends, I did avoid playing Bridge this weekend. My stock of Cards remains in the Summerhouse. LOL.
In fact, I spent my time to find some Bridges from here and there in my different files on my computer storages (yes. I have several) .
Alle the photos in this post are taken by me or Anna.

(Yeah, we have crossed this famous bridge - photo taken by Anna)

Bridge for me means building/creating connection. From end to end.
I ended up with physical connections. Some very old.
Please take your time, even this is a Photo Hunt. You can learn something that most of your friends and neighbours did not know. By clicking on the Links given. You have the whole Weekend. To enjoy. Your comment will be of less value than your curiousty to learn more.

The first one is very old, build by the Romans. Le Pont du Gard. In Southern France. Orginally it was a Water Bridge, but also for people and horses to cross over the River Gard. Yeah. The Water canal is on the top. Suplying stabel fresh water to the crops year around.
Anna is there. How come?

And here too, Anna.
This is the Bridge to the Bath in one of the most renowned fiords in the World:
Geiranger Fiord. During the very short Summer season, more than a hundred Cruise ships do visit each year

This Stone Bridge is not that far away from the Photo above. With other words, it's from Norway. All the Stones are locally picked and shaped. Several hundred years ago.
I'm amazed by the effort and planning and will to build a Bridge like this, you can see the local stones at the Riverside. They, who build the Bridge had to, and did find the right stones. Impressing.

Can you see Anna? Click to see the spectacular Mountains in the background. There is a peak, that are next to unclimbable.

From Mountains in Norway to New Holland, Dutch Village, in Michigan, USA. Here you see a fishing enthusiast fishing from a tiny Bridge.

Well, going into the Nature is not allways easy for People who are dependent on Wheel Chairs. This is from the Music and Instrument Museum at Ringve in Norway. A Bridge to the Museum.
OMG. It seems like Anna has been there as well. Can you please join my next Bridge, which is on the intellectual side:
And interview with Mrs Lifecruiser .
Then Mrs lifecruisers's blog about the interview .
We have created bridges across borders.

More Bridges here at Photo Hunters.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - December 3 - 2008

Sunset December 3- at 3pm - Oslo Norway - Photo taken from our Balcony.
I advice you click on the Photo to really imagine the Beauty.
It's less than 3 weeks before the Sun once again will rise on the Horizen.
Some Days before X-Mas. Jul - Jol - Joli (check out on Google)
More WW's here

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - October 8 - 2008

UPdate - Flash - Important positive News - Oct 9-2008

Ingelin is 11/20 on October 9 - 2008 -
Happy BD - say it here on her FB
BD grats: - and celebrate my darling daughter.
Here she is in Buenos Aires, December 2007. She came down from Miami to join our Silver Wedding. Just now, she is in Hong Kong. The World is small for Ingelin.

Wellcome to a Wordless view of Filtvet Light House in the Oslofjord in Norway.

It was a Sunny Monday - Sept 22-2008. And you might see our beloved bloggerfriend on the Picture. My regular readers might have a clue. But click on the link and be surprised.

This is inside the Light House

Use your translation software to learn more about this Light House and the Penninsula where we live during the short, but magnificiant Nordic Summer

More Wordless bloggers (can bloggers be Wordless) here

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Autumn in Southern Norway

Fall report from Norway
This last week: Raining and raining and raining
This Friday - 20 minutes without rain.
We went shopping.

On the Road between our summerhome - 12 minutes or so, it's lots of nature and history.
Believe it or not, what you here see is a dam - a pound - from which Ice was exported to Denmark, Holland and UK. An industry that lasted for some hundreds years. Before the modern fridges. Hundreds lost their jobs. Time changes. Even bloggers.

This is what we see, when we drive to the nearest "Shopping Mall". It's Autumn. Silence. Colours. Change.

I did think you might be interested to see what the nature looks like, in this season here at 60 degrees North. Southward view. 8 minutes from our Summer Home.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday on the Platform

It's hard to believe, Sunday a week ago:

Look who were here at our Summerhouse platform - Marjolein - Mrs Lifecruiser - RennyBA - Mr Lifecruiser - Anna (behind unseen: Wim) and DianeCA

We had a good conversation the day after 3x20

And could still smile and laugh like Diane - and Wim had a Cigar. And Papa? He took the Photos.

Farewell to our dear friends from Holland and Diane and the Driver (RennyBA of course)

What then to do but exploring the Norwegian Jungle - Mrs and Mr Lifecruiser on a new expedition into the unknown

... and relaxed and enjoyed the Sunshine after a rough time into Norwegian wilderness. LOL.

A week have passed. We have lot's of exciting memories given from Anna's precious and wonderful guests. We will allways remember.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Friday - 4th of July

It's stunning hot for us Vikings here at the Summerhouse Platform. Click to see how hot it is. (101 F)

Just look at the Thermometre. Can you believe this is in Norway at almost 60 degrees North?
Well, there is a little lie here. The Thermometer had some direct Sunlight 5 minutes before the Photo was taken.
The temperature in the Shadow was 31 C ( 88 F) just 15 minutes ago.
What to wear? Ha-ha - no Fashion Show needed. Only cold, fresh water for an open air shower every ten minutes.
The cats - they stay in the Shadow. Minimal action. Like us.

May you all have a stunning weekend and for those of you living in US: Have a great 4th of July

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Papa, Cats, Friends and Secrets - a midsummer walk around


Papa's World Peacock -haha

It's so easy. Just have a Cellphone call with Ingelin in Hong Kong (Midnight in HK - 6 pm here in Norway)), having and SMS from Niklas when now in Denmark on Vacation wirh Seb, calling my cousin in T B and planning wirh my 3rd cousin in CA and my son in MI to plan for firts weeks of August. Then also planning for - noooo, it cany be true: Ruben. His Graveyard Stone. Papa, be brave, can you please.

Happy Days. Anna in Hong Kong with hommes de la France . I think: what a tremedous time Annea had.' Not to speak about the men - hahaAm I jeaulouse - not at all - why? It's all about respect. And indivuals that do not accept respect - well their way of "doing it" it means and result in killing for what they do not like to hear or respect.

I took this photo Tuesday Morinng. To show you it's a good idea to walk for 12 minutes instead of driving for 5 minutes (takes times to the garages ---?)

Fvirst - If you want to see Rosa on this Weeks Cats on Tuesday (only one photo) then click here - very charming I must say.
Papa, hehe, he is still confused. Why? Nobody - no person dare do use this wonderful placeto sitn down and haha - live.

See- What a positive surprise

My good old friend Walter, knocked on my door, bringing his daughter and her man, to our tiny Summer Home. That was wonderful and pleasent surprise. Walter, the youngster to the right - well - born 1935. Now - pro photographer.Let me be serious - at least that's what - haha - I will tell and show you.

This is what I have to see, during my 15 minutes walk from our Winterhome to my official Office. Montana?
It's in Oslo

e can take a look in our Garden.

See what I have to pass
Blåklokker- Bluebells -so charming

Did had I do not want to show you: My Cellphone Bill - Calling H K and MI and CA etc-- n
Well, this photo was taken in Oslo - 750 meters south from our Winter home. This Summer evening.
Have a great time to come.
Montana? Yeah the last photo --- I say nor more

PS. Anna will be back and - ha ha - we might have some time secret. Z What I mean?

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Papa left alone - or?

Anna is in Hong Kong.
(Click all photos to see the fabulous details)

No doubt, she is there.

Visiting Ingelin with A-L. Here they are all three of them. Dinner I presume?
(Photos received Friday morning)

I'm in the Summerhouse in inner Oslofiord, Norway, with two pregnant Cats.

So what do I do besides feeding the mothers to be?
Blogging? Reading? Eating? Nothing?
Well, my dear readers allready do know the one and only
RennyBA did visit me. I picked him up from a meeting not vey far from where I did work on Thursday and we went out to our Summerhouse. Some shopping of course had to be done. Quickly. Food and beverages. Oh, men are men. LOL.

Then we sat down talking and talking for hours on the Platform.

Suddenly Renny got the idea of showing his dear readers the old childhood tradition of treading wild Strawberries on a straw. Here you see Renny at work and dreaming back to childhood.

We allmost forget to make dinner - men you know. Typical. Talking too much. LOL.

Renny had Baked Turkey and I Baked Cod, both with Cheese inside. I did make some wok-like fruit and vegetable and herbs as sidedish. (Tomatoes, Pepperfruits, habaneras, chilis, bananas, apples, herbes, desalted Soya sauce, virgin olive oil, pine seeds etc - all chopped and heated in the Pan).

After dinner we climbed to the top of the estate. It was after 10 pm. To have a look at the spectacular scenery - Islands - Hills - Oslofjord - Villages - the Norwegian Summer Night - Vegetation - Nature . (The Summerhouse is right down under behind Renny - it's to steep to climb right up, so we needed to attack the top from around and back - even then steep)
As you can see.: The Sun are still shining on the Village in the background (Dröbak as presented on Cybercruise last year)

Then we went bakc through the Jungle in the tiny Vally just behind our Summerhome. Here you see Renny taking photos of the waterfalls in the tiny creek.

On Friday, we did wake up early. For Breakfast and waiting for our parabol to be installed.
We have had no TV for 6 weeks due to the implementation of the digital TV-network here in Norway.

The young man was very serviceminded and did his job quickly. Down under is Tomatoes and Pepper (Paprika) plants.

We now have about 55 TV- Channels. From different nations and languages. It's lot's more than I can cope with. It's sure something for everybody. Even a Channel that only shows Poker. That one will not be my favourite. I don't gamble.

(Renny had to leave by bus from our Summerhouse to Oslo (about 75 minutes). And later this Friday he and his lovely American Wife, Diane, went to Mariestad. We (Anna and me will join them there in the last half of July, before I go to visit our Son in Michigan and around)).

PS. Talking about gambling. Last Saturday it was a quizz program on the local Radio Station. Haha - I had my lap-top ready and did google-search for each question. Then I called the radio station. For each correct answer I received a "Ticket" and at 1:30 am it was time for drawing.

I did win a scratch lottery ticket, which I did receive in the mail box on TORsday.
After scratching, result: 2 x 5 USD. ( 2 x 25 NOK). Hurray.

Have a splendid and marvellouse Weekend everybody.
Hugs from
two Cats and Papa in the Summerhouse

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

I have a visitor

Believe it or not.
You know we are busy people.
But this afternoon and evening:
We met: RennyBA and me.

Our Summerhouse of course.
When our ladies were at work or vacation.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Regatta in Oslofjord - Friday, June 13 - 2008

The most popular Regatta in the Nordic Countries started just after the WW II. With a few boats in an overnight regatta from Oslo (Capital of Norway) to the the beginning of the fiord at the Faerder Light House and returning back to Oslo. A distantance of 2x100 km ( about 130 miles all in all). To Day, it's some miles shorter, in order to let all kinds of sailboats (no use of "motors" alowed") to be able to compete and participate. No matter of professionalisme in the skill of sailing
This year it was about 1200 boats in the race.

On our way back to our Summerhome, I did take some photos, not with my best Camera, but I hope you will have a clue. (This from the inner Oslofjord)
OK, then - it's enlarged here (You'll also see the Hills North of downtown Oslo in the Background)
Even more here. U Z? Can you count how many? They all have to sail during the Night.
Here they are - some of the boats - in the midle of inner Oslofjord- Allready a distance between the best in their class and the leisure sailors

Click to enlarge. It's hundreds heading south out of the fiord

Have a great weekend. Respect and love all your dearest incl cyberfriends.
Again thanks for all kind comments, private letters etc regarding our loss.

hugs to all of you

PS. I still have problems to comment and visit you all. Excuse me for that fact. I'm coming back. Believe me.

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